• 发表人格社会心理学杂志》上的研究结果让他们大吃一惊

    The results, published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, surprised them.


  • 一些心理学杂志已经创建了激励机制提高人们对可再生科学兴趣

    A few psychology journals have created incentives to increase interest in reproducible science.


  • 环境心理学杂志发表一项研究发现并非所有假期都能产生同样效果

    A new research, however, published in the Journal of Environmental finds that all holidays are not created the equal effect.


  • 根据最新一咨询临床心理学杂志研究身体项目参与者出现饮食失调风险降低61%。

    According to a study in the latest issue of the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, the risk of developing eating disorders was reduced 61% among Body Project participants.


  • 一些心理学杂志已经创建了激励机制提高人们对可复制科学兴趣——例如明确说明可以在哪里获得数据文章附上开放数据”的标签

    A few psychology journals have created incentives to increase interest in reproducible sciencefor example, by affixing an 'open-data' badge to articles that clearly state where data are available.


  • 一些心理学杂志已经创造了激励机制增加可再生科学兴趣例如通过在文章上贴上一个开放数据’的标签来明确说明数据在哪里可以获得。

    A few psychology journals have created incentives to increase interest in reproducible science for example, by affixing an 'open data' badge to articles that clearly state where data are available.


  • 上述研究结果发表英国心理学杂志》上。

    The results were published in the British Journal of Psychology.


  • 这个研究发表美国心理协会的神经心理学杂志

    The research findings were published online in the APA journal Neuropsychology.


  • 另一发表今年心理学杂志上的研究更深入笑容长寿联系起来。

    Another study published this year in Psychological Science went further to make a connection between smiles and longevity.


  • 发表家庭心理学杂志二月版的研究显示这种婚前同居可能是明智

    The study, published in the February issue of the Journal of Family Psychology, indicates that such move-ins might not be wise.


  • 这项研究结果证实一命题之前的研究发表个体社会心理学杂志一月刊上。

    The results of the study confirm previous research on the topic, and were published in the January issue of the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.


  • 这个领域重要分界线要追溯到1996年发表《变态心理学杂志》上的一篇论文

    One of the most important lines of work in this area dates back to a 1996 article published in the Journal of Abnormal Psychology.


  • 但发表在行为心理学杂志一项研究老鼠证明,咖啡因并不能抵消酒精的兴奋作用

    Well, a mouse study finds that caffeine does not counter the intoxicating effects of alcohol. It merely masks the inebriation, which could lead to poor decisions.


  • 同样的观点也出现心理学杂志currentdirections本周片报道

    So says a review published this week in Current Directions in Psychological Science.


  • 博士发表社会心理学杂志季刊上的这篇文章认为聪明相信上帝持有保守观点

    Dr Kanazawa's research, in the journal Social Psychology Quarterly, also claims that intelligent people are less likely to believe in God or hold conservative views. Kanazawa.


  • 5月号《实验社会心理学杂志》上刊登一项最近研究显示分手实际上我们原本担心那样让人心碎。

    A recent study published in the May issue of the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology shows that breakups actually tend to be less heartbreaking than we initially fear.


  • 最近个性社会心理学杂志上刊登研究实验了在这种情况下人们是怎么对待意见分配的。

    A study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology examined exactly this situation to test how people judge the distribution of opinion.


  • 他们最新一人格社会心理学杂志》上阐述了这两种相反品德怎么以及为什么会引起他人的不满。

    Dr Parks and Dr Stone describe, in the latest edition of the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, how and why the goody two-shoes of this world annoy everyone else to distraction.


  • 相比起来,了加柠檬这一部分里面,顶嘴数量比较少。研究结果发表在了《实验社会心理学杂志》上。

    People who had drunk the sugary lemonade were less likely to snap than those who had not, the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology reported.


  • 最近发布英国心理学杂志关于意识经验改变的研究表明:练习另一个改变取得成功的关键

    Practice is another key approach to change, suggests one study on changing conscious experience published recently in the British Journal of Psychology.


  • 现在新的研究表明社区的外在整洁度人们感知安全感之间联系这项研究已经发表品格社会心理学杂志》上。

    Now research reveals that there's a link between a neighborhood's appearance and the perceptionof safety. The work is in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.


  • 一项发表儿童精神病学心理学杂志研究表明儿童可能会受益他们父母通过争吵解决问题的过程。

    But a new study, published in the Journal of child Psychiatry and Psychology, suggests that children might actually benefit from watching their parents sort problems out.


  • 这项研究成果不久发表实验心理学杂志》(Journalof Experimental Psychology)上。

    The results will soon be published in the Journal of Experimental Psychology.


  • 这份刊登家庭心理学杂志研究Galena Rhoades高级研究人员ScottStanley研究教授Howard Markman心理学教授共同完成

    The research, which appears in the Journal of Family psychology, was conducted by Galena Rhoades, senior researcher, Scott Stanley, research professor, and Howard Markman, professor of psychology.


  • 另外根据变态心理学杂志》(the JournalofAbnormal Psychology)报道:“293名吸烟者禁烟1至4,33%病例报道至少的梦涉及吸烟。”

    Additionally, according to the Journal of Abnormal Psychology: "Among 293 smokers abstinent for between 1 and 4 weeks, 33% reported having at least 1 dream about smoking."


  • 因为根据发表环境心理学杂志研究报告,到大自然中去,或者仅仅是有这个念头,都能增加人的活力

    I'm talking about nature. Because according to a study published in the Journal of Environmental Psychology, getting outside-or even just thinking about it-can increase your vitality.


  • 就像应用心理学杂志总结那样如果关心员工幸福感,那么如果他们学术休假,就别打扰他们啦。

    As the study in the Journal of Applied Psychology puts it, if you care about the well-being of your employees when they go away for a respite, leave them alone.


  • 根据实验心理学杂志一项研究一类人——那些闪避者——回避问题方式往往我们想象的更为高明。

    But the latter group — the dodgersavoid providing direct answers better than we think, according to research in the Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied.


  • 实验心理学杂志记载330所做的研究这些研究用于证实这样一个假设——通过信用卡付款容易花钱

    Four studies on 330 people in the Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied confirm the suspicion that it is much easier to spend money in the form of a credit card.


  • 实验心理学杂志记载330所做的研究这些研究用于证实这样一个假设——通过信用卡付款容易花钱

    Four studies on 330 people in the Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied confirm the suspicion that it is much easier to spend money in the form of a credit card.


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