This characteristic reduces server and overall network load.
Operational policy constraints are often impacted by the type of appliance doing the policy enforcement or by the overall network protection directives.
This behavior degraded networking throughput, CPU utilization, and overall networking performance and scalability.
Simulation proves that, by employing the NCB algorithm, the cache hit rate can be improved obviously and the total network cost can be decreased effectively.
Bandwidth amount: This category is the maximum amount that the total bandwidths can achieve as different bandwidths might compete with another in the network space.
It was more based out of a general feeling I have regarding the two and how each performs their social networking duties.
In order to provide you with the proper perspective for IMS and how it is used, we will offer an introduction to the overall IMS network architecture.
The overall security of a network is only as strong as its weakest link, and in a mobile-commerce network the weakest link is the client-side device.
The dollar value of that cybercurrency has fluctuated sharply, but overall it has soared.
这被称为braess悖论,以另一位数学家Dietrich Braess的名字命名。Dietrich Braess发现增加一个网络的能力有时会降低其总体的效率。
This is known as Braess's paradox, after another mathematician, Dietrich Braess, who found that adding extra capacity to a network can sometimes reduce its overall efficiency.
CloudWatch gives Amazon customers visibility into resource use, operational performance, and overall demand patterns, including metrics such as CPU use, disk reads and writes, and network traffic.
Managing the migration of a cluster within the context of the wider WebSphere MQ network and the overall system architecture.
The Army plans to create an overarching battlefield network that will transport voice, data, and video across a consolidated information architecture linking soldiers, command posts and vehicles.
当非营利组织筹措的资金在总体上处于持续低潮期的情况下,eBay GivingWorks的数据在网络筹款快速增长的一年发布。
While funds raised by nonprofits are at an all-time low overall, this year's eBay Giving Works figures were released amid a year of rapid growth for online fundraising.
From the behavioral patterns of people linked with social networks, we can run analytical studies to predict the social, economical and behavioral patterns of the community as a whole.
As Americans spend more of their time online, social networking technology as a whole is growing and starting to replace activities individuals once performed in physical Spaces, Mr Smith said.
Consumers identify themselves and their characteristics by their electronic participation in particular interest groups, and by their general online behaviour.
The model and method can not only evaluate the risk of the total network, but also evaluate the degree of risks of the parts in network.
Conclusion Network reporting system in Quzhou City is gradually improving and operating well overall.
Defining network error as optimum objective function, all parameters are looked as function variables, and an entire-supervised algorithm is studied.
This paper introduced a distributed measurement and control network system based on virtual instrument. The principle, software and hardware functions of this system are described in detail.
In this paper, system primary structure, subsystem design, system data flowchart, network structure and the Alternative Covering design Algorithm to predict the price of coal are discussed in detail.
It thinks the networks should have overall consideration in general, especially the network management system must be built better.
At last, some issues of total structure and uptrend of development of computer network are analysed briefly with viewpoint of information and system.
To improve the applying level of EMS, software of network analysis must be adopted on the basis of overall design of EMS.
This paper states the overall design and actual implementation of multimedia teaching networks. An example is given.
A traffic generator is one, which can generate special type, special length and special speed frames and then calculate the total network utilization, network frame speed, etc.
This paper probes into the general structure, network structure, storage structure and the personnel structure of the modern library.
The general structure of SAFER block ciphers adopts SP network. It's design has some original features.
The general structure of SAFER block ciphers adopts SP network. It's design has some original features.