• 西-潘凭借《米尔克》获得第二个奥斯卡最佳男主角奖。

    Sean Penn has his second best-actor Academy Award with his win in the title role of "Milk."


  • 来自汉普郡林顿市一对双胞胎·佩顿斯图亚特·佩顿,种出很多个巨型大南瓜

    Ian and Stuart Paton, a pair of pumpkin-growing twin brothers, have grown some of the mammoth pumpkins in Pennington, Hampshire.


  • 斯嘉丽·第一次相识2010年。当年1月,加勒比海地区发生了场地震,斯嘉丽想去帮助当地难民

    Scarlett and Sean first became friends when she was planning to fly out to Haiti to help victims of the two earthquakes which hit the Caribbean nation in January 2010.


  • 幸运偶遇了邻居,克里斯·,埃米利奥·埃斯特乌兹,以及查理·兄弟他们大部分通过积极热情地学习演技来维持生活的稳定。

    He had the good luck to fall in with neighbors Sean and Chris Penn, Emilio Estevez and brother Charlie Sheen as they (mostly) steadied their lives by ardently learning the actors’ craft and trade.


  • 幸运偶遇了邻居,克里斯·,埃米利奥·埃斯特乌兹,以及查理·兄弟他们大部分通过积极热情地学习演技来维持生活的稳定。

    He had the good luck to fall in with neighbors Sean and Chris Penn, Emilio Estevez and brother Charlie Sheen as they (mostly) steadied their lives by ardently learning the actors' craft and trade.


  • 艾森豪威尔时代韦科快乐成长留在了杰克西扮演)记忆中,杰克是一名建筑师困在贪婪玻璃摩天大厦围成世界里,而这些大厦可能就是他帮助建造的。

    The joys of growing up in Waco, Texas, during the Eisenhower era are remembered by Jack (Sean Penn), an architect trapped in a world of greed and glass skyscrapers that he probably helped to build.


  • 斯嘉丽去年宣布丈夫瑞安·雷诺兹分居,打算结束婚姻据传这次斯嘉丽·爱的死去活来的,她想要全世界知道他们一起了。

    Scarlett - who announced her separation from husband Ryan Reynolds last year after two years of marriage - is allegedly completely smitten with Sean and wants everyone to know they are dating.


  • 今后会和西共同出演梦幻舞台剧《生命之树》,预计将于今年秋天首演。

    He will next be seen starring alongside Sean Penn in fantasy drama Tree of Life, slated for release this autumn.


  • 我们可以发自肺腑地理解哈姆雷特罗密欧,迪波尔特,赫克·(顽童历险记主人公)抑或是彼得困境还记得我自己挥舞着剑指着赫克·芬,我真切地感受到我就是

    We have less trouble following Hamlet's dilemma viscerally or Romeo's or Tybalt or Huck Finn or Peter Pan - I remember holding that sword up to Hook - I felt like him.


  • 参展影片纪录片《布什脑袋》(的是顾问卡尔·洛夫),也有根据真实事件改编的由西·娜奥米·沃茨担纲主演刺杀尼克松》。

    Among the festival screenings were the documentary Bush's Brain (about adviser Karl Rove) and a fact-based drama, the Assassination of Richard Nixon, starring Sean Penn and Naomi Watts.


  • 他们知道即使他们的作品最终没有像乔治·克鲁尼,杰克·格兰哈尔或者西这样的大明星演出,他们仍然获得了认同的机会,并且融入电影制作这个大的食物链中。

    They know that even if their words aren't ultimately uttered by Clooney, Gyllenhaal or Penn, the recognition alone will propel them up the film-making food chain.


  • 西宣判入狱60,但监狱里呆了不到30天。

    Penn was sentenced to 60 days in jail; he served roughly half that time.


  • 尽管道琼斯有和两个可能的买家——超市业大亨·伯克尔,以及互联网企业家布拉德·格林斯(BradGreenspan)有过对话——它好像仅仅走走过场罢了。

    Although Dow Jones did hold talks with two possible bidders-ron Burkle, a supermarket billionaire, and Brad Greenspan, an Internet entrepreneur-it only seemed to be going through the motions.


  • 好莱坞演员肖·麦当娜有关婚姻离婚后又演员罗宾·怀特结了育有两个孩子19Dylan17岁Hopper

    Sean was previously married to Madonna, while his divorce from actress Robin Wright - mother of his two children Dylan, 19, and Hopper, 17 - was finalised in July 2010 after 14 years of marriage.


  • 戈登公司Panmure Gordon)的巴里(Barrie Cornes)称,完成了公司首次公开募股计划可能收购1993年2003年担任首席执行官的保诚保险公司亚洲分部。

    After completing the firm’s planned IPO, Tucker may bid for Prudential Asia Corp., the unit he ran from 1993 to 2003, according to Panmure Gordon &Co.’s Barrie Cornes.


  • 如果高盛亏损而不是获利布兰克·费花旗老板伟迪(Vikram Pandit)那样人同情然后被忽视

    If only Goldman Sachs had made losses instead of profits, Mr Blankfein would have been pitied and then ignored, like Citigroup's boss, Vikram Pandit.


  • 今年获奖影片《生命之树》史诗级别的电影。 他由布拉德.皮特西.领衔主演讲述的是上世纪五十年代的故事。

    This year's winning film, a 1950s-set drama starring Brad Pitt and Sean Penn, is on an epic scale.


  • 星团海军以及多同同盟舰队作战全无胜算的情况下,依然拒绝投降

    He refused to surrender even when the odds were against him in his engagements with the Hapan navy in the Hapes Cluster and the Alliance Fleet at Endor.


  • 托拉人设计以伊·麦凯格《星球大战:第一》绘制的蓝皮肤议员概念为基础

    The design of the Pantoran was based on an Iain McCaig concept illustration of a blue-skinned Senator created for Episode I.


  • -斯普林斯公司老总戴维-麦克卡莫看到这个结论时说:“只能很多小伙子可能太过随便随性。”

    "I would say a lot of young men are being careless and reckless maybe, " said Palm Springs business owner David McCammon when reacting to the results of the study.


  • 西·大概成为明星“老小恋”中的一员,记者爆料娜塔莉·波特曼正在来往。

    Sean Penn may have joined the list of celebrity cradle-snatchers amid reports linking him to Natalie Portman.


  • 开心,也很激动,因为西·和加斯··桑特都偶像,能跟他们一起共事很激动。

    JF: So, you know, it was amazing, it's very excied, Sean Penn, Gus van Sant, you know, they're idols of mine, I was very excited to work on it.


  • 开心,也很激动,因为西·和加斯··桑特都偶像,能跟他们一起共事很激动。

    JF: So, you know, it was amazing, it's very excied, Sean Penn, Gus van Sant, you know, they're idols of mine, I was very excited to work on it.


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