• 今天一个朋友自己感受世界才有意思。

    A friend of mine said to me today that, it's very important to feel the world with our own hearts.


  • 最重要你的感受对你的珍惜

    Most of all, I want to have your heart feel that you are loved and cherished by me.


  • 灿烂的笑容最深秘密,最动人眼睛流过最多眼泪善良的感受过最深刻的

    The prettiest smiles hide the deepest secrets, the prettiest eyes have cried the most tears, the kindest hearts have felt the most pain.


  • 我们对其他人表示时,不仅别人感受我们自己的心感受幸福平和

    When we feel love and kindness toward others, it not only makes others feel loved and cared for, but it helps us also to develop inner happiness and peace.


  • 其中解释来自dreamsdictionary.org:“自尊受挫或是难以表达感受。”

    The first additional interpretation is from dreamsdictionary.org: “you are having difficulties related to self esteem and speaking your mind”.


  • 一些不那么同情孩子可以通过感受更多的内疚弥补这种缺失,可以遏制他们恶意冲动

    Some kids who are low in sympathy may make up for that shortfall by experiencing more guilt, which can rein in their nastier impulses.


  • 的太太需要全神贯注地听,希望说话时候你看着的眼睛,放下手中报纸关掉电话,聆听她的……感受她的伤痛……时刻那里支持她。

    She wants you to look at her when she is talking. She wants you to put down the newspaper and turn off the TV and hear her heartfeel her pain … and just be there for her.


  • 这让愧疚的一从来没有主动来找我,而没有勇气告诉我真实的感受

    She never conforted me, and I didn't have the courage to tell her what I was feeling.


  • 一天,我们可以静下,好好看看周围色彩感受这些颜色的美,享受它们,色彩斑斓的人生

    Take a moment every day to look around you and feel the colors, enjoy the colors. Live your life in full color.


  • 美好玫瑰花冰封过暖流感受温暖;美好的玫瑰花让一段灰暗的人生至少出现了一点缤纷色彩

    The charming rose once offered a warm current across a frozen heart, and let her feel warm; at least, the nice rose once added a little bright color.


  • 但是经过适当的训练练习观察呼吸身体感受变得轻易因为两者的不净烦恼直接关联

    But with proper training and practice it is very easy to observe respiration and body sensations, both of which are directly related to mental defilements.


  • 如果没有同情人们会从自身利益出发,而不会顾及他人状况感受

    Lacking empathy, people act only out of self-interest, without regard for the well-being or feelings of others.


  • 聊起这些有关赛场外的活动可以感受吉尔无尽的好奇驱使着她寻找新的

    Speaking to her about these extracurricular activities, you can feel her relentless curiosity and drive starting to search for a new focus.


  • 首先只不过下来个把小时,我不下,想得更多要离开影院回家,没有想去回忆我对看到的每个场景每种单独感受

    First off, I’d just been sitting down for a couple hours, and I was restless, more focused on leaving the theater, than recalling every single emotion I had during each and every scene.


  • 社交网络教会青少年同理或者说理解他人感受能力

    Social networks can teach teens empathy, or the ability to understand someone else's feelings.


  • 学校里,能引导同情老师能够解释孩子行为背后感受的人

    In school, teachers who inspire empathy are those who recognize and address the feelings behind a child's behavior.


  • 还说看书并且讲讲故事中的(或者动物)有什么感受以及为什么会有那样感受有利于培养孩子的同情

    Also helpful, she said, is reading books and talking about how people (or animals) in a story feel and why they feel that way.


  • 很多情况下排除严重的内分泌失调这些感受的最根本物质痴迷而且经过锻炼痴迷是可以用在好处的。

    In most of these cases, barring severe chemical imbalances, the raw material here is obsession, and with practice obsession is harnessable for good.


  • 很明显每位男士都要散发出一种味觉感受美容机构不断计划如何最好笼络住男人们的

    Apparently, on each male forehead, a sensory target resides, and beauty companies are constantly planning how best to hit them.


  • 老师当然表扬得对,作为奶奶,我深感自豪。同情,就是设身处地地为他人考虑,知道他人感受并且对此做出反应,这样能力文明社会一个重要的标志。

    Empathy, the ability to put yourself in someone else's shoes and recognize and respond to what that person is feeling, is an essential ingredient of a civilized society.


  • 俄罗斯招待外国侦探,这些人质疑俄罗斯现在以前特工,俄罗斯的不安可以理解的;任何国家是俄罗斯,应该都会同样感受

    Russia's qualms at hosting foreign detectives bent on questioning current and former spooks are understandable; any country would feel much the same.


  • 许多学者报告说,两个主要组成部分是同理倾听暂停自己的想法感受

    Many scholars have reported that the two main components of empathy are listening and suspending one's own thoughts and feelings.


  • 这样一个美妙时刻新年钟声经久不息无尽的怀念中,感受灵魂共鸣

    Such a wonderful time, the New Year bell prolongs. My heart is immersed in endless longing for, to feel your sympathetic of our souls.


  • 那位贝多芬老人受伤融在音乐里,整个世界的人他的音乐中感受爱。

    The name of the old Beethoven, he injured his love of music into the heart, let the whole world from his music to feel love.


  • 幸福简单的,不会带着任何的杂质只要一颗善良,你永远都会感受存在

    Happiness is simple, it does not carry any impurities, as long as you have a good heart, you will always feel its presence.


  • 关乎他人同情主动提出帮忙的意愿以及以他人的感受为先的情操。

    It's about the compassion you have for others and your willingness to be there and put their feelings first.


  • 人生中的痛苦就像盐分感受多少痛苦,完全取决于你的灵——痛苦释放的容器你的大海是湖泊还是茶杯

    Pain in life is like salt, how much you can feel the pain, it all depends on your mind - pain free container, your heart is the ocean, lakes, or small cup it.


  • 远离市井尘嚣,细腻温软眷顾中,在漫妙的音乐里,在有浮动暗香中,感受大自然提炼精华浸入脾。

    Far from the noisy city in this fine and gentle care, surrounded in the wonderful music and the floating hidden fragrance, you feel the essence extracted from the nature going into you body.


  • 远离市井尘嚣,细腻温软眷顾中,在漫妙的音乐里,在有浮动暗香中,感受大自然提炼精华浸入脾。

    Far from the noisy city in this fine and gentle care, surrounded in the wonderful music and the floating hidden fragrance, you feel the essence extracted from the nature going into you body.


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