• 天空里特别飞行员看到的,可以引起骚动它几乎总是被揭露其他飞行运行时灯光或者气候研究飞行所放下的照明

    Lights in the sky, especially when viewed by pilots, can also cause a stir, but are almost always revealed to be running lights of other aircraft, or flares dropped by weather research craft.


  • 利用雷达光学传感计算出入轨迹然后车顶()发射出射拦截

    It USES radar and optical sensors to calculate the trajectory of an incoming warhead, and then intercepts it with a projectile fired from a roof-rack (pictured).


  • 爱沙尼亚接收第一装备包括发射装置训练模拟以及测试维护设备

    The first consignment delivered to Estonia included firing equipment, training missiles, simulators and testing and maintenance equipment, required for using this equipment.


  • 欧洲台风战斗机的曳光辅助防御系统包括布撒,可以释放红外曳光击毁,释放箔条干扰雷达制导

    The Eurofighter’s Chaff and Flare Defensive Aids System comprises dispensers which release infrared flares to defeat heat seeking missiles and chaff to disrupt radar guided missiles.


  • 称为“ACES”的雷声公司先进对抗电子系统包括一部雷达告警接收机数字干扰机箔条-闪光发射

    Known as "ACES," Raytheon's advanced countermeasures electronic system consists of a radar warning receiver, digital jammer and chaff-flare dispenser.


  • 太空杀伤拦截(EKV)一种位于陆基拦截(GBI)顶部小型飞行

    The Exoatmospheric Kill Vehicle (EKV) is a small flying device located in the tip of a Ground-Based Interceptor (GBI) missile.


  • RAMBlock2一种动能Block1相比,升级传感

    The Rolling Airframe Missile Block 2 is a kinematic and sensor upgrade to the company’s Rolling Airframe Missile Block 1.


  • 型号激光炮塔改为发射而八目兽机人球形头部空洞变成药库,用于存放连续供火炮的炮

    The laser turrets in the smaller model were turned into artillery launchers, with the hollows within the bulbous octuptarra heads transformed into ammunition storage for the chain-fed cannons.


  • 筒型可以安装一个驱动端口

    A cartridge-type valve can be installed into an actuator port.


  • 炮艇主要位于脊背表面两个大型火箭发射安装在后部的

    On the gunship's dorsal surface are its primary armaments, two massive rocket launchers fed by a rear-mounted missile belts.


  • 通过消音环箍弯曲成形设计,介绍考虑补偿后,较大圆筒件成形模具的设计分析模具结构

    Through the design of bending die for the back hoop of silencer, die design analysis and die structure for large cylinder part considering springback compensation was introduced.


  • 本文方法可以计算具塑性塑性耗能剪切框架式高层建筑结构

    This method can be used to analyze shear wall structures with elastoplastic hinges or dampers as well as tall frame-type structures.


  • 空气过滤网后,轻轻使用电动吸尘除尘

    Dismantling the air filters, patted gently or use dynamoelectric cleaner the dust removal.


  • 本文介绍了一种建立效应原理基础上可用测量钢索轴向拉力传感

    The authors introduce a sensor based on magneto-elastic effect to measure the axial tension of steel cable.


  • 针对现有调制标定方法不足提出了一种精确标定调制方法

    A new method to calibrate accurately a photoelastic modulator is proposed to compensate for the shortcomings of current calibration methods.


  • 实验中应用负载模拟产生类似真实气流阻力载荷,施加翼(尾翼),使展开过程受力相同状态下工作

    A kind of load like real airstream is produced by load simulator in experiment , which is put on missile's wings to make them work on the same force situation as in the real spread process .


  • 便携式地空野外训练系统模型中央控制计算机信号转接瞄准训练对空指挥组成。

    The portable anti-aircraft missile field training system consists of center control computer, signal commutator, collimated training missile and anti-air commanding lens.


  • 提出了基于遗传算法小型旋转控制参数优化设计方法。

    An optimization design of small rolling missile controller parameter based on genetic algorithms was developed.


  • 而在强力断奏中,止音事实上会从横梁离,所以弦要更快

    In hard staccato, the damper is actually bounced off the damper top rail, so that it returns even more quickly.


  • 初速技术通过炮口线圈测速、外推传感地磁计转数法实现。

    Measuring velocity technology can be actualized by muzzle loops, extrapolating method, on-board sensor and GMR (the giant magnetic resistance) turns-counting.


  • 本文建立了火箭发动机管内点燃情况下,串联结构高低压无后座力发射方程,并试验进行数值计算。

    This paper established the internal ballistics equation for the high-low pressure launcher with tandem construction when the rocket motor is ignited in the launch tube.


  • 本文介绍一种用于探测识别机场跑道波束毫米波敏感技术

    A pill millimeter microwave sensor technique for detecting and identifying airdrome runways by three beams was discussed.


  • 各种外形能够快速结合极其可靠连接系统中包括接线式同轴、表面安装双面种类

    Spring contacts in all form factors can be quickly engineered into highly reliable connector systems, including cabled, coaxial, surface-mount, and double-sided varieties.


  • 多种型防增水火箭发射装置用来装填不同型号火箭并与发射控制一起检测火箭的点火电路保证火箭稳定飞行

    The Multi-type hail proof and artificial rainfall rocket launch platform is available for several types of rockets on testing ignition electrocircuit and making sure stable flight.


  • 本文研究了以数字信号处理(dsp)直接转控制核心负载模拟加载系统方案设计

    This paper studies the design of precept of missile's wing and rudder load simulation system whose core is digital signal processor (DSP) and DTC servo driver.


  • 1针,此处显示单独使用的作为连接系统一部分经过本文作者所在公司进行严格振动测试

    FIGURE 1. Spring contacts, shown here as stand-alones and as part of connector systems, stood up to rugged vibration testing conducted by the employer of this article's author.


  • 银行四个电动烟幕发射安装任何一前方部分募集上层建筑

    A bank of four electrically operated smoke grenade launchers is mounted either side of the forward part of the raised superstructure.


  • 实验验证此光调制标定方法,实验结果表明其标定误差仅为0.7%。

    The calibration method was verified by experiments. The calibrated error of the method is less than 0.7%.


  • 欧洲台风战斗机曳光辅助防御系统包括布撒,可以释放红外曳光击毁,释放箔条干扰雷达制导

    The Eurofighter's Chaff and Flare Defensive Aids System comprises dispensers which release infrared flares to defeat heat seeking missiles and chaff to disrupt radar guided missiles.


  • 欧洲台风战斗机曳光辅助防御系统包括布撒,可以释放红外曳光击毁,释放箔条干扰雷达制导

    The Eurofighter's Chaff and Flare Defensive Aids System comprises dispensers which release infrared flares to defeat heat seeking missiles and chaff to disrupt radar guided missiles.


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