• 这就是当时发生事情之一

    So, that's one of the things that happens.


  • 很难相信这些银行当时发生问题可能造成最终后果一无所知

    It is hard to believe the major Banks were unaware of what was going on, or what the consequences might ultimately be.


  • 张钰事件中,黄建中导演当时已经喝醉了记不清当时发生一切。

    In Zhang's case, director Huang Jianzhong, said that he was drunk and could not remember what had happened.


  • 双星最早2008发现的,迹象表明其与当时发生太阳耀斑爆发有关

    The v1309 group was first found in 2008 when it erupted with a large solar flare.


  • 回忆这些时候显然一些事过后,我在回忆时候觉得当时发生的每件事都大事

    I'd try and replay it back. And obviously the time is over in some way, it's behind you, but the chronology of events — but everything I remembered happening was very large.


  • 记着这种温柔自我忘怀状态想要重复,回味当时发生的情景,直到下次再次发生

    Remembering this state of tenderness and self-forgetfulness, and demanding its repetition, you chew over it, as it were, until the next occasion.


  • 等待炮火准备结束时所能回忆起最大感受就是我无法相信当时发生一切都真的只是希望能够尽快结束

    The biggest emotion I remember feeling as we waited for the prep to finish was that I couldn't believe this was really happening, but just wanted to get it over with.


  • 在没有来自舱音飞行数据记录器的明确资料的情况下,调查人员或许很难鲜明支持飞行员说法或者是准确界定当时发生情况。

    But without clear-cut data from the plane "s cockpit-voice or flight-data recorders, it may be hard for investigators to conclusively back up pilot assertions or precisely determine what happened."


  • 其间直言不讳透露,她一点也不记得当时发生了,但她为自己身上的伤疤而“自豪”,因为她“死里逃生”了。 如今24的她已经结婚生子。

    In the rare interviews she has granted since becoming old enough to talk, McClure has revealed that she remembers nothing of the event and views her scars with “pridebecause she “survived”.


  • 双星最早2008发现的,迹象表明其与当时发生的太阳耀斑爆发有关。尽管有有学者进行不少研究但却找到可以解释这一现象的答案。

    The v1309 group was first found in 2008 when it erupted with a large solar flare. Several studies were undertaken but no one explanation was given for what happened.


  • 最近加拿大发生同样事情当时飞往蒙特利尔一个图书活动演讲

    The same thing had happened recently in Canada when I'd flown to Montreal to speak at a book event.


  • 一些历史记录显示当时水源性疾病发病率发生变化尤其是痢疾

    Some digging around in historical records revealed that there was a change in the incidence of water-borne disease at that time, especially dysentery.


  • 事故发生当地时间上午11时30分左右马尼拉入海口当时渡轮刚刚离开马尼拉港口。

    The accident occurred at about 11:30 am local time at the mouth of the Manila Bay shortly after the ferry left Manila's port.


  • 参加了考试并且感到内心十分平和,我不记得当时的成绩是多少了,但那天发生的事情一直存在在我的心里,印在我的脑海中。

    I took the test and felt peaceful, I don't remember what my grade was, but what happened that day has stayed in my heart and mind ever since.


  • 种情况在13世纪发生了变化,当时欧洲人了解到一项非常有用的中国发明:纸。

    That changed in the thirteenth century when Europeans learned about a very useful Chinese invention: paper.


  • 46亿年前发生的事情当时太阳地球出现在如今已经消失的星际星云中

    That's what happened 4.6 billion years ago, when the sun and the Earth emerged from a now-vanished interstellar nebula.


  • 不要责备自己,要敞开自己胸怀,仔细回忆然后写下当时发生之事,写下它的原因结果

    Do not blame yourself; instead, open yourself to the feeling, to the memory, and then write down what happened, the causes and the consequences.


  • 76、倍感痛苦年轻人们应该了解当时长春——以及那场内战其它地方——发生什么

    Now 76 and embittered, he said young people should learn about what happened in Changchun - and during the rest of the civil war.


  • 最近如此的浮冰岛的形成发生1962年,当时加拿大沃德亨特冰架崩解形成小岛

    The last time such a large ice island formed was in 1962 when the Canadian Ward Hunt Ice Shelf calved an island.


  • 第一石油危机发生1970年代当时OPEC的出口禁运与滞涨不期而遇。

    The first big oil crisis was in the 1970s when the OPEC export embargo was followed by stagflation.


  • 这种膨胀正好就是我们宇宙爆炸时期发生的事情当时一小块物质膨胀成了现在成熟的宇宙

    Such expansion was precisely what our universe did in the Big Bang, when it suddenly exploded from a tiny clump of matter into a fully-fledged cosmos.


  • 去年不同一点当时油价上涨发生美元背景下,而今年石油美元一起上涨

    One difference from last year is that then the oil price was rising against the backdrop of a weaker dollar. This year crude and the dollar have risen together.


  • 迪克西特认为尼赫鲁对形势判断发生严重错误当时他不该发起全国总攻,而采取选择的、渐进的,区域性的方式。

    N. Dixit believed that Nehru made a grievous error of judgment in ordering an all-out general offensive when it should have been selective, gradual and area-specific.


  • 当时发生有不同目击报告。

    There were differing eyewitness accounts of what happened.


  • 保存出现心悸时间记录发生时,记录持续的长短,当时心跳频率,以及自己感觉

    Keep track of how often you have palpitations, when they occur, their duration, your heart rate when you experience them, and how you felt at the time.


  • 保存出现心悸时间记录发生时,记录持续的长短,当时心跳频率,以及自己感觉

    Keep track of how often you have palpitations, when they occur, their duration, your heart rate when you experience them, and how you felt at the time.


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