• 三个词描述是从容量庞大音频CD中把音乐提取出来并“压制”mp3格式把压制的音乐“混和播放列表里,最后再“刻录”成一张可以播放的CD。

    The phrase described "ripping" music from an audio CD's bloated bits into the compact MP3 format, mixing such ripped songs into a playlist, and then burning that music back into a playable CD.


  • 一岁升级使用一张63尺的球桌,每个我家的人挑战不管他们不喜欢

    I graduated to a 6 'x 3' table when I was eleven years old, and challenged everyone who entered our house. Whether they liked it or not!


  • 工厂大院母亲便放下篮子,脸上汗水向四周张望。

    Once inside the factory yard, Mother set her baskets down, wiped the sweat off her face and looked round.


  • 但凡遇到自个局势别的家中之一差不多时,要选用攻守统筹战略

    Whenever meet its brand into a situation with other three home one or two are about the same, want to choose the strategic defence as a whole.


  • 因而下家就有了使别的两家推迟效能所以钉下家是麻将根柢技能之一

    Therefore, nail buyers also have delayed the other two into zhang's performance, so the nail next homes is one of the roots skills in playing mahjong.


  • 他手里已经拿一张钞票了。夹子里,立刻递还给

    There was a bill in his hand already. He slipped it into the folder and handed it right back to her.


  • 比赛场地预计球台10张,所以所有参赛选手进分成10组进行比赛;

    There will be 10 tables in the competition area; all competitors will be separated into 10 groups randomly.


  • 如此扭曲丑陋简直就不是一张脸……奇特而甜美声音弥散进灵魂

    So distorted, deformed, it was hardly a faceBut his voice filled my spirit with a strange, sweet sound.


  • 桌旁坐下后憨豆先生拿出一张卡片,在上面写了句话,把信封里,然后放在桌子

    After being seated at his table, Mr Bean takes out a card, writes a few words on it, seals it in an envelope and places it on the table.


  • 还有当时鬼火一样瞬间即灭的一些摇滚乐有关的唱片公司录音棚制作人百花中国、魔岩、陈进、张培仁、郭大炜等等

    Some record companies, recording studios and producers have also existed, although only for a short period, such as Hundred Flowers, Chinese Fire, Magic Stone, Da Chenjin, Zhang Peiren and Guo Dawei.


  • 耳朵——观众随意选择了一张,然后又洗进整幅牌中,不用碰到牌,魔术师可以告诉观众牌在顶数下去第几张。

    LISTEN EAR - A freely chosen card is mixed by the spectator. Never touching the cards the magician can still tell them where their card is from the top of the deck!


  • 就是假使准,将来十九是一路便根柢不会搭了。

    It is this: if you can see it, the future of it all the way into a 19, that to build the roots not in eclipse.


  • 今天数学老师教室拿出一张卡片?谁祝你好运吗?张琪老师突然思考宝宝赢得贺卡

    Today, math teacher took a card into the classroom, I think: Who is it? Who will do it good luck card before? Read to the teacher suddenly pondered: Baby Zhang Qi won to your greeting CARDS.


  • 张邀请卡放在桌上我们日子排你的掌上秘书

    She sent you an invitation which is on your desk, we programmed the date into your palm


  • 最新讯息组织超过300张杰出的插图强调一贯,迅速进入的形式

    Up-to-date information is organized into a consistent, quick-access format that is highlighted by over 300 outstanding illustrations.


  • 阿里山各地餐饮旅馆店,店家,通常一张不规则木头桌子,上面摆著茶具

    When walking into the restaurants and inns spread at a Li Mountain, we usually can see an irregular wooden table on which some tea sets are placed.


  • 被同时供至凸轮轴、进气侧CVVT装置排气侧CVVT装置正时链条张紧装置。

    The oil is fed to the CAM shaft, the intake-side CVVT device, the exhaust-side CVVT device and a timing chain tensioner at one time.


  • 被同时供至凸轮轴、进气侧CVVT装置排气侧CVVT装置正时链条张紧装置。

    The oil is fed to the CAM shaft, the intake-side CVVT device, the exhaust-side CVVT device and a timing chain tensioner at one time.


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