• 承认失败保证恢复履行过往承诺当务之急

    An admission of failure and a pledge to restore past promises is urgently needed.


  • 所有竞选者都表示长远来看,美国世界地位依赖经济实力一些人承认恢复经济,就要缩减军事支出。

    All the candidates say that in the long run America's standing in the world will depend on the power of its economy, and some accept that to restore the economy it will have to spend less on defence.


  • 贝卢斯科尼也几乎承认了这一点,近期宣布:“我们需要努力重振消费需求人们需要恢复他们生活方式。”

    We need to try to revive consumption. People should go back to their previous lifestyles, ” he declared recently.


  • 贝卢斯科尼也几乎承认了这一点,近期宣布:“我们需要努力重振消费需求人们需要恢复他们生活方式。”

    We need to try to revive consumption. People should go back to their previous lifestyles,” he declared recently.


  • 摩根·士丹利的Huw van Steenis现在越来越多银行承认恢复信心一次美国式的压力测试也许必须的。

    Huw van Steenis at Morgan Stanley says that more Banks now accept that an American-style stress test may be needed to restore confidence.


  • 对CNBC电视台说道:“飞机上依然有头等舱的位置,但是不像过去那么多了。”同时他承认国际航线业务持续低迷,但补充说道国内市场正在恢复

    The airline's international business continued to suffer, he conceded, but added that demand for air travel in the domestic market was recovering.


  • 恢复健康酗酒者承认一弱点以便自己防范

    Like a recovering alcoholic, he admits this frailty so that he can guard against it.


  • 尽管还有想去抵抗的冲动,但是她也承认一切已经恢复正常

    Though she had an indefinable urge to protest, she admitted that things had indeed returned to normal.


  • 如果我们不能成功恢复大多数欧元区基本元素健康危机将还出现一位高级欧洲官员承认

    "If we don't succeed in restoring sound fundamentals in most of the euro zone, this crisis will come back," admits a senior European politician.


  • 如果我们不能成功恢复大多数欧元区基本元素健康危机将还出现一位高级欧洲官员承认

    If we don’t succeed in restoring sound fundamentals in most of the euro zone, this crisis will come back,” admits a senior European politician.


  • 中国田径明星运动员刘翔承认脚筋损伤没有完全恢复仍然奥运会成功信心十足。

    China's star track athlete Liu Xiang has admitted he has not fully recovered from a hamstring injury, but says he is confident of Olympic success.


  • 今日西班牙社会承认他们应得尊重、确定他们权利恢复他门的尊严肯定他们的认同归还他们的自由

    Today the Spanish society grants them the respect they deserve, recognizes their rights, restores their dignity, affirms their identity, and restores their liberty.


  • 承认安慰那个较为年轻自己对于缓和痛苦那些伤口恢复以及找到健康爱情来源绝对必要的

    Acknowledging and comforting that younger self is absolutely essential to easing your pain, recovering from your wounds, and finding new sources of healthy love.


  • 不要期望一切即刻恢复原状。承认这一点:生理心理的复原需要时间

    Don't expect things to instantly restore themselves. Accept that restoration (both physical and emotional) takes time.


  • 第二世界大战结束中国收复南海诸岛恢复行使主权,世界上许多国家承认南海诸岛中国领土

    After the end of the Second World War, China recovered and resumed the exercise of sovereignty over Nanhai Zhudao. Many countries recognize that Nanhai Zhudao are part of China's territory.


  • 赛季赛程密集,但是范佩西承认现在恢复之前几年都更快更好

    Matches have arrived thick and fast already this season but Van Persie admits he is recovering quicker than he has done for years.


  • 他们承认,法案恢复人们对美国金融市场信心保护消费者刺激增长

    They also contend it will restore confidence in U. S. financial markets, protect consumers and spur growth.


  • 国民经济得到恢复以后一方面承认价值规律存在历史必然性一方面又企图超越价值规律。

    He admits the history certain ty in the law of value. On the other hand, however, he attempts to surmount the law of value again after the national economy gets the recovering.


  • 一些分析人士哈马斯提出30停火协议以换取以色列恢复1967年时的边界感到振奋,但是哈马斯对此从来没有给予永久承认

    Some analysts take heart from Hamas's offer of a 30-year truce if Israel returns to its 1967 borders. But it has never offered permanent recognition.


  • 尽管承认宝贵的上场时间有助于恢复但是温格担心这样仓促了。

    Though admitting valuable game time would aid his recovery, Wenger is wary of rushing him back too soon.


  • 沃尔科特雅典没有达到最佳状态赛后承认需要更多时间伤愈之后恢复到他的最佳状态。

    Walcott was not at his sharpest in Athens and admitted after the game that he needs more time to rediscover his best form after those injuries.


  • 整个恢复过程温格很支持这位年仅19岁的球员,并且承认拉姆必须克服心理身体双重障碍

    Wenger has supported the 19-year-old throughout his recovery and admits that Ramsey has had to overcome mental as well as physical obstacles.


  • 周六比赛前,法国人曾吉布斯唯一承认,如今没有球员伤病恢复过来。

    Ahead of the Premier League game on Saturday the Frenchman said Gibbs is his only fresh concern but admitted there will be no players returning from injury.


  • 周六比赛前,法国人曾吉布斯唯一承认,如今没有球员伤病恢复过来。

    Ahead of the Premier League game on Saturday the Frenchman said Gibbs is his only fresh concern but admitted there will be no players returning from injury.


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