• 科罗拉多大学鲍尔奇教授,与同时,人们一直当作一个需要完全控制只有必要的情况下才会让其释放事件

    At the same time, people continue to treat fire as an event that needs to be wholly controlled and unleashed only out of necessity, says Professor Balch at the University of Colorado.


  • 因此一个运动员遇到对手时,可能对手当作敌人

    Thus, when a player meets an opponent, he or she may tend to treat that opponent as an enemy.


  • 人们倾向大脑当作许多颜色编码的晶体管组成的,”解释道,“不仅仅一个充满开关聪明网络。”

    "People tend to treat the brain as if it were made up of color-coded transistors," he explains, "but it's not simply a clever network of switches."


  • 许多美国人午餐当作休息而是把它当作另一项任务已经安排得满满的里。

    Many Americans treat lunch not as a break but as just another task to squeeze into an already over-booked day.


  • 韧性的人怀着乐观思维,往往把每一个问题都当作挑战,当作任何一种改进的机会,或者当作个人成长的机会。

    Resilient people who think positively tend to treat every problem as a challenge, a chance for improvement of any kind, or as an opportunity for personal growth.


  • 们把兔子当作宠物,因为它能给他们带来快乐。

    People treat a rabbit as a pet because it brings them pleasure.


  • 果你的背包变旧了,你会把它们当作垃圾扔掉吗?

    If your backpacks become old, will you just treat them as rubbish and throw them away?


  • 果要对与外国人建立和保持友谊提点建议的话,我想说的是:把外国人当作人,而不是机会。

    If there is any advice to give on making and keeping friendships with foreigners, I would say that it is this: Treat foreigners as people, not opportunities.


  • 经过预处理的周围神经当作有效的环境

    Treat the preconditioned peripheral nerves as a permissive environment.


  • 许多知识分子扇子艺术,和他们对待他们当作礼物发送他们朋友

    Many intellectuals and arts like folding fan, and they treat them as gifts to send to their friends.


  • 坚持战略研究关注这些使领域区别相关领域问题因为没有其它领域学科这些问题当作主流问题。

    He maintains that the strategy research focus on these issues separates the field from the related fields since no other field or discipline treat them as mainstream issues.


  • 开源D2RQ接口可以关系数据当作一个元组集合对待,因而数据可以合并这样应用程序中。

    The open source D2RQ interface lets you treat relational data as a collection of triples so that this data can be incorporated into such an application.


  • 挽救颗破碎心灵或许需要时间如果当作一次学习经历能够更深入了解自己

    Healing a broken heart can take time, but, if you treat it as a learning experience, you'll discover a lot about yourself.


  • 尽管调用事务可以任意应用程序成员随机发生监视器应该应用程序成员当作一个整体而不是单独服务器

    Although the invocation transaction could happen on either of the application members randomly, the monitor should treat the application members as whole instead of sperated servers.


  • 我们这个项目的各种分配进度表截止期限等等当作我们实际部署真实项目一样认真对待。

    We will treat the assignments, schedules, deadlines, and so forth as seriously as if they were for a real project intended for actual deployment.


  • 应该当作根临时需要的拐杖最后一定可以摆脱它。

    You should treat this as a crutch - necessary, but something you want to do without in the long run.


  • 对于大部分情况来说,试图指针当作整型来处理做法来源于试图对执行大量指针处理的程序进行优化这可能是为了空间效率的需要。

    For the most part, attempts to treat Pointers as integers come out of attempts to optimize, for either space or efficiency, programs that do a lot of pointer handling.


  • 花括号指示DB 2计算处理其中表达式不是将当作文字字符串

    Curly brackets instruct DB2 to evaluate and process the enclosed expression rather than treat it as a literal string.


  • 有人觉得,百代苦难,对于那些媒体仅仅当作一种行业看待的人,恰当的驳斥。

    Some people think the travails of EMI are a just rebuke to those who would treat media as merely another industry.


  • 学习了在数据库仍然处于开发阶段如何关闭检验,以及如何SQL错误当作警告对待。

    You also learned how you can switch off validation when the database is still under development. Alternately, you can treat SQL errors as warnings.


  • 然而已经自己内心训练成可以所有拒绝都当作正面的经历——因为我从中获知顾客需求

    However, I have trained my mind to treat every rejection as a positive experience because I learn more about what customers want.


  • 很多宠物这些毛绒绒朋友当作家庭的一有时候还为它们准备有趣录像带玩具,让它们有滋有味

    Many pet owners treat their furry friends as part of the family. Sometimes they spice up their pets lives with entertaining videos and amusing toys.


  • 招聘人员当作一位尊敬同事以尊敬的态度对待他们

    Think of the recruiter as a respected coworker and treat them accordingly.


  • 克服模式缺点一种方法就是企业数据存取当作一级业务服务

    One of the approaches for overcoming drawbacks of the previous pattern is to treat enterprise data access as a first class business services.


  • 前面击节列出问题是应为违背了这个原则并且UI当作数据存储的地方。

    All of the problems listed in the previous section derive from trying to go against the grain and treat the UI as a backing store.


  • 因为社区里有许多成员不能社交媒体网站当作新闻稿垃圾场,把新闻稿撂在那里以为引起轰动。

    What you should not do is treat social media sites as a place to dump press release content thinking it will get a lot of exposure because there are many members of the community.


  • 但是,是否一些欧盟成员国可以俄罗斯当作一个乐善好施盟友

    But can some EU members continue to treat Russia as a benevolent ally?


  • 命令设置66这样selpg就可以输入当作定界长度那样处理。

    This sets the page length to 66 lines, so selpg will treat the input as though it is demarcated into pages of that length.


  • 命令设置66这样selpg就可以输入当作定界长度那样处理。

    This sets the page length to 66 lines, so selpg will treat the input as though it is demarcated into pages of that length.


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