• 艺术家凯特格林纳指创建卡片是以快乐儿童美丽的花园特点的。

    Noted artist Kate Greenaway created cards which featured joyful children and beautiful gardens. Esther Howland was one of the first Valentine card manufacturers in the United States.


  • 艺术家凯特·格林纳指创建卡片是以快乐儿童美丽的花园特点的。

    Noted artist Kate Greenaway created CARDS which featured joyful children and beautiful gardens.


  • 附近英里远的小村庄传来了烹调锅子快乐叮当作响声儿童尖叫声

    From a nearby Hamlet, half a mile away, comes a happy clanking of cooking-pots and children's shrieks.


  • 广告里,快乐儿童包括玩具麦当劳不公平欺骗性市场直接指向了儿童,”CSPI中写到。

    "By advertising that Happy Meals include toys, McDonald's unfairly and deceptively markets directly to children," the CSPI writes in the letter.


  • 其他编剧、导演作品还有莫扎特歌剧仁慈》、儿童音乐剧嘟嘟快乐声音会》、电视剧生死营救

    His works of stage drama as a director are as follows: Mozart's opera “La Clemenza di Tito ", Sony children's musical "Happy Beep Sound," "Vital Rescue”, etc.


  • CSPI指出,快乐儿童附赠玩具阻止儿童做出健康饮食选择从而导致儿童肥胖

    The inclusion of toys in Happy Meals prevents kids from choosing healthier options, argues CSPI, and contributes to childhood obesity.


  • 橡皮擦致力于搞破坏时,剧情了波折,但是作为儿童读物应该对从很久很久以前...” 到“...永远快乐的生活下去”有信心。

    There are plot twists in the form of an eraser bent on destruction, but this being a kids' book, you can count on once upon a time ending with happily ever after.


  • 现在学校已经复课一些孩子感到自己难以集中精神学习但是许多儿童还是高兴回到日常快乐生活。

    Now that schools have opened, some children are finding it difficult to focus on their studies, but many are glad to be back to the comfort of routines.


  • 带孩子去过麦当劳的父母都知道那些快乐儿童随赠的小玩意一堆的,总会整理玩具时候扔掉一些废旧的,可是孩子想起来的时候就会到处

    Anyone who's been to McDonalds knows how those junky little Happy Meal toys pile up. Periodically I clean out the toy box and toss the older ones. Every once in a while he decides to dig one out.


  • 译者注还有这个没有发霉儿童快乐套餐”。还有个汉堡,它年前被遗忘一位女士的提包里,四年里,这位女士曾带着这个提包在美国各处跑

    This one managed to stave off mold for a year and this one's been around the country in this lady's purse for more than four years.


  • 如今回首过去,清楚地看出儿童时代天真烂漫就像一张安全网,让我们快乐认为一切事情都某个地方得到某种解释。

    Looking back now, I can recognize so well the delightful safety net of childhood's naivety and the belief that all could be explained somehow, somewhere.


  • 通过对参与项心脏研究4700名儿童志愿者数据进行分析美国研究人员日前发表报告称快乐传染

    Happiness is contagious, us researchers reported recently after studying data from 4700 children of volunteers in an extensive health study.


  • 带孩子去过麦当劳的父母都知道那些快乐儿童随赠的玩意一一堆的,总会在整理玩具的时候扔掉一些废旧的,可是孩子想起来的时候就会到处找。

    Anyone who's been to McDonalds knows how those junky little Happy Meal toys pile up. Periodically I clean out the toy box and toss the older ones.


  • 顾客快乐儿童时候,选择仅仅垃圾食品,还是更垃圾的食品。”Gardner

    "When it comes to the Happy Meal, the only choices you have are junk and junkier," says Gardner.


  • 除此之外,CSPI还认为,快乐儿童餐的总热量超越了儿童午餐推荐的430卡路里的上限麦当劳可以再用公共健康做宣传口号。

    Plus, CSPI argues that since most Happy Meal combinations contain more than the recommended 430-calorie maximum for a young child's lunch, McDonald's isn't promoting public health.


  • 7岁这个年龄段,在学校感到快乐人数是其他儿童的2.5,受欺负次数大约是其他儿童的2倍。

    Two-and-a-half times more likely to report being unhappy at school and twice as likely to report being bullied at the age of seven.


  • 现在儿童文学读书小组成了生活最大快乐活动之一。

    Now my children's literature reading group is one of the great joys of my life.


  • 自己才华讲故事上,把快乐带给了数以百万计的儿童成年人

    And by turning his talents to storytelling he has brought joy to millions of children and grownups alike.


  • 还把自己才华讲故事上,把快乐带给数以百万计的儿童成年人

    And by turning his talents to storytelling, he has brought joy to millions of children and grownups alike.


  • 儿童,绽放灿烂的笑容重温童年的清闲尽情享受快乐今天

    In the children's day this day, smile and relive childhood at leisure, enjoy the happiness of today!


  • 书中,黑柳彻子指出,儿童教育应该快乐自由融为一体的。

    In the book, Kuroyanagi shows that children's education should be integrated with fun, freedom and love.


  • 就是儿童,本来快乐节日变成了一个忌日

    Another is Children's day in two days, it is a happy holiday into a Jiri.


  • 当地酒吧有时会组建排球队冰球队,盛夏时光也许会看见一支快乐躲避球队或儿童足球队

    Local bars sometimes have volleyball teams or hockey teams, and you might even be able to find a fun dodge ball or kickball team in the summertime.


  • 还把自己才能用于讲故事,把快乐带给成千上万的儿童成年人

    And by turning his talents to storytelling, he has brought joy to millions of children and grownups alike.


  • 清新快乐色彩单纯活泼生命儿童世界里表现得淋漓尽致。

    The clean and happy color, innocent and living life, all can be shown completely in the world of children.


  • 我们小学生爱心,让那些我们同龄朋友一起在校园中学习,让那些失学儿童鲜花快乐读书

    Let us elementary school students a more caring, let the friends of the same age with us on campus learning, let the children to read in the flowers and happiness.


  • 使得麦当劳不得不著手改善快乐儿童营养不均衡问题。

    This has forced McDonald's to start improving the nutritional balance of their Happy Meals.


  • 义工同事赌桌营运部博彩游戏机部组成带领60名希望之源小朋友通过探索这个儿童乐园不同的游玩设施,共同渡过一个快乐下午。

    A volunteer team from Table Games and Gaming Machines spent a joyful afternoon with around 60 kids from Cradle of Hope exploring different facilities featured in this children's playground.


  • 义工同事赌桌营运部博彩游戏机部组成带领60名希望之源小朋友通过探索这个儿童乐园不同的游玩设施,共同渡过一个快乐下午。

    A volunteer team from Table Games and Gaming Machines spent a joyful afternoon with around 60 kids from Cradle of Hope exploring different facilities featured in this children's playground.


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