• 节奏适合用于那些因为中场人员差需要场内快速运转球队。

    High tempo would usually be best employed for teams that need to get the ball up the pitch quickly because of a lack of quality in midfield.


  • 这个可能看上去像是废话,但是缺乏睡眠还有失眠我们这个全年无休快速运转的世界里传染病

    This may seem obvious, but lack of sleep, and insomnia is an epidemic in our fast paced, 24/7 world.


  • 我们必须自己知道什么知道什么采取坦率态度一个快速运转世界里知道的常常你知道的同样重要

    We must be open about what we know and what we do no know - and in a fast moving world what you do not know is often as important as what you do know.


  • 所以建议他们升级他们软件程序,这反过来降低了运营成本一切快速运转

    So he recommended they upgrade their software programs and that, in turn, cut operational costs and just speeded everything up.


  • 保持一条队伍的快速运转,需要很多的收银机,而且有些商店负担不起空间和人力。

    It takes many registers to keep one line moving quickly, and some stores can't afford the space or manpower.


  • 如果身体能够快速高效处理固体垃圾说明你摄入了足够膳食纤维而且消化系统运转正常

    When your body is processing solid waste quickly and efficiently, it shows that there's adequate fiber in your diet and your digestive system is working properly.


  • 我们知道大脑快速运转缺乏超级计算机那样品质

    The human brain is considered to be pretty quick, but it lacks many of qualities of a super-efficient computer.


  • 人们意见一致时,能通向卓越的合作快速运转

    Where they agree, it leads to great collaboration andfast turnaround.


  • 欧加南墨机器的原理一些企业界用来制造零件机械运转模型快速原型类似

    Organovo’s 3D bio-printer works in a similar way to some rapid-prototyping machines used in industry to make parts and mechanically functioning models.


  • 欧加南墨机器的原理一些企业界用来制造零件机械运转模型快速原型类似

    Organovo's 3d bio-printer works in a similar way to some rapid-prototyping machines used in industry to make parts and mechanically functioning models.


  • Gazzaley研究队伍将集中注意力大脑两个网络志愿者个的大脑网络快速运转正在努力进行现场记忆是,个可以从面部形状变化评估得出是变得兴奋的。

    Gazzaley says the team focused on two networks in the brain, one that revs up when volunteers are trying to keep the scene in mind and another that becomes active as they evaluate a face.


  • 当今加工者希望机器运转快速,加少回料,把生产循环周期控制几个小时

    Processors today want to run faster, minimize scrap, and do short production runs that may only last a few hours.


  • 危险的情形下我们大脑可以超速运转快速处理信息

    But in a dangerous situation our brains can work in overdrive to process information more quickly.


  • 爬到山顶即将到达之前,就会进入高速运转

    Just before you crest a hill or reach the end of a speed interval, your lungs go into overdrive.


  • 麦当劳搜集就餐赠品快速的减少,因为经常用他们起门观察里螺丝运转方式。

    My meager collection of McDonald's Happy Meal toys soon dwindled, as I began prying open poor Simba to see the gears and wheels inside.


  • 通常电能动力采取轮轨运转方式快速运量公共交通称为轨道交通

    Usually, rapid public transport and large volume of traffic with electric energy power and by wheel running mode is referred to as rail traffic.


  • 这样的,苹果快速成长的时候,我们了一个觉得天分家伙一起管理公司最初几年,公司运转得很好

    Well, as Apple grew we hired someone who I thought was very talented to run the company with me, and for the first year or so things went well.


  • 苹果快速成长的时候,我们雇用了一个天分的家伙一起管理这个公司最初几年,公司运转的

    Well, as Apple grew we hired someone who I thought was very talented to run the company with me, and for the first year or so things went well.


  • 风力发电机组变液压系统用于实现变浆控制刹车控制,具有驱动力响应快速运转平稳的特点,整台风力发电机组中充当着重要角色。

    Hydraulic system for wind mill generator is used to perform pitch-control and brake-control, featured by its strong drive-force, prompt response and stable operation.


  • 本文通过将无线技术应用CRM系统使企业员工能任何时间、任何地点访问系统,及时快速的获得或更新相关信息缩短企业各流程的运转时间。

    In this paper, wireless technology is applied in the CRM system, which makes system and related information accessible at any time and any place timely and quickly as well as reducing operating time.


  • 接近光亮快速干燥的中等负载防锈剂短期运转小于等于250,000次大约60工作好。

    Bright and quick-drying near the middle-load operation in the short term anti-rust agent (such as less than or equal to 250,000 or about 60 days) under a good job.


  • 自动机构:配置链式刀库,实现刀具自动交换。换刀性能经过严格运转试验动作协调准确快速可靠

    Auto changing tool magazine: Equipped with chain-type tool changer for automatic exchanging tools. Ahe performance of changing cut has been strictly tested, acting concertedly, fast and reliably.


  • 怎么可能被你自己创立的公司了鱿鱼呢?苹果快速成长时候,我们雇用了一个天分的家伙一起管理这个公司,在最初几年,公司运转的

    How can you get fired from a company you started? Well, as Apple grew we hired someone who I thought was very talented to run the company with me, and for the first year or so things went well.


  • 为了改善电喷汽油机起动态怠速运转(即过程)性能,自行研制了基于高能双火花塞点火快速燃烧系统

    Improvement of cold starting and cold idling circulation(engine warming up)combustion process of motorcycle gasoline engines by dual-spark plug-based rapid burning system was introduced.


  • 发动引擎,并快速运转然后左右转动方向盘到底数次系统内空气排出。

    Start the engine and run it fast idle, then turn the steering from lock-to-lock several times to bleed air from the system.


  • 企业办公自动化系统基础上实现企业快速运转交流进而有效提高企业办公效率

    Enterprise office Automation System on the basis of it which completes the rapid operation of the enterprise and exchange, thus effectively improving office efficiency.


  • 这些粒子流会太阳极地快速运转。 这种“阳极冲撞可能已经发生过,目前还找不到发生过迹象

    That "rush to the poles" would have happened by now, but it hasn't and there's no sign of it yet.


  • 结果表明喷油器快速响应特性及其喷油稳定性得到了保证满足了柴油机实际运转需求

    The results show that the module assures fast response of the injector and stable injection quality, so meets the working requirement of the diesel engine.


  • 提升机是矿井主要机电设备之一,确保其安全正常运转,提高工作效率,降低故障影响时间至关重要,文章介绍了井提升机出现深度指示故障通过修改SD传动控制PLC程序解决绞车位置跳变故障的一种快速有效方法

    The paper introduces a speedy effective way how to solve winch location jump by modifying SD drive control and PLC program after main hoist of panyi coal mine hoists appears depth indication fault.


  • 提升机是矿井主要机电设备之一,确保其安全正常运转,提高工作效率,降低故障影响时间至关重要,文章介绍了井提升机出现深度指示故障通过修改SD传动控制PLC程序解决绞车位置跳变故障的一种快速有效方法

    The paper introduces a speedy effective way how to solve winch location jump by modifying SD drive control and PLC program after main hoist of panyi coal mine hoists appears depth indication fault.


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