• 根据一发现收藏家们预测真人大小的雕塑贬值微型雕塑将会升值。

    In light of this discovery, collectors predict that the life-size sculptures will decrease in value while the miniatures increase in value.


  • 这些过程中——身体通过微创进行手术,在其中操作一个微型相机外科工具——医生佩戴3D眼镜,以获得更好视觉效果。

    During these proceduresoperations that are done through small cuts in the body in which a miniature camera and surgical tools are maneuvered—surgeons are wearing 3D glasses for a better view.


  • 因此假设就像一个微型理论。

    So, a hypothesis is like a mini-theory.


  • 一个微型计算机替代目前现在需要连接线单个的计算机。

    A microcomputer will replace a standalone computer that is wired to the unit in the current prototype.


  • 他们水箱放置一个汽缸速度制造微型激流

    They also placed a small ring inside the water tank that whirled more rapidly than the cylinder and created a miniature lab version of the jet stream.


  • 如果设置就会引起每个用户内容(如果存在)运行微型内容审计

    If set, this will cause a mini-Content Audit to be run for each user's content where it exists.


  • 打个比方,这个“磁极矩”可以让电子一个微型条形磁铁那样磁场旋转

    They act, in other words, like tiny bar magnets with north and south poles, making them rotate in a magnetic field.


  • 造成这种拖延一个原因是从这些微型建筑材料中组装有用的装置难度很大。

    One reason for the delay is the difficulty of assembling useful devices from such tiny building blocks.


  • 作为微型信息中心KIOSK公众提供信息服务中扮演重要角色

    As a kind of miniature information center, KIOSKs play an important role in providing the public with information.


  • 相比之下,液晶显示技术通过微型彩色过滤器液晶检波器来背光中过滤光源

    LCD displays, by contrast, filter light from a backlight through an array of tiny coloured filters and liquid-crystal shutters.


  • 一支来自康奈尔大学机器人专家队伍3d打印技术创造出了微型机器飞虫。

    A team of roboticists at Cornell University have created tiny flying robotic insects using 3-d printing.


  • 为了长年太空生活,宇航员必须携带微型生态系统从而提供包括氧气食物在内的生活必需品

    To survive for years in space, astronauts may need to bring along miniature ecosystems that provide necessities such as oxygen and food.


  • 一些研究人员认为DNA折纸证明可以控制微观材料使形成特定物体包括微型电路。

    Some researchers think that DNA origami proves microscopic material can be controlled to form specific objects, including smaller circuits.


  • MoteRunner使用8处理器8KBRAM微型64 KB的闪存

    Mote Runner USES an 8-bit processor, 8 KB of RAM and a tiny 64 KB of flash memory storage.


  • 委员会需要考虑到可能性尽管几率十分微小,但是如此高密度碰撞粒子有可能形成一个微型黑洞

    The committee will also consider an alternative, although less likely, possibility that the colliding particles could achieve such a high density that they would form a mini black hole.


  • 无论工作原理如何结果Whitten博士将之描述一个微型的蟑螂笼子”(细菌有去无回)。

    However it works, the upshot is what Dr Whitten describes as a micro-sized "roach motel" (" Bacteria check in, but they don't check out ").


  • 不过难以人们信服这些思想可以适用真实的操作系统因为所有这些工作基于微型玩具级的”研究项目

    However, it was hard to convince people that the ideas would work on "real" operating systems since all this work was based on tiny "toy" research projects.


  • DisplayPort只是一些新式电脑支持的另一种更新连接端口,当然还有一些三种线缆小型微型变种

    DisplayPort is another newer connector that's being included on some newer computers, and there are also several mini and micro variants of all three.


  • SWTBot 2.0(目前be ta版)组合FluentInterface微型DSL查询widgets

    SWTBot 2.0 (in beta as of now) is providing a combination of FluentInterface and a really tiny DSL to search widgets.


  • 微型参考本身不是新东西—Gumstix公司多年以来一直提供相似的板,包括一些基于OMAP3530处理器的板。

    Tiny reference boards are not themselves necessarily newsworthy-companies such as Gumstix have been providing similar boards for several years, including some based on the OMAP3530 processor.


  • 同样这些微型路由器/NAT盒子非常专用硬件它们通常没有风扇,安安静静,而且多个以太端口有时还有无线端口

    Similarly, those tiny little router/NAT boxes are pretty cool specialized hardware; they're generally fanless and silent with multiple Ethernet ports and sometimes a wireless port.


  • Jersey项目使用完成自动化测试,到目前为止作为一个微型类似于Servlet容器的实验品,它的用处还是非常大的。

    Project Jersey is using it for their automated testing, and so far it proved to be quite useful as a very tiny Servlet-like container.


  • 为了演示DataStudioXFG如何协同工作详细步骤需要根据结构创建一个微型患者信息管理应用程序

    To illustrate the detailed steps of how Data Studio and XFG work together, you will create a mini-patient information management application based on the structure in the table below.


  • 这样处理等待可以所需资源降到最低限度,特别地,Play使用了一个微型的线程池通常数量机器处理器个数加上1)。

    This requires minimal resources while the process waits, in particular, Play is capable of working of a mini-thread pool (typically the number of processors on your machine plus one).


  • 英国斯旺西大学研究员正在使一切变得容易理解数据有记号动物身上的加速器ontagged能够记录移动微型的游戏控制器

    Researchers at Swansea University, UK, are trying to make it easier to understand the data from accelerometers on tagged animals, which record motion like a Wii videogame controller.


  • 山姆出生于去年10月1之后不久斯奎贝尔夫妇就告知他们儿子只有50%的生存希望因为磁共振检查提示小山姆的大脑里一个微型肿瘤

    Soon after Sam's birth on October 1 last year, the Esquibel's were told their son had only a 50-50 chance of survival after an MRI showed a microscopic tumour on his brain.


  • 同轴微小高分子聚合已经实现。 这项技术可以作为一种微型的吊装设施”,由它来“组装微型的材料,用于制造诸如超小电子设备以及像纸一样的可以用印刷技术生产的太阳能电池等新一代产品。

    The strands, she realized, could serve as minuscule cranes to arrange even smaller building materials and manufacture things like ultrasmall electronic devices and paper-thin, printable solar cells.


  • 会将块根蔬菜“栽种”在花盆中,麦芽榛子混合在一起做成“土壤”表层,下面浸渍着龙蒿和其他香草酸羊奶乳酪,形成一道别出心裁的蔬菜沙拉,同时一盘海胆粉,再摆上几块散乱石头和几簇青草,完全是一派微型的海滨风光。

    It’s crudités a different way. A dish of shrimp and sea urchin powder, meanwhile, is arranged as a beachscape with scattered stones and tufts of grass.


  • 壁龛洗脸盆一面镜子还有扇门通往一个微型私用盥洗室

    There's an alcove with a small sink and mirror, and a door to the tiny, but private lavatory.


  • 壁龛洗脸盆一面镜子还有扇门通往一个微型私用盥洗室

    There's an alcove with a small sink and mirror, and a door to the tiny, but private lavatory.


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