• 拥挤不堪商店扒手行窃最得手的地方。

    Crowded shops are a happy hunting-ground for pick-pockets.


  • 女人男人礼物一般抵抗力流氓都是得手的

    A woman to a mans gift is generally no resistance, the thugs are depend on the successful.


  • 韦德上半场4个油漆区外得手这迫使凯尔特人出来防守

    Wade made all four of his shots from outside the paint in the first half, forcing the Celtics to try to step out and defend his shot.


  • 据称,2009年初纳兹离心机开工数量减少,就是Stuxnet进攻得手证明

    Some say a fall in the number of working centrifuges at Natanz in early 2009 is evidence of a successful Stuxnet attack.


  • 这时梅布尔则会偷偷看他一眼,表明自己是个不易得手的端庄的淑女,正如我们在调情的那样。

    Mable also steals sideways glances, just as we do when flirting, to show she’s demure and hard to get, yet interested.


  • 因为增加巡逻增强了各类船只防卫力量的缘故,虽然复一年,海盗们得手次数保持不变,但是海盗们抢劫成功率降低了

    Because of increased patrols and defenses on board ships, the success rate has gone down, though the number of successful attacks has stayed the same year over year.


  • 这种眼看就要得手的失败就这么出现的。事实上结果人为操作的,所有参与者都是30次,差一点就赢60次,彻底失败90次。

    In fact, the results were rigged and all participants got 30 wins, 60 near misses and 90 clear misses.


  • 门窗窃贼作为入室的目标容易得手

    Doors and windows are an easy target for burglars.


  • 有经验的入室窃贼来说,人们惯常钱的那些地方最容易得手

    Traditional hiding places are easy pickings for experienced burglars.


  • 窗户胶合板钻进去的时候,发现可以得手放进去的东西

    When I pried off the plywood over a window and climbed in, I found something I could put my hands to.


  • 实际上甚至还有些第三应用帮助得手信号强度

    In fact, there are even some third party apps you can use to assess your signal strength.


  • 可以促进脚本重用使测试轻松有选择地使用手动测试周期自动化的功能。

    This promotes script reuse and enables manual testers to easily and selectively leverage the power of automation within manual test cycles.


  • 穆尔女士称自己杂志乐观派”,纸张滑丽的杂志强过对着电视屏幕。

    Ms Moore is a self-described "magazine optimist" who thinks that holding a glossy magazine beats looking at a screen.


  • 偶然得手十分普通微波炉食谱——就是那种电器制造商卖微波炉时为了几个顺带着卖的食谱,不值钱的。

    One day I came across a copy of a fairly common microwave cookbook - the sort published by the appliance manufacturer to make a few extra dollars.


  • 但是苹果应该意识到用户愿意电池一些寿命来换得手录制视频的功能,而且苹果应该允许手机应用支持这项功能。

    It's time Apple realized people are willing to trade some battery life for the ability to record a short video and start allowing apps that support it.


  • 未免我们过多关注INQ决定,我们应该制造商设备限制载体支持,这美国还是允许的。

    Lest we read too much into INQ's decision, we should recall that the phone maker's devices have limited carrier support and are not yet available in the United States.


  • 还记机出现之前段时间吗?那时不得不无数电话,才能把几个朋友聚在一起看电影

    "Remember a time before cellphones, when you had to make a bazillion calls to try to organize getting a group of friends to meet for a movie?" he asks.


  • 许多团伙成员,特别是黑客们,挑战复杂安保系统以及一旦攻击得手则会得到吹嘘的资本中获得满足和动力

    Many, particularly hackers, are also motivated by the challenges of sophisticated security systems and the bragging rights they gain when they foil them.


  • 就算CSN最后得手,由于它的现金流会因此被分流一部分,合并后公司债务也将是现在的两

    If CSN prevails, the merged firm's combined net debt will more than double as a share of cashflow.


  • 我们知道手机让人十分郁闷尤其是无法机里面珍贵的资料

    We all know how annoying it is to lose your mobile phone, especially if you never did get round to backing up those valuable contacts.


  • 亚利桑那州——亚利桑那当局表示他们抓获一个刚刚抢劫了当地银行得手大摇大摆附近一家餐馆用餐男人,男人抢来买了啤酒披萨自顾自的大快朵颐。

    YUMA, Ariz. -- Arizona authorities say they have arrested a man who robbed a Yuma bank then went and spent some of the stolen money on beer and pizza at a nearby restaurant.


  • 众多做为插件使用定制编辑器,使编辑配置文件更加方便。

    The many custom editors for plugin functionality support files has lowered the barrier of entry that would have existed if manual editing of configuration files would have been required.


  • 梅特卡夫博士朋友施乐帕克研究中心同事大卫•雷多评论说,也许最为重要的是,梅特卡夫使微软太阳两公司也加入进来。

    Perhaps even more important, notes his friend and former PARC cohort David Liddle, Dr Metcalfe also got Microsoft and Sun on board.


  • 梅特卡夫博士朋友施乐帕克研究中心同事大卫•雷多评论说,也许最为重要的是,梅特卡夫使微软太阳两公司也加入进来。

    Perhaps even more important, notes his friend and former PARC cohort David Liddle, Dr Metcalfe also got Microsoft and Sun on board.


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