• 果我的家人能够把手机放家里,特别是当我们在一起的时候,我会非常感谢。

    I would thank it if my family members could leave their mobile phones at home especially when we get together.


  • 我们一起的时候是否仅仅互相庆贺彼此承认自己的软弱,瞎眼瘸腿耳聋哑巴

    When we come together, do we just affirm and congratulate one another on our being blind, mute, deaf and lame?


  • 我们别人一起时候并不是真正自己确实会发生。潜意识里经常戴着面具世界呈现一个确定形象

    It transpires that we are often not our true selves in the company of others - subconsciously and repeatedly wearing masks that project a certain image of us to the world.


  • 我们借助无生命的对象说服自己我们感觉在一起即便我们独处时候

    We're using inanimate objects to convince ourselves that even when we're alone, we feel together.


  • 我们一起的时候我们可以通过观察其他人获得非语言的暗示演讲过程中,是否有人打瞌睡

    Then, once we're together, we watch each other closely for nonverbal cues: Is someone yawning during my presentation?


  • Ira拥抱或者一起的时候,我发现自己总是希望跳到我们中间来。

    And often when Ira and I hug or tussle, I find myself waiting for her to jump in to join us.


  • 我们完全两种方案联合一起的时候IE正常了,但是Gecko核心的浏览器忽略Flash内容并且显示替换内容。

    If we completely merge the two implementations, everything works fine in Internet Explorer, but Gecko-based browsers ignore the Flash content and show alternative content instead.


  • 父亲喜欢各种各样运动所以一起时候我们一起观看比赛

    My father likes to watch all kinds of sports, so when I spend the time with him, we watch the match together.


  • 我们被迫一起上课时候假装我们之间堵无法穿透的,厚厚的玻璃墙

    To pretend there was an impenetrably thick glass wall between us in the one class where we were forced together.


  • 全体团队一起的时候可能更加享受比赛我们一起开心这样也会帮助我放松,事实上也不会太多关于网球的事。

    I tend to enjoy tournaments more when my whole team is with me: we have a lot of fun and it helps me relax and actually not think so much about tennis.


  • 无论是关于我们共同项目或者不同的领域,无论是我们开车郊外或者是呆家里我们在一起的时候总是话可说

    'Whether it's about our joint projects or our separate worlds, when we are driving to the country or when we are at home, there is always a conversation when we are together.


  • 朋友聚会时候唱歌就是一种我们聚集在一起分享事情方式

    When I ask friends get together, KTV is a good way to get us around and share things.


  • 人们一直什么时候结婚我们仍然在一起时,我们必须要做正确事情

    'People keep asking me when I'm going to get married, but we must be doing something right as we're still together.


  • 亲爱的我们人间相爱成为痛苦错误时候有什么来生工作蝴蝶在一起那么幸福的呢?。

    My dear, when we love in this world turned into painful mistake, why not lets become into butterflies and dancing lightly and happily in our next samsara?


  • 我们问到他们愿望是什么的时候,他们希望爸爸妈妈在一起

    When we asked them about their wish, most of them said that they want to be with their parents.


  • 爸爸很少时间一起因此我们时间一起的时候我会感到很兴奋

    My father is very busy, he seldom has time to stay with me, so when we have time and stay together, I will be very excited.


  • 我们相聚一起时候,连天都会妒忌希望的家人这个相聚日子能有个美好假期

    When we are together, even the moon in the sky will be jealousy. Wish you and yours a happy holiday on this gathering day.


  • 我们互相认识机会合作建立信任友谊我们双手一起时候便缘分

    Please give us the opportunity to know each other and cooperate in the establishment of trust and friendship! When both hands together when we have a destiny!


  • 知道吗我靠肩膀时候感觉自己世界上幸福人,这种感觉从未有过的,多想让时间我们停留这样我们可以永远在一起永不分开了

    Do you know, when I rely on your shoulders, I feel the I was the most happy girl in the world, I never had such feeling. I wanted the time stop for us, so we can stay together and never be separated.


  • 因为一种本能反映但是我们女人一起的时候不能任何脏话的。

    Cause this is kind of response to people by nature. But, we can't say any dirty word when we are stay together with female.


  • 所以我们明天团聚一起的时候我们利用这个时刻重新宣誓,建造更加和平更加繁荣一个美国家庭享有未来吧!

    So when we gather tomorrow, let us also use the occasion to renew our commitment to building a more peaceful and prosperous future that every American family can enjoy.


  • 看上去一个大家庭不断壮大我们一起的时候太多快乐

    It looks like I have a big family now, but it will just keep getting bigger: And it is so much fun when we all get together!


  • 我们把“教育戏剧两个词一起的时候我们想说什么?

    What could we possibly mean when we use the terms' drama 'and' education 'together?


  • 我们他们一起的时候我们青岛度过几天

    While we're staying with them, we're going to spend a few days in Qingdao.


  • 二战爆发,为了活命,妻子背井离乡逃离奥地利我们安全一起到北美的船上时候我一生中快乐时光

    The Second World War came, and my wife and I had to flee Austria to save our lives. When we were together and safe on a ship bound for North America, that was the best time of my life.


  • 我们一起时候一直有种感觉好像位性灵向导一起

    When he visited with us or we with him I always felt that I was sitting in the presence of a great teacher, a spiritual guide.


  • 农场时候,我我的兄弟姐妹一起大部分时间我们电影院里度过的。

    When I was away from the farm, I spent time with a large collection of Cousins; almost all were involved in local theatre.


  • 很多时候我们很困惑为什么经历这样糟糕艰难情况然而我们合适方法这些事情组合一起它们能产生好的效果

    Many times we wonder why we have to go through such bad and difficult times, but when we put these things all in a suitable way, they always work for good!


  • 很多时候我们很困惑为什么经历这样糟糕艰难情况然而我们合适方法这些事情组合一起它们能产生好的效果

    Many times we wonder why we have to go through such bad and difficult times, but when we put these things all in a suitable way, they always work for good!


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