• 我们讨论成为一个约翰·巴里思克可能性

    And we're talking about possibilities of maybe doing a John Barry-esk.


  • 1788年,叔本华出生于思克一生许多时间法兰度过的。早早便开始寻找幸福

    Schopenhauer was born in Danzig in 1788 but spent most of his life in Frankfurt. From an early age he looked a lot for happiness.


  • 思克法布雷加斯错过了周三西班牙波斯尼亚的比赛因为外祖父病了但是仍然要明天归队

    Cesc Fabregas missed Wednesdays game for Spain against Bosnia, because his grandfather was ill, but he will be back in the team tomorrow.


  • 思克厉夫凯瑟琳语言行为动作都暗示着人类人性素质,乌德耐莉·故事情节的叙述,则显示出现实世界的人性素质。

    The speech, actions and movements of Heathcliff and Catherine indicate the inhumanity of mankind, while the narration of Lockwood and Nelly Dean shows the humanity of real life.


  • 加州大学河滨分校教授朱迪·罗尔表示:“过去20左右时间里,双语研究实际上出现爆炸式增长。”

    "In the last 20 years or so, there's been a virtual explosion of research on bilingualism," says Judith Kroll, a professor at the University of California, Riverside.


  • 纽约城市大学社会学家鲁·米尔发现很多流水线工人下班时间会进行房屋装修其他技术工作

    The sociologist Ruth Milkman of City University of New York found that many line workers, in their off-hours, did home renovation and other skilled work.


  • 约翰·康弗于1975年大学任教。

    John Cornforth taught at the University of Sussex in 1975.


  • 婚礼结束·韦尔一起出来·欧菲尔德看望利,陪聊天

    After the wedding, Bothwell and I walked out to Kirk o 'field to see Darnley and talk to him.


  • 愤怒地与卡尔通过电话交谈还是同意与其·天文台会面

    Keith angrily talks to Carl on the phone, but agrees to meet him at the Griffith Park Observatory.


  • 本尼迪认为是错的,首要原因误解人类状况

    Benedict argues that Marx was flawed, above all, because he misunderstood the human condition.


  • 尽管·雷斯曼在ECLO可以使用卫星电脑数学模式,但是整个工作薄弱环节用于获取有益实地信息时间

    Although back at ECLO Keith Cressman has satellites, computers and mathematical models at his disposal, the weak link in the chain has been the time it takes to get good information from the field.


  • 迪科公司分子进化上保有大多数重要专利权

    Codexis controls most of the important patents for what is known as molecular evolution.


  • 最近世界著名银行汇丰经济学弗雷德里·纽曼罗伯特•万德·福德做了份报告指出亚洲正在遭受两次萧条:内部萧条外部萧条。

    A recent report by Frederic Neumann and Robert Prior-Wandesforde, two economists at HSBC, a large bank, argues that Asia is suffering two recessions: a domestic one as well as an external one.


  • 在音量降低的同时,由于部分组成·卡尔维南非喇叭易于安装且受冲击时更易折断

    As well as being quieter, van Schalkwyk's vuvuzela is easy to pack and breaks on impact, because it is made of three parts that snap together.


  • 胡德菲尔德比赛莱顿公园球场结冰两次延期,上周六对阵·塞特客场联赛也是同样的原因推迟。

    The Huddersfield game was twice called off because of a frozen pitch at Prenton Park and the League One visit to Exeter City last Saturday suffered a similar fate.


  • 博斯哈佛来——曾经伯格人工智能这门课程,他认为微软环境不能激发人的灵感

    Bosworth arrived via Harvardhe was Zuckerberg's teacher in an artificial-intelligence class — and Microsoft, an environment he suggests is less than inspired.


  • 阿不·珀西瓦尔·伍尔弗里·布赖恩·邓布利多伟大男巫之一,是霍格沃兹魔法学校校长,建立了凤凰社。

    Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore is one of the greatest living wizards, the headmaster of Hogwarts, and founder of the Order of the Phoenix.


  • 消防队发言人加尼斯.卡声称“风力愈加猛烈风向变幻莫测,致使大火不断蔓延。”

    "The winds are stronger and change direction all the time, spreading the fire even further, " said a fire brigade spokesman, Giannis Kapakis.


  • 朱迪斯:首先要擦除血细胞记忆使成为记忆状态,然后控制成为皮肤细胞神经细胞血细胞

    Judith Staerk: you erase the memory of the blood cell, and you bring it back to a state where there is no memory. You can tell that cell to become skin again, or a neuron, or a blood cell.


  • 正像其附近另外公司一样现在迪科公司的注意力集中汽油分子化学成分相似的分子上去。

    Like two other, nearby firms, he is now focusing Codexis's attention on molecules even more chemically similar to petrol.


  • 对于索莱奇托来说,他们监狱里已经渡过时光,谈不上所谓的公正;对梅雷迪一家来说,他们至今仍然知道盖德是否参与了谋杀,如果不是,那么究竟是杀害了梅雷迪,对于他们一家也还谈不上公正。

    Not for Knox and Sollecito, who've spent four years in jail, nor Meredith Kercher's family who still don't know if Rudy Guede had an accomplice or not, and if so, who it might have been.


  • 年前亚历山大博士阿肯色州教育水平是最差

    Just five years earlier, Dr. Kern Alexander had said children would be better off in the schools of almost any state other than Arkansas.


  • 特里兰德太太一个喜爱女人很爱她的丈夫。

    Mrs. Strickland was a charming woman, and she loved him.


  • 而且·卡尔工厂雇佣当地居民

    Plus, van Schalkwyk's factory employs locals.


  • 如果自然大全》史提芬·莫斯今年5月银行假日只能一个地方,他选择去位于萨福海岸英国皇家鸟类保护协会的旗舰自然保护区梅尔。

    If there was one place Stephen Moss, author of the Bumper Book of nature, could go this May bank holiday, it would be Minsmere, the RSPB's flagship nature reserve on the Suffolk coast.


  • 社会学家朱迪·巴德威(JudithBardwick)曾:“真正自信来源于自己长处短处的认识接受,而不是依赖别人的评价和判断。”

    Judith Bardwick a sociologist says "Real confidence comes from knowing and accepting yourself - your strengths and limitations - in contrast to depending on affirmation from others."


  • 社会学家朱迪·巴德威(JudithBardwick)曾说:“真正自信来源于自己长处短处的认识接受,而不是依赖别人的评价和判断。”

    Judith Bardwick, a sociologist, says "Real confidence comes from knowing and accepting yourself - your strengths and limitations - in contrast to depending on affirmation from others."


  • 5月4日23岁里斯托弗琼斯绰号叫络腮胡子的,阿佩钻探工作并且很快就要爸爸了,发现吊死南提摩尔庭院棚子里。

    On May 4, 23-year-old Christopher Jones, nicknamed Whiskers, who worked at Apex Drilling and was about to become a father, was found hanging in the shed in his yard in Nantymoel.


  • 5月4日23岁里斯托弗琼斯绰号叫络腮胡子的,阿佩钻探工作并且很快就要爸爸了,发现吊死南提摩尔庭院棚子里。

    On May 4, 23-year-old Christopher Jones, nicknamed Whiskers, who worked at Apex Drilling and was about to become a father, was found hanging in the shed in his yard in Nantymoel.


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