• 恐怖主义的威胁吓跑了观光客

    Terrorist threats are driving away tourists.


  • 总统不会恐怖分子威胁答应他们的要求

    The President said he wouldn't be blackmailed into agreeing to the terrorists' demands.


  • 当今世界战争恐怖主义,经济危机大规模爆发传染性疾病威胁未知因素层出不穷,人类能否这样一个环境中享受和平生活

    Is it possible to enjoy a peaceful life in a world that is increasingly challenged by threats and uncertainties from wars, terrorism, economic crises and a widespread outbreak of infectious diseases?


  • 不幸是,我们很少有人拥有处理恐怖主义威胁经验所以很难了解到我们事实上应该如何应对

    Unfortunately, few of us have much experience dealing with the threat of terrorism, so it's been difficult to get facts about how we should respond.


  • 如今航空公司面临最大安全威胁可能不是持枪恐怖分子,而是商务手提电脑的人。

    The biggest safety threat facing airlines today may not be a terrorist with a gun, but the man with the portable computer in business class.


  • 伴随审判监禁多少恐怖威胁或者人质被征用

    How many terror threats or hostage takings might have accompanied his trial and incarceration?


  • 我们恢复行动包括重建一个可以恐怖威胁自然灾害面前更加安全和可靠的机构。

    Our recovery includes rebuilding an infrastructure that will be more secure and reliable in the face of terrorist threats and natural disasters.


  • 数年来美国援助也门问题上一直摇摆不定,考量的标准其对美国恐怖威胁程度。

    U.S. aid to Yemen has fluctuated over the years, depending on how grave the terror threat is perceived to be.


  • 同样重要的是,其他问题已经恐怖威胁持平或者超过了后者,其中一些更具紧迫感,还有貌似重要

    Just as importantly, the terrorist threat has been joined or overtaken by other problems, some of which feel more urgent and others which seem more important.


  • 由此全球应当高度关注更广泛恐怖威胁

    This makes the broader terrorist threat merit higher concern worldwide.


  • 巨大分歧仍然存在例如对于瓦济里斯坦激进哈卡尼网络巴基斯坦人认为友好组织美国认为构成了恐怖威胁

    Strong differences exist, for example in North Waziristan over the militant Haqqani network, considered a friendly group by the Pakistanis but a terrorist threat by the Americans.


  • 先把恐怖威胁放在一边,如今巴基斯坦最大宏观风险有所变化。

    But leaving aside the terrorist threat, most of the macro risks from Pakistan aren't what they used to be.


  • 消息也提到英国并不打算恐怖威胁级别严重提高到特别严重

    The security source said there are no plans to raise the terror threat level in the United Kingdom from severe to critical.


  • 已有法律条款下,大约20个犯罪定义为:故意伤害罪鲁莽伤害罪谋杀意图谋杀罪,以及恐怖威胁罪。

    Approximately 20 states prosecute these cases under existing criminal laws, charging people with aggravated assault, reckless endangerment, homicide or attempted homicide, or terrorist threat.


  • 经历过几年每况愈下恐怖威胁后,很多巴基斯坦人所有这些已经习惯了。

    After years of enduring a worsening terrorist threat, many Pakistanis seem inured to all this.


  • 为避免亚盖达组织恐怖威胁美国关闭也门大使馆

    The U.S. has closed its embassy in Yemen in the face of Al-Qaeda threats.


  • 问题911事件发生恐怖威胁似乎已经融入这个国家日常生活。

    The point is that 10 years after 9/11, the threat of terror appears to be part of the nation's new normal.


  • 7日,原定飞往迪拜的阿联酋客机因收到恐怖威胁起飞15分钟即迫降孟买

    A Dubai-bound United Arab Emirates passenger flight was grounded in Mumbai Sunday, just 15 minutes after it took off, following a terror threat.


  • 尽管911时代对于变革呼声如此响亮,而且如今恐怖威胁环境下情报系统地位已经如此重要,但为什么其中缺陷仍然持续这么的时间?

    Why have such intelligence deficiencies persisted for so long, despite the clarion call for change after 9/11 and the unprecedented importance of intelligence in today’s threat environment?


  • Page Southerland Page公司已经有六项建筑工程内战恐怖威胁而中断。

    Page Southerland Page has had half a dozen projects interrupted by civil wars or terrorist scares.


  • 关系学家商业顾问B.J加拉格尔碰到这个问题时认为唠叨人要所有的事情负责除了恐怖威胁

    When relationship expert and business consultant BJ Gallagher gets going on the subject, she makes naggers sound responsible for everything short of the terrorist threat.


  • 但是奥巴马觉得避免针对伊拉克阿富汗场与美国有关的战争当前恐怖威胁政策突然转变重要

    But Obama found it more important to avoid an abrupt change in the global security policy given the two US wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and the ongoing terror threat.


  • 恐怖活动演愈烈,纽约世贸大厦北奥塞梯恐怖威胁警钟一次又一次敲响。

    Terrorist activities are ever more rampant. From the New York World Trade Center to North Ossetia, the alarm bell of terrorist threats has tolled loud time and again.


  • 英国则提醒德国法国旅行本国公民,将两个国家的恐怖威胁级别普通”提高级”。

    The UK raised the terrorism threat level in its advice for citizens traveling to Germany and France to "high" from "general."


  • 美国英国官方已经确认由于目前恐怖威胁最新指导发布

    Us and UK officials have confirmed that updated guidance will be issued because of the current terror threat.


  • 美国官员没有任何具体可靠情报表明美国面临迫在眉睫的恐怖威胁

    U. s. officials say there is no credible, specific intelligence about any imminent terrorist threat against the United States.


  • 由于新的恐怖威胁,周年日戒备森严。街道封闭。人行道警察林立

    Security was tight because of a new terrorist threat. Streets were closed. Police lined the sidewalks.


  • 认为现在我们应该感谢所有夜以继日工作我们免受恐怖威胁,他们通常无人认识

    And I think it is a moment when too we should thank all of those who work day and night, often with no recognition, to keep us safe from the threat of terror.


  • 认为现在我们应该感谢所有夜以继日工作我们免受恐怖威胁,他们通常无人认识

    And I think it is a moment when too we should thank all of those who work day and night, often with no recognition, to keep us safe from the threat of terror.


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