• 这些措施应该快速通过

    The measures should be passed quickly.


  • 如果开始告诉我们是个快速通过

    If you would have just told us in the beginning that this was going to be a rail road.


  • 肺部逐渐空虚再次放松面颊快速通过鼻子吸气

    As the lungs begin to empty again puff the cheeks, inhale quickly and deeply through the nose.


  • 成为超级快速通过各种各样英语口语考试的枪手吗?

    Do you want to be a smashing successful man on all kinds of spoken English test?


  • 认为观众快速通过遥控器购买他们节目看到服装

    He believes that viewers will soon be able to use their remote controls to buy the clothing that appears in the programmes they are watching.


  • 球队很好地利用了球场的宽度并且快速通过中场,利用快速传递展开反击

    The team used the width well and broke quickly through midfield, counter-attacking with quick passes.


  • 容易紧张可能会吸进大量空气,在血液吸收,空气已经快速通过消化系统

    A nervous person might swallow a lot of air, which then moves quickly through the digestive system before the blood has a chance to absorb it.


  • 是否采用快速通过策略还是采用必要的反复途径相关的,比如软件开发中。

    It is also just as relevant whether a "fast-track" strategy is adopted, or an iterative approach is necessary, such as in software development. 10.


  • SAS提供一个统一框架使快速通过关键业务评估监测能力部署

    SAS provides a unified framework that enables rapid adoption and deployment of critical business assessment and monitoring capabilities.


  • TS A建议到他的网站看看﹐以便找出最好打包行李快速通过安检的方法

    The TSA recommends checking their websites, figure out the best way to pack your bags to move quickly through the lines.


  • 谙练驾驭糊口中各个主要场所的用语,事变情形中运用英语资格快速通过

    To master English used on various important daily occasions and can use English in the workplace.


  • 美国环保人士鉴于方案巨大影响快速通过,为几个百分点争论不休值得

    American environmentalists say it is not worth quibbling about a few percentage points, given the huge sweep of the package and its swift passage.


  • 人们朝着入口沿着人行道快速通过像是在战区有守在沙袋卫兵盯着他们一样。

    Commuters hurried along the sidewalk toward the entrance, passing a war-zone-like vision of a guard hunkered behind a sandbag bunker, his gun pointing outward.


  • 然后建立中风快速通过一系列容易跟随练习教要保持适当地姿势线平衡

    Quick then builds the stroke through a series of easy to follow drills that teach proper posture, line, and balance.


  • 八十三个国家880间商店,销售以每小时三万件的速度快速通过物流中心服装

    It has 880 stores in 83 countries, fed by garments that speed through its logistics centres at a rate of 30,000 an hour.


  • 住宅两侧街道可以使用花园作为捷径,让在路上一些蔬菜邻居快速通过

    With streets on both sides of Tower House neighbours can use the garden as a short cut and grab a few veggies on the way through.


  • 车辆地上快速直接进入商贸区,下沉式快速路路宽18, 便于过往车辆快速通过

    All the vehicles can directly enter the Zone from the under-passed expressway that is about 18m wide. People on the platform can relax and enjoy the city view.


  • 安布罗西尼-7分中场多次并且使快速通过中场,西多夫的进球来自他助攻

    Ambrosini - 7: Recovered plenty of balls in midfield and got the ball forward quickly, getting the assist on the Seedorf's tally.


  • 人生道路布满了荆棘知道唯一可以快速通过荆棘的方法,将不好的事情带来的影响糟糕。

    The road of life full of thours, I know the only way is quickly passed from the thours , Right from tragic to think more harmful their influence.


  • 韩国女演员崔真实遭受一系列网络谣言威胁之后自杀事件,让这项针对网站法令快速通过

    The new requirements for web sites were rushed into legislation after the death of a popular Korean actress, Choi Jin Sil, who was driven to suicide after a series of online rumors and threats.


  • 不是兰帕德挥舞着手臂快速通过指着自己手表拍拍自己的口袋,作为自己不能停留借口

    But he was no Lampard, speeding by, waving his arms, pointing to his watch and patting his pockets to excuse his not stopping.


  • 所有五个请求快速通过service方法一部分进入等待状态并且所有start消息将在几毫秒内输出

    All five requests quickly run through the first part of the service method and enter the suspended state, and all of the start messages are output within milliseconds.


  • 有时容易,可以快速通过而有些洞嘲笑紧紧跟着你,从书桌杂货店到餐桌甚至淋浴时。

    Sometimes the puzzles are easy and you speed through them, other days they're like monster brain teasers that follow you from your desk to the grocery store to the dinner table to the shower.


  • 级别考试可以加入我们按期举行的结业仪式接管校长的祝福韦博国际英语资格快速通过的结业证书

    After a final presentation, you will be invited to take part in a Graduation Ceremony and will receive a certificate from Web International English.


  • 当代社会竞争剧烈,英文素质拓展练习英语资格快速通过进修并行的怪异计划,想所想,为告成增添竞争力。

    Quality Extension training helps you to get ahead in your career competition while you are learning English here.


  • 并不是以相同方式自己的鼻孔进出嗅觉敏锐与否的关键在于鱼是不是有能力让水快速通过自己的嗅觉感受器官。

    Not all fish move water in and out through these nares in quite the same ways, but key to a strong sense of smell for fish is the ability to move water rapidly over these sensory pads.


  • 能够听懂英语资格快速通过的一样寻常性发言谈判读懂大众关照招贴公务信函以及通俗性的报刊文章书籍

    To understand general English conversation or discussion and read public notices, posters, official correspondences as well as ordinary newspaper articles and books.


  • 能够听懂英语资格快速通过的一样寻常性发言谈判读懂大众关照招贴公务信函以及通俗性的报刊文章书籍

    To understand general English conversation or discussion and read public notices, posters, official correspondences as well as ordinary newspaper articles and books.


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