• 佩·格·沃德豪书信选集卖了2000美元

    A selection of correspondence from P.G. Wodehouse realized 2,000 dollars.


  • 最初曾希望劝说伍德豪斯先生同一起搬唐维尔去。

    He had at first hoped to induce Mr. Woodhouse to remove with her to Donwell.


  • 德豪先生看见从未过写得这么得体的信。

    Woodhouse saw the letter, and he says he never saw such a handsome letter in his life.


  • 德豪长期逐步实施的建议称为“渐进式气候政策”。

    Nordhaus calls this recommendation for a policy that builds gradually over a long period the “climate-policy ramp.”


  • 德豪于2005年2月接替生担任建华的国际总干事

    NB Martin Klopper is to succeed Peter Anderson as International Director as from February 2005.


  • 德豪自行车埃姆斯·沃思出发,行程65英里到达伦敦

    From Emsworth, PG Wodehouse on one occasion bicycled the 65 miles to London.


  • 德豪小姐,请相信不会这样冒昧认为——我确实没有这样狂妄

    Miss Woodhouse, believe me I have not the presumption to suppose - Indeed I am not so mad.


  • 由于德豪润达公司资料保密规定,案例部分数据经过处理并非实际数据。

    Since the company's information is confidential, some of the cases, data processing are not the actual data.


  • 之后几年马里兰大学教授动物学,并继续麻州德豪海洋生物实验室学习

    For a few years she would teach zoology at the University of Maryland, continuing her studies in the summer at the Marine Biological Laboratories in Woods Hole, Mass.


  • 千万不能假借上午驾车出游,到当维尔玩两个小时机会,引得德豪先生受罪

    Woodhouse must not, under the specious pretence of a morning drive, and an hour or two spent at Donwell, be tempted away to his misery.


  • ,伍德豪小姐我应该组织音乐俱乐部每周你们我们家聚会一次。

    I think, Miss Woodhouse, you and I must establish a musical club, and have regular weekly meetings at your house, or ours.


  • 几天离开剑桥什鲁斯伯里,德豪待了时间女友范尼·欧文

    He left Cambridge for Shrewsbury a few days later and spent some time at Woodhouse, the home of his former girlfriend, Fanny Owen.


  • 不过,这位善良的德豪老先生,要是听见吃饭时讲的那番献殷勤的话好了。

    But this good old Mr. Woodhouse, I wish you had heard his gallant speeches to me at dinner.


  • 德豪会计师事务所认为,2008年英国破产企业数量将会增长9%,五年来新高

    And BDO Stoy Hayward, an accounting firm, thinks that in 2008 the number of British businesses becoming insolvent will go up by 9%, to a five-year high.


  • “呃,德豪小姐,”两人走出牧师住宅以后丽特等了好久不见朋友吭声,便开了口。

    Well, Miss Woodhouse, ' said Harriet, when they had quitted the house, and after waiting in vain for her friend to begin;


  • 南京德豪工艺品有限公司创建于2002年,一家新兴的艺术雕塑商业造型综合制作企业实体

    The Nanjing Dehao handicraft Limited company founded in 2002, was an emerging artistic sculpture and the commercial modelling synthesis manufacture business entity.


  • 一定知道德豪家是古老世家后裔,哈特菲尔居住好几——而埃尔顿家却湮没无闻。

    He must know that the Woodhouses had been settled for several generations at Hartfield, the younger branch of a very ancient family - and that the Eltons were nobody.


  • 德豪小姐要是什么时候这样离开了家,看到什么东西你撇下的东西有些相似,你觉得有多高兴啊。

    Whenever you are transplanted, like me, Miss Woodhouse, you will understand how very delightful it is to meet with any thing at all like what one has left behind.


  • 的确,鉴于方面存在不确定性,预计有些二线事务所比如致同、德豪国际、国富浩华罗申美,承接一系列IPO工作。

    I do expect that some of the second-tier firms like Grant Thornton, BDO, and Crowe Horwath/RSM are going to pick up a number of IPOs given the uncertainty surrounding the Big Four.


  • 对于斯特恩报告批评来自不同方面但是德豪先生帕萨爵士认同一点:尼古拉斯爵士两个字母的取值选择上前后矛盾的。

    These shots at the Stern report whistle in from different directions, but Mr Nordhaus and Sir Partha both agree on one point: Sir Nicholas's choices are inconsistent with each other.


  • 四十五分钟之后莱.乌德豪两辆拖车赶来了,他我们遇到所有澳大利亚一样乐于助人尽管我们足球场上拉出来。

    Forty-five minutes later, Barry Woodhouse was there with his tow truck, as helpful and cheery as everyone in Australia in spite of the fact that we had dragged him away from the footie.


  • 认真地说现在作者尽全力能有多少的和弗罗斯特康拉亨利.詹姆斯.马多斯.福或者PG·斯一样优秀呢?

    Seriously, how many authors today are writing better than Forster, Conrad, JM Barrie, Henry James, Ford Madox Ford or even PG Wodehouse at their best?


  • 在信笺最下方的空白处,密密麻麻地写了这样两行字:“知道星期二那天抽空来去向德豪小姐的那位美丽小朋友辞别。”

    Compressed into the very lowest vacant corner were these words - 'I had not a spare moment on Tuesday, as you know, for Miss Woodhouse's beautiful little friend.


  • 里克·德豪斯(Derek Sandhaus)白酒专家,他将出版白酒为主题新书,他评论说,“昂贵的白酒把商界权力金钱联系起来。”

    Derek Sandhaus, a baijiu expert with a forthcoming book on the subject, remarks that "Expensive baijiu is connected to power and money in the business world."


  • 英国田园乡村电影混合奥斯汀(Jane Austen)、克莉丝蒂(Agatha Christie )艾弗林渥夫(Evelyn Waugh),德豪斯(Wodehouse)。

    British country house movies are a mix of Jane Austen, Agatha Christie and Evelyn Waugh, with Wodehouse as the mixologist.


  • 斯瓦希”号轮船撞在桥上沉没了。

    The steamer Swadeshi had fouled the Howrah bridge and sunk.


  • 我们今天生活,要感谢麦卡尔、卡欣威尔金麦克斯韦以及其他美国时尚巴黎设计限制中解放出来女性

    We live today indebted to McCardell, Cashin, Hawes, Wilkins, and Maxwell, and other women who liberated American fashion from the confines of Parisian design.


  • 我们今天生活,要感谢麦卡尔、卡欣威尔金麦克斯韦以及其他美国时尚巴黎设计限制中解放出来女性

    We live today indebted to McCardell, Cashin, Hawes, Wilkins, and Maxwell, and other women who liberated American fashion from the confines of Parisian design.


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