• 报纸写道,作为库鲁比监狱刽子手岗位工作说明包括灵巧绞索绳结的能力冷酷,可是容易产生怜悯犹豫的人适宜去申请。”

    The paper wrote that a job description for the post of Chikurubi prison hangman included, "dexterity, ability to tie a knot, hard heart and anyone prone to mercy or hesitation need not apply."


  • 一个人一如既往地稳定,成为支撑桥梁石——他就是维迪

    But if there's been one constant, the keystone holding up the bridge, it's Vidic.


  • 不足,玛丽·梅恩卡罗·乔治发现那些被父母身体虐待孩子们有更少同理

    Not surprisingly, Mary Main and Carol George found children with physically abusive parents had children with less empathy.


  • 如果今年提名最佳男主角奖,那么这场竞赛非常有趣因为另外一位有望获奖演员也是这种类型。他就是主演《疯狂》的杰夫·布里

    If he's nominated, the best-actor race could be particularly interesting, because another likely frontrunner, Jeff Bridges of "Crazy Heart," is that sort of actor too.


  • 他们被许许多多其他东西牵住了——波涛汹涌气球房子带上高空思妙想,话唠的狗狗,喜欢胡闹的还有紧张刺激飞船

    There's plenty else to distract them - from the fanciful idea of a house borne aloft by billowing balloons to talking dogs, slapstick giant birds and thrilling airship battles.


  • 约翰.埃尔德狂野》中大多数男人,他们的生命都一个回应的过程,回应一种“父亲伤口”。

    John Eldridge, in his book, Wild at Heart, saysmost men go through life reacting to what I often called ‘the father wound.’


  • 杰夫·布里凭借疯狂扮演乡村乐歌手获得最佳剧情类男演员最佳喜剧类男演员奖则由《福尔摩斯》的小罗伯特·唐尼获得。

    Jeff Bridges took the award for best actor in a drama for his role as a country singer in "Crazy Heart," while Robert Downey Jr. won best actor in a comedy for "Sherlock Holmes."


  • 杯上施华洛水晶戒指闪耀着金灿灿或是晃晃的光芒,时刻提醒着他/她,这个情人节,属对方,难以自拔了。

    The Swarovski crystal ring comes in gold or silver, and will serve as a constant reminder of what you may have your heart set on for this February 14th.


  • 10月上旬,默克尔萨科多维尔会面,就欧元问题达成一项协议其他欧盟成员国一如既往对法德命令抱怨

    When Mrs Merkel and Mr Sarkozy met in Deauville in early October and stitched up a deal on the euro, there was the usual grumbling from other eu members about a Franco-German diktat.


  • 献给已故父母奖项最佳男主角致辞人:杰夫·布里影片:《疯狂》。

    To the deceased parents CATEGORY: Performance by an actor in a leading role SPEECH by: Jeff Bridges FILM: Crazy heart.


  • 这一下再走上几步,又见一条花纹斑斓的鲤鱼在窗外悠然

    When he walked over to the left, suddenly he discovered a big shrimp swimming past outside the window.


  • 西在开门时,包裹马上唤起了好

    Daisy saw it as soon as she opened the door and her curiosity was immediately aroused.


  • 教授:“男性自尊受损’可能导致双方关系紧张。”

    Professor Teachman said: 'There may be "wounded pride" on the part of the male that may lead to tension in the relationship.


  • 目的探讨胶囊柯萨B3病毒性肌炎小鼠nk细胞活性干扰素效价影响

    OBJECTIVE To explore the effects of Bingxin capsules on NK cells activity and potency of interferon in experimental Coxsackie B3 viral myocarditis.


  • 青山隐隐孤舟,山色空蒙雨亦那些西湖步履,那些频,君否?

    Castle Peak is a mountain after Meng Yu micro, but strange, the West Lake side of the action, the frequency of low brow, Dutch Heart million points, you remember?


  • 所有命运这么突如来,如果一个人爱情理由,那就太傻了,早已我的身体。

    All destiny, happens at a sudden. Its too silly to ask one the reason for love, my heart has long flown out of my body.


  • 作为北京执行董事,同样身为孩子母亲高岚女士怀着一份感恩在这里开始了维咔感动梦想延续

    As the Executive Director of WEIKAQI as well as the child's mother, Mrs. Gao Lan feels thankful and continues the development of WEIKAQI.


  • 文章针对问题,利用密闭取分析资料阿尔公式中的岩石电学参数进行了刻度

    In view of such a problem, the lithological electrical parameters in Archie formula were calibrated by use of the analysis data of sealing core drilling.


  • 约翰。艾杰著作狂野指出一个男孩子人生中,总一刻他会自己:“能否胜任?”

    In his book Wild at Heart John Eldredge says there comes a point in every boy's life when he asks himself, "Do I have what it takes?"


  • 闪烁着施华洛品牌名字,笔端挂着一个白色镶钻闪亮的型吊坠,笔杆则绽放透明水晶石的璀璨魅力。

    The Swan logo is featured on the cap and the clip gleams with the Swarovski brand name, while the body sparkles with crystal chatons.


  • 教授:“男性自尊受损’可能导致双方关系紧张。”

    Professor Teachman said: "There may be 'wounded pride' on the part of the male that may lead to tension in the relationship."


  • 教授:“男性自尊受损’可能导致双方关系紧张。”

    Professor Teachman said: "There may be 'wounded pride' on the part of the male that may lead to tension in the relationship."


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