• 当时宗教气候不得思想

    The religious climate at the time was uncongenial to new ideas.


  • 思想深受战时经历影响。

    His ideas had been shaped by his experiences during the war.


  • 篇散文思想混乱,使人不知所云。

    The essay was a meaningless jumble of ideas.


  • 几个作者假设一种普遍意识思想

    Several writers have posited the idea of a universal consciousness.


  • 更换领导班子带来了思想政策

    The change of management ushered in fresh ideas and policies.


  • 课文解释了这位哲学家早期思想

    This text illuminates the philosopher's early thinking.


  • 伽利略思想远远超越所处时代

    Galileo's ideas were well in advance of the age in which he lived.


  • 思想转向了内省

    Her thoughts turned inwards.


  • 认为他们可能中产阶级思想影响别人

    He thought they might infect others with their bourgeois ideas.


  • 用来掩盖他们思想中的混乱模糊问题

    This served to hide the confusion and imprecision in their thinking.


  • 讲话以民族主义为幌子宣扬种族主义思想

    His speech presented racist ideas under the guise of nationalism.


  • 这些观念弗洛伊德思想极相似之处

    These ideas have parallels in Freud's thought too.


  • 尽管思想屡遭非难,似乎仍然百折不挠

    He seemed undaunted by all the opposition to his idea.


  • 儿童看图画有时有助于他们言语表达思想

    Showing children pictures sometimes helps them to vocalize their ideas.


  • 詹姆斯·米尔才是政府功利主义思想最佳宣传家

    It was James Mill who was the best publicist for utilitarian ideas on government.


  • 左倾转变并非突然而是思想发展自然结果

    His move to the left was not a sudden leap but a natural working out of ideas.


  • 不仅给孩子们思想而且使他们玩得有意思。

    Books provide children with ideas and a stimulus for play.


  • 文学批评集中伟大文学作品表达思想方法

    Her literary criticism focuses on the way great literature suggests ideas.


  • 那时正值人们的态度开始变化许多思想正在流行。

    It was just when attitudes were really beginning to change and lots of new ideas were coming in.


  • 视为一位异端分子,因思想而遭到嘲笑排斥

    He was considered a heretic and was ridiculed and ostracized for his ideas.


  • 几个世纪以来,基督教已经采用并改编许多异教思想

    The Christian church has adapted many pagan ideas over the centuries.


  • 思想这种倾向因他所有乌托邦政治计划猜疑加深

    This tendency in his thought is deepened by his suspicion of all Utopian political programmes.


  • 我们焦虑可以通过思想感情记忆分别进行考虑来加以控制

    Our anxieties can also be controlled by isolating thoughts, feelings and memories.


  • 也许思想盛行感到高兴,自己还没有为此作出多大贡献

    He may be happy with the flowering of new thinking, but he has yet to contribute much to it himself.


  • 妇女反复灌输的思想是:她们必须出去工作才能实现自己的价值。

    Women have been brainwashed into thinking that they must go out to work in order to fulfil themselves.


  • 社会政治学上看,该市20世纪思想文化贡献同样意义重大。

    In social politics, too, the city's contribution to 20th century thought and culture was no less portentous.


  • 可以同意它们个人就不同意,但是它们都是曾经启迪过人们的伟大思想

    You can disagree about them, and I personally do, but they are great ideas that have made people think.


  • 一段黛安娜一起度过安全漫长的童年时光确实大大影响了思想的形成。

    It was a very safe, long childhood with Diane, and she really moulded my ideas a lot.


  • 发表演说热烈鼓吹自己的思想

    He delivered his speech with evangelical fervour.


  • 一些思想更为守旧官员厌恶。

    He is loathed by some of the more traditionally minded officers.


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