• 可伸缩性演示,修改配置参数影响行为

    Configurations and parameters were modified to affect behavior in the scalability demonstration.


  • Wood研究结果对于饮食失调预期吸引力如何影响行为具有启示

    Wood says the study results have implications for eating disorders and how expectations regarding attractiveness affect behavior.


  • 至于批判性媒体影响行为能力只能说,看起来似乎也多少有些减弱了

    And as for the power of a critical press to influence behaviour: it seems, shall we say, somewhat diminished.


  • 第三层次影响行为个人基本信仰以及理念(Schein1981)。

    At the third level are the basic ideas and assumptions of individuals that affect their behaviour (Schein 1981).


  • 基因影响行为一个途径就是通过神经递质类化学物质可以神经细胞之间传递信息

    One way genes affect behaviour is through the agency of neurotransmitters, the chemicals that carry messages between nerve cells.


  • 一些调查显示图像警告单纯的文字传达吸烟的风险还有影响行为中起到更好的效果。

    Some research shows that bold graphic warnings do a better job than text alone in communicating risks and affecting behavior.


  • 自己来说,能证明激励机制确实影响行为重要证据就是小时候获得零花钱的经历。

    For me, a key piece of evidence that incentive schemes affect performance is given by the way I was paid pocket money as a child.


  • 尽管服务器公开了影响行为配置实际代码不可用,因而有时必须设法进行推论不是直观的检查

    Although the server exposes configurations that affect the behavior, the actual code is not available and so it is sometimes necessary to resort to deduction rather than straightforward inspection.


  • 研究内容是关于住所如何影响行为,这项研究使明白住所的重要性科学家言,住所安全之”。

    My research on how places affect our behavior has convinced me of the dwelling’s importance as what scientists call asecure base.”


  • 无目的微笑不不过决心一个例子而已,感受如果人们假定情绪影响行为反过来行为影响人的情绪。

    Random smiling is an example of my resolution to act the way I want to feel: while people suppose that feelings inspire actions, in fact, actions also inspire feelings.


  • 幸福感研究中学最有东西之一就是尽管我们以为是我们的感觉影响行为事实上,是行为影响我们的感觉。

    One of the most helpful things I've learned in my happiness research is that although we think that we act because of the way we feel, in fact, we often feel because of the way we act.


  • 随着设计学科理解辅助用户行为这样基础问题做越好,也在向着“通过影响行为创造有意义影响”进一步推进。

    As the design discipline gets better at the basics of understanding and enabling behavior, it moves towards creating meaningful impacts by influencing behavior.


  • 家长们担心音乐对于青少年子女行为影响

    Parents worry about the effect of music on their adolescent's behaviour.


  • 主管对表现不佳员工采取行为影响其他员工态度

    A supervisor's action toward a poorly performing worker can affect the attitudes of other employees.


  • 包括过度拥挤乱扔垃圾以及吵闹聚会相关各种行为影响

    It also includes the impact of overcrowding, litter and the kinds of behaviour associated with noisy parties.


  • 研究发现教育类电视节目额外给孩子们上一影响他们行为

    A study has found that educational TV shows come with an added lesson that influences the child's behavior.


  • 例如音乐节奏音调音量已经证明影响人们行为超市花费时间购买产品意愿

    For example, the rhythm, pitch, and volume of music have been shown to influence behavior such as the amount of time spent in supermarkets or intentions to purchase products.


  • 例如音乐节奏音高音量已经证明影响人们行为超市花费时间购买产品意愿

    For example, the rhythm, pitch, and volume of music has been shown to influence behavior such as the amount of time spent in supermarkets or intentions to purchase products.


  • 道德上信息就是人类主宰自己命运每个个体所作行为都会影响整个社会命运

    The ethical message here is that humans are in control of their destiny and the action of every individual affects and influences the fate of society.


  • 他们担心图书馆安静因为游客的粗鲁行为受到影响

    They fear that the quietness of the libraries will be influenced because of visitors' rude behavior.


  • 高知名度运动员可以影响儿童饮食行为,这并不奇怪科学家能够量化这些代言儿童环境中的流行程度

    It's no surprise that high-profile athletes can influence children's eating behaviors, but the scientists were able to quantify how prevalent these endorsements are in the children's environment.


  • 天气会引起消费者购物。天气状况影响消费者的购买行为

    Good weather triggers consumers' desire to go shopping. Weather conditions influence consumers' buying behavior.


  • 然而人类行为正在动物迁徙产生不利影响

    Human behaviour, however, is having a detrimental impact on animal migration.


  • 研究人员承认锻炼水平睡眠习惯饮食健康行为产生影响考虑进去后,这项研究发现这种关联没有那么

    The researchers conceded that the link found in the new study was not as strong when they factored in the effects of certain health behaviors, including exercise levels, sleep habits and diet.


  • 恐惧诉求、低恐惧诉求影响牙齿卫生有关态度行为变化项研究对这两者进行了比较

    One study compared the effects of high-fear and low-fear appeals on changes in attitudes and behaviors related to dental hygiene.


  • 可以防止我们做出造成不良社会影响不道德行为校园暴力学术不端

    It also prevents us from engaging in unethical behaviors such as campus violence and academic misconduct that cause negative social impacts.


  • 压力可能影响情绪行为这些不那么直接方式导致疾病

    Stress may also contribute to disease in less direct ways by influencing moods and behavior.


  • 需要进一步研究调查这种关系因果本质调查主人个性如何直接影响他们的宠物行为健康的。

    Further research is needed to investigate the causal nature of this relationship, and to look at how owners' personalities are directly influencing their pets' behaviour and wellbeing.


  • 需要进一步研究调查这种关系因果本质调查主人个性如何直接影响他们的宠物行为健康的。

    Further research is needed to investigate the causal nature of this relationship, and to look at how owners' personalities are directly influencing their pets' behaviour and wellbeing.


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