• 笑看别人失误缺点容易,自己有同样失误和缺点时,就是一回事儿了。

    It's easy to see the humor in someone else's blunders or flaws, but it's another story when the same thing happens to us.


  • 带着那条睡觉一定古怪,人们会联想到各种各样事儿木刺啦等等

    Must be strange taking that wooden stump to bed with you. One imagines all sorts of thingssplinters, etc.


  • 认真别人一些有趣或者在乎的美妙事儿的时候看起来就是那样的。

    It's just how my face goes when I'm listening to somebody cool and beautiful talk about something she CARES about.


  • 然后一些奇怪事儿发生了梯田里黄土不再岩石上-非常完美压的黏土丰富的沉积物上

    Then something strange happened: the loess in the terraces wasn't on top of crushed rock anymore - it was on top of very finely laminated clay-rich sediments.


  • 两口子之间争执个人的。就讲得了:那些个激烈争执基本上不是关于实实在在的内容,而通常是关于其他事儿

    Fights between couples are personal. So it makes sense that the passionate ones are rarely about the actual content but rather are typically about something else entirely.


  • 他们看来,个主事儿人是如此令人兴奋的事情,所以他们愿意承担多数都会觉得过于沉重的担子。

    For them, being in charge delivers such a thrill that they willingly take on levels of responsibility most rational people would find overwhelming.


  • 污染谁负责,原则容易掌握而且政策实施层面来讲对污染事儿而不是工厂、企业等“事儿收税非常有吸引力

    The principlethat polluters pay for the damage they cause—is easily grasped, and it is politically attractive to taxbadssuch as pollution instead of “goods” such as work and entrepreneurship.


  • 容易陷入常规停滞不前,尝试一些新鲜事儿激起大脑快乐反应

    It's easy to fall into routines that turn into ruts, but trying new things literally triggers a happiness response in the brain.


  • 可能认为了解你自己恰恰又是这些认为确信事儿你的后腿

    You probably think you know a lot of things about yourself. And it's those things that you're certain of that are holding you back.


  • 抱歉今天下午不能赴约了,我这儿冒出了点事儿

    I'm sorry I won't be able to keep our appointment for this afternoon. Something unexpected came up.


  • Jack是一条巴吉度犬,生活德国法兰克福,看那对耳朵,它一定听过不少事儿,耳朵肯定也

    Poor Jack, a basset hound living with his owners near Frankfurt, Germany, probably hears that a lot -- and probably pretty well, given the size of his ears.


  • ,“老公拍拖那会儿-,30年前事儿了-,时间关系恶劣。”

    She said, "When I was dating my husbandthis is thirty years ago — we were having a tough time."


  • 他说:“容易被贴上一些标签,比如剑桥、皇家戏剧学院学这些是我身上最没趣的几件事儿

    The labels that are so easy to put on me – like Cambridge graduate or RADA graduate – are, in a way, the least interesting things about me.


  • 反倒尴尬,我老公一会回去还有事儿呢。

    But I was very embarrassed, I told her husband that a while back and things like this.


  • 以前并没有这么苯!我以前聪明的,怎么事儿?。

    I didn't use to be this stupid! I used to be very smart. What happened?


  • 但是现在作为父亲事儿牵动的神经,你容易周围世界发生的事儿影响。

    But now the smallest little things, you well up a little more, you get affected by the sort of things that happen around the world or whatever a lot more, I think, as a father.


  • 抱歉派对太多事儿,我给忘记了。

    I'm sorry I didn't make to your party. It just slipped my mind as I had too much work to do.


  • 信息时代阅读那些关于同一话题博客容易事儿

    In the Information Age, it's easy to read blogs that deal with the same topic.


  • 可惜自恃擅长喝酒,根本把我的忠告当回事儿

    He was not at all daunted by this advice, considering himself quite an accomplished drinker.


  • 这种油膏烧伤烫伤事儿

    This cream is good for (ie soothes and heals) burns.


  • 还有件奇怪事儿我们布尔·李渡过渡口的那天晚上,一个姑娘船上跳水自杀了,大概不是在我们渡河之前就是以后第二我们从报纸上看到了这个消息。

    Strange to say, too, that night we crossed the ferry with Bull Lee a girl committed suicide off the deck either just before or just after us. We saw it in the paper the next day.


  • 早晨一家人在一起吃饭老人昏花的眼睛吃饭成了清贫事儿豆子的勺子里掉进去地板上

    The family ate together nightly at the dinner table. But the elderly grandfather's shaky hands and failing sight made eating rather difficult. Peas rolled off his spoon onto the floor.


  • 事儿干不,他印象是他干这只是要看看是不是合适,一有机会,他就会另谋高就

    I don't think he'll stay long in this job-he gives the impression that he's just trying it for size, and he'll move to something better as soon as he gets the chance.


  • 我们海边海水天空一样沙滩沐浴阳光享受的事儿。我和妹妹还捡了好多五颜六色的贝壳。

    We went to the seaside, the sea was as blue as the sky, and bathing in the sunshine on the beach, was really an enjoyable thing.


  • 我们海边海水天空一样沙滩沐浴阳光享受的事儿。我和妹妹还捡了好多五颜六色的贝壳。

    We went to the seaside, the sea was as blue as the sky, and bathing in the sunshine on the beach, was really an enjoyable thing.


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