• 研究了陆地主要性状混选—混交育种体系响应

    Responses of main characters of upland cotton to mass selection-mass crossing breeding system were studied.


  • 结果表明性状单株产量直接效应大小顺序是;

    The results indicated that all factors effect on the flower yield per plant directly.


  • 研究发现目标性状育种重要性纸浆生产成本构成有关

    It was found that importance of breeding objectives was related to cost structures of pulp production.


  • 此外还分析各品种综合性状环境指数敏感程度和稳定性表现。

    Besides, the sensitivity degree of combined trait to environmental index was analyzed.


  • 包含产量本身选择指数式中,增添性状改进选择进度并不明显

    Adding characters to the index containing yield did not improve gain obviously.


  • 目前内蒙古地区植物性状降雨量变化响应及其生态系统功能影响研究缺乏。

    At present, the study of the responses of plant traits under rainfall disturbances and the effects on ecosystem functions in Inner Mongolia typical grassland are rarely covered.


  • 另外又根据性状21个物种进行分析,探讨了聚类分组结果根据偏好生境分组结果的异同。

    We also divided 21 species into three clustering groups of floral traits, and had a comparison between the habitat types and the clustering groups.


  • 成分分析表明,利用形态性状对萝卜分类时,首先考虑的颜色,其次是性状,最后是性状

    The results of principal components analysis showed that color , characters of root and leaf are the decisive factors affecting radish germplasm classification according to morphological characters.


  • 通过亚麻性状之间简单相关系数分析探讨了亚麻主要农艺性状单株出麻率影响,为高育种提供一定的理论依。

    Through analysis of simple coefficient of correlation among different characters of flax, influence of major agronomical characters to fiber content of Single plant it discussed.


  • 为探索玉米品种主要农艺性状对产量影响程度,应用灰色关联度分析方法2006年2007年7个玉米品种的主要农艺性状与产量的关联度进行了分析。

    By the method of grey correlative degree analysis, the paper analyzed the correlative degree between yield and some important agronomic characters of Maize in 2006 ~ 2007.


  • 某些血液里存在特殊蛋白质,可以让它们不致冻死——生物学家此早已有所认识事实丝毫不影响显著进化性状惊奇。

    SOME fish have special proteins in their blood to stopthem from freezing to death—a remarkable evolutionary trait made no less so bythe fact that biologists have known about it for some time.


  • 另外发现父亲不在场男孩非认知性状影响女孩尽管这种调查不太健全

    It also appears that the absence of fathers has a greater effect on the non-cognitive traits of sons than daughters, although that is a less well-established finding.


  • 凯恩斯箴言的最新曲解市场非理态或许持续欧洲弱国银行业债务偿付问题出现后。

    In an ugly new twist on Keynes' aphorism, it is starting to look like the market can stay irrational longer than Europe's weaker states - or their Bankscan stay solvent.


  • 利用多元分析法49个型啤酒大麦育种材料7主要性状指标进行成份分析聚类分析。

    By means of multielement analysis, 7 character indexes of 49 breeding material had been made by a main composition and cluster analysis in malting barley.


  • 试验结果表明,烟尘大白菜生物学性状生理功能产量品质均有不同程度影响

    The simulate test showed that Chinese cabbage changed in biology character, physiological function, output and quality by the influence of soot of different quantity.


  • 利用有限元软件ABAQUS基坑降水环境效应耦合性状进行分析。

    The coupled characteristics of the pit's environment induced by dewatering were analyzed by the software ABAQUS.


  • 本文研究了11个广东省主推杂交水稻组合主要经济性状相互关系及其产量的通作用

    The correlation and path action among economic characters to grain yield for 11 mainly promoted hybrid rice in Guangdong were analyzed .


  • 采用随机区组设计方法,研究尔丰施时期喷施量玉米产量和其它经济性状的影响。

    By using randomized-block design of two factors, the effects of Daerfeng fertilizer and spraying date on maize yeild and other economic characteristics were studied.


  • 陕西临潼石榴多个性状变异情况进行了研究;

    The genetic character variations of pomegranate (Punica granatum) cultivars in Lintong County of Shaanxi Province were studied.


  • 兰的叶片性状水肥条件较好,季节波动较大生境适应。

    The leaf traits of Cypripedium were the adaptation to the environment rich in water and nutrients but easy to change with seasons.


  • 电力系统非线性确定性特点,直接非线性不确定象设计非线PI励磁汽门协调控制器

    As for the strong nonlinear and uncertain characteristic of the power system, the nonlinear state PI coordinated controller of excitation and valve is proposed in this paper.


  • 采用田间试验研究成熟期灌水烤烟农艺性状化学成分物质含量影响

    A field experiment was conducted to study the effects of irrigation during maturing stage on agronomic characteristics, chemical components and contents of flavor matter of flue-cured tobacco.


  • 云南引种46元宝枫果实研究材料其果实的9个性状变异性状相关性进行了分析研究。

    Taking 46 Acer truncatum introduced to Yunnan as the study materials, the variance of 9 fruit characters and the correlation between different characters were analyzed.


  • 试验研究开花前不同光照处理大豆开花发育、产量形成品质性状的影响。

    The effects of pre- flowering photoperiodic treatments on the post-flowering-development, yield formation and chemical quality of soybeans were studied.


  • 本文结合春小麦主要农艺性状相关分析资料因子分析原理方法步骤进行了较为详尽的讨论。

    In this paper, principles and procedures of factor analysis are illustrated in detail, and example of spring wheat correlation studies is employed to explain this method further.


  • 本文结合春小麦主要农艺性状相关分析资料因子分析原理方法步骤进行了较为详尽的讨论。

    In this paper, principles and procedures of factor analysis are illustrated in detail, and example of spring wheat correlation studies is employed to explain this method further.


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