• 德拉亚斯是个卑鄙、阴险之徒,决心巴尔博亚支持者于困境

    But Badrarias was a mean, spiteful man and determined to make life difficult for Balboa and his supporters.


  • 另一个例子古吉拉特邦北部莫德赫拉亚宫,它旁边是比玛一世国王1026年纪念太阳神亚而建造太阳

    Another example is the Surya Kund in Modhera, northern Gujarat, next to the Sun Temple, built by King Bhima I in 1026 to honour the sun god Surya.


  • 美国科学家德·戴蒙德认为帕努伊人,即波利尼西亚定居者后代破坏了他们自己的环境

    US scientist Jared Diamond believes that the Rapanui people—descendants of Polynesian settlerswrecked their own environment.


  • 这些德吉夫纳瓦拉支队中,使亨利军队膨胀4.2万名战斗人员

    These, added to the detachments of De Givry, and Navarre, swelled Henry's army to forty-two thousand fighting men.


  • 朝圣者准备参与第六十二届默亚巴德玛丽圣殿朝圣之旅,对此穆尔塔克·皮亚拉(MushtaqPyara)神父表示担忧

    Father Mushtaq Pyara expressed concern as devotees prepare for the 62nd pilgrimage to the National Marian Shrine in Mariamabad.


  • 两鬓后面用的,应有尽有。那时很就以前德拉百老汇橱窗见过并渴望的东西。

    For there lay The Combs ——the set of combs , said and back , that Della had worshipped for long in a Broadway window.


  • 上述结论至少英国大学马太·拉伯伦安德鲁·奥斯瓦尔德得出结论。

    That, at least, is the conclusion of Matthew Rablen and Andrew Oswald of the University of Warwick, in England.


  • 具体来说就是陶德杀害一些前来理发顾客接着拉维特把他们馅饼

    Specifically, he kills some of his customers and then she bakes them into meat pies.


  • 拉沙德·刘易斯消失场面

    Rashard Lewis disappears on the big stage.


  • 来自加州大学圣迭戈分校的卡迪克•穆拉达兰世界银行万可太实•桑德拉拉曼,印度德拉的300所国立学校试验了这个想法

    Two researchers, Karthik Muralidharan of the University of California at San Diego and Venkatesh Sundararaman of the World Bank, tested that idea in 300 state-run schools in Andhra Pradesh in India.


  • 对于非营利型小型金融公司来说,安德·拉这个一贫如洗村子实在很难出没欠多少的人家。

    It is tough to find a household in this village in an impoverished district of Andhra Pradesh that is not deeply in debt to a for-profit microfinance company.


  • 那时看着电视漆黑阴影翻着吸血鬼漫画原始版本的古拉。

    I was watching Dark Shadows on TV and reading vampire comic books and seeing the original Dracula.


  • 孟菲斯警督古德温向公众保证,不是现实版本少数派报告

    Memphis police director Larry Godwin assures the public that this isn't a real-life version of Minority Report.


  • 认为桑德伯格自己不能充分认识这个问题因为赞助者那受益良多:“桑德伯格非常幸运地遇到了·萨默斯。”

    She believes that Sandberg is insufficiently aware of this problem because she has benefitted from sponsors: "Sandberg, to her great credit, had Larry Summers."


  • 但是赫德选择了甲骨文。甲骨文的创始人,同时也是惠普战略合作者,拉·曾经公开强烈建议惠普解雇

    But no - Hurd chose to go to Oracle, a former strategic partner to HP whose founder, Larry Ellison, had very publicly lambasted HP's board for firing him.


  • 富争议案件2001年,嫌疑犯安德拉·叶在骑浴缸淹死了自己五个孩子

    His most controversial case came in 2001, when Andrea Yates drowned her five children in her bathtub.


