• 由于快速增长的中产阶级停止消费更多传统型消费品销量大跌

    Sales of more conventional consumer goods have slumped as the fast-growing middle class has stopped spending.


  • AppBuilder允许快速构建应用程序,提供具有语法突出显示功能、可启动停止服务器访问运行时日志和通过控制台进行跟踪内置编辑器

    AppBuilder enables you to quickly build applications by providing a built-in editor with syntax highlighting, start and stop the server, and have access to the runtime log and trace via the console.


  • 如果哈马斯真的停止发射火箭Barak先生的声望快速上升

    If Hamas does stop firing rockets, Mr Barak's standing could rise fast.


  • 命令停止处于调度中的不过存在内存快速恢复运行

    This command stops the domain from being scheduled, but the domain continues to reside in memory and can be quickly resumed.


  • 快速阅读者改变了思路:停止矿山里的无目的闲逛快速寻找黄金

    The speed reader changesmindsets: quits fooling around with the ore and searches for the gold.


  • 尽管其中有许多患者选择停止这类治疗,但这仍然快速兴起,利润丰富的市场并且提供了一堂关于卫生保健支付的宝贵课程

    But it is also a fast-growing and lucrative market, and one that provides valuable lessons about making health care affordable.


  • 决定作出快速停止参观我们一个高层朋友,就回家途中

    I had decided to make a quick stop and visit one of our senior friends on the way home.


  • 推动水域事实物理定律吻合,风将吹至两边建立安全通道,风的停止也会造成水流快速

    The wind moves the water in a way that's in accordance with physical laws, creating a safe passage with water on two sides and then abruptly allowing the water to rush back in. '.


  • 快速运行市场留意市场会在重要的等分点附近停止

    In fast moving markets you would also watch for the market to stop around important half-way points.


  • 虽然已经预计到5.0会快速发布但是企业社区惊讶Mozilla个月Firefox 4.0停止支持

    While quick release of version 5.0 was expected, what has really taken enterprise community by surprise is Mozilla's end of support to Firefox 4.0 which is just three months old.


  • 大约小时电话铃一响,比克斯比夫人快速穿过房间第一声响停止之前就拿了听筒

    About an hour later, when the telephone rang, Mrs. Bixby was across the room so fast she had the receiver off the hook before the first ring had finished.


  • 太平洋咖啡馆喝一杯咖啡一个快速完全停止选择糕点沙拉,和早餐和午餐的三明治。

    Pacific Perk is the perfect stop for a cup of coffee and a quick bite to eat. Choose from pastries, salads, and sandwiches for breakfast and lunch.


  • 注塑过程通过快速转化完成后,螺杆停止旋转

    The injection is done by a fast translation of the screw which then stops turning.


  • 如果室内的话,最快速度跑附近安全地方呆在那儿别动直到晃动停止并且确定外面安全的。

    Minimize your movements to a few steps to a nearby safe place and if you are indoors, stay there until the shaking has stopped and you are sure exiting is safe.


  • 可能之间切换方式搬迁这意味着必须停止改变一个比较合适设置时,快速备份路径,然后高速公路运行

    It's not possible to switch between modes on the move, meaning you'll have to stop and change to a more suitable setting when a quick back-road drive is followed by a motorway run.


  • 进入白垩世晚期至晚白垩世早期,由于双重俯冲西侧俯冲作用带基本停止活动,而本区地慢热能快速衰减则控制盆地构造热演化;

    Both the Pacific plate and the Siberian block slowed down in the early Cretaceous, and almost stopped in the middle Cretaceous with the rapid decrease of abnormal heat in the mantle below.


  • 只是进入开始而且结束停止碰撞钮扣而且计画快速路径

    Simply enter you start and end stops, hit the "Go" button and the program finds the fastest route.


  • 快速不协调抽搐运动代替心脏正常有节奏收缩而且可能引起暂时血液循环脉搏停止

    Rapid, uncoordinated twitching movements that replace the normal rhythmic contraction of the heart and may cause a lack of circulation and pulse.


  • 算法结合足够停止搜索思想六边形搜索模式高速特性,能快速找到匹配

    The proposed algorithm takes advantages of "stop when good enough" spirit and high speedup gain of hexagon-based search pattern (HEXBS) to find suited points quickly.


  • 推动水域事实物理定律吻合,风将吹至两边建立安全通道,风的停止也会造成水流快速

    The wind moves the water in a way that's in accordance with physical laws, creating a safe passage with water on two sides and then abruptly allowing the water to rush back in.


  • 保护装置快速门柱底部装有光电装置,关闭过程触及障碍物立即停止下降反弹回升

    Protection device: rapid rolling door is arranged at the bottom of the photoelectric device, touch the obstacles in the process of closing down, stop immediately rebound.


  • 不会没有快速修炼魔术”,一些事情可以开始现在(的事情,您可以停止做),您提供直接的改善

    I won't lie to you, there is no "quick fix" or "magic pill" but there are things you can start doing now (and things you can stop doing) which will provide you with more immediate improvement.


  • 虽然计算精度请求比拟,但是未来的测试中,鉴于环境要素机器本身的振动及其快速挪动带来的艰难和不便都停止评价

    Although the desired level of accuracy is low, the environmental conditions, vibrations and quite fast moving machines provide difficulties that have to be estimated in further examinations.


  • 但是很多将成为捐献者器官没法获得因为没有系统快速移植心搏停止者的器官。

    But thousands of organs from would-be donors are never harvested because there is no system to quickly transplant organs from victims of cardiac arrest.


  • 但是快速的、甚至突然人口降低灾难性的而且这种降低很难停止

    But rapid or even sudden population decline would be disastrous, and it would be very difficult to stop.


  • 该算法根据给定搜索确定相应的搜索模式,使用中途停止技术快速的给出运动矢量

    Motion vector is obtained by halfway-stop technique and search pattern which is confirmed by the search distance.


  • 该算法根据给定搜索确定相应的搜索模式,使用中途停止技术快速的给出运动矢量

    Motion vector is obtained by halfway-stop technique and search pattern which is confirmed by the search distance.


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