  • 就是奥瓦··塔拉·宾·阿杜拉西斯·沃苏王子陛下,是沙特国王法赫德侄子沙特创建人孙子也是当今黎巴嫩创建人外孙

    He is His Royal Highness Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Bin Abdulaziz Alsaud, nephew of King Fahd of Saudi Arabia, grandson of the country's founder, grandson also of the founder of modern day Lebanon.


  • 然而赫罗德告诉纽约讯记者,赞安诺并没有溶解,所以相信特拉维斯其实一点药都没喝进去。

    However, Herold told New York station WABC that the Xanax didn't dissolve in the tea, and she doesn't believe Travis had any of the drug in his system.


  • 当年秋天,拉科船员包括波尼德,就被逮捕了

    In the fall of that same year, Rackham and his crew, including Bonny and Read, were captured.


  • 保守派权威·埃德了《愚蠢黑人一书,抨击凡事归罪于歧视的黑人。

    Larry Elder, a conservative pundit, wrote a book about blacks who blame racism for nearly everything called: "Stupid black Men".


  • 使得跨进了由弗雷德·-巴奇罗德·拉沃尔、罗伊·埃莫森以及阿加西组成独揽大满贯赛冠军的行列。

    He also moved into a select group made up only of Fred Perry, Don Budge, Rod Laver, Roy Emerson and Andre Agassi as men who have won all four of the grand slam events.


  • ·古德森,这使巴基斯坦美国留下很多不满。

    Larry Goodson says that left a lot of residual bad feeling towards the U.S. in Pakistan.


  • 可能今年十月到期卸任后接替意大利央行主管德拉表示欧洲央行“准备坚决及时的手段”应对涨。

    Mario Draghi, the governor of Italy's central bank and a possible successor to Mr Trichet, whose term ends in October, said the ECB was "prepared to act in a firm and timely manner" on inflation.


  • 莫莉恩-窦德的小别墅挤满了演艺圈的人——-戴维斯,,乔治-卢卡斯,雷-哈维德,甚至汤姆-汉克斯-阿弗莱克想进去都得费点劲儿。

    Maureen Dowd's townhouse so jammed with stars -- Larry David, George Lucas, Ron Howard -- that even Tom Hanks and Ben Affleck have trouble getting in.


  • 我们回想一下布鲁克斯·金-凯瑟斯、科林·卡莫拉、·蒙特哥等人所做那份精致信任调查

    Consider this elegant investigation of trust, led by Brooks King-Casas, Colin Camerer, Read Montague, et. al.


  • 喜欢阿诺·德斯普·圣诞童话》,或者格雷格·莫托拉的《冒险乐园》类的电影,这也是今年看过的电影中喜欢的两部。

    We'd see something like Arnaud Desplechin's a Christmas Tale or Greg Mottola's Adventureland - films I've really enjoyed this year.


  • 还是因为摆在桌上的梳子——全套梳子,包括两鬓用,后面的,样样俱全。很久以前德拉百老汇一个橱窗见过并羡慕得要死的东西。

    For there lay The Combs--the set of combs, side and back, that Della had worshipped long in a Broadway window.


  • 周一致会员信中俱乐部老板德拉·布塞克斯(EdraBlixseth)几周来前所未有经济事件Yellowstone被迫寻求债权人保护

    In a letter to members Monday, club owner Edra Blixseth said the 'unprecedented economic events' of recent weeks have forced Yellowstone to seek protection from its creditors.


  • 默哈穆德·艾尔拉吉(Mohammed al - Rajili)委员会分队的联络人,他随时都会现场与贝丁商讨任命事宜。

    Mohammed al-Rajili, the council's liaison with the brigade, was due to arrive any minute to discuss the issue with Bedin.


  • 每日邮报消息,德拉姆兰戈堡收藏有达芬奇勃朗特汉斯·荷尔拜因等人价值6亿5百万作品

    The castle is home to an estimated $650 million worth of works by da Vinci, Rembrandt and Hans Holbein, according to the Daily Mail.


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