• 石头被移到路的一边后,他在石头下面发现了一袋钱和一纸条。

    After the stone was moved to one side of the road, he found a bag of money and a note under the stone.


  • 最后一实验中科学家测试诸如“铁石心肠”、“石头”这类比喻首先作为魔术一部分人们先是触摸个木块或是柔软毯子

    In a final pair of experiments, the scientists tested metaphors like "hard-hearted" and "she's a rock" by first having people touch either a wooden block or a soft blanket as part of a magic trick.


  • 15之后搜索加拿大北极地区威廉发现罐里的罐顶上还压着石头

    Almost 15 years later, a search party found a single sheet of paper left in a tin can covered by stones on King William Island in the Canadian Arctic.


  • 志英说,“东方汽轮机厂好比石头坚固不会任何挫折打倒。”

    Dongfang is rock solid, not susceptible to any setbacks.


  • 递给纸条。他上画了。河边的地方我们可以停车。纸上有一条小路,还有几处石头,让我们可以徒步穿过冰冷的山间溪流

    He handed me a piece of paper on which he had sketched the river, a place where we could leave our car, a footpath and points at which large boulders made it possible to cross the cold stream on foot.


  • 以色列谢梅什——这块石头只有一小桌般大小但它已经保守两千年秘密

    BEIT SHEMESH, Israel - the carved stone block is about the size of an occasional table. It has held its secrets for two millenniums.


  • 祭牲桌子、是凿过石头作成的、一肘半、高一肘。

    There were also four tables of dressed stone for the burnt offerings, each a cubit and a half long, a cubit and a half wide and a cubit high.


  • 图片是武汉机场一些来接机石头的合照,第二是在见面会

    The first picture above I took at the Wuhan airport with some of the Rocks who can to greet me when I got off the plane, and then the second picture is at the meet and greet.


  • 但是我们这样意思不是指石头或者桌子更为尊严

    But what do we mean to say by this, but that man is of a greater dignity than a stone or a table?


  • 接着汤姆个白子换红票,其它些小玩意换了两票。

    Then Tom traded a couple of white alleys for three red tickets, and some small trifle or other for a couple of blue ones.


  • 片树叶,每一根树枝,每一石头,每一蛛网午后着光芒,犹如春天清晨露珠浸润着这一切。船桨昆虫每一个动静都能让湖水闪出一道光辉

    Every leaf and twig and stone and cobweb sparkles now at mid afternoon as when covered with dew in a spring morning. Every motion of an oar or an insect produces a flash of light.


  • 这样石头就会由一另一嘴,岛上传送,从受害人小偷的巢,再回到原处。

    In this manner, the stones are moved around the island from 10 beak to beak, from the victim's nest, to the thief's nest, and back again.


  • 这样石头就会由一另一嘴,岛上传送,从受害人小偷的巢,再回到原处。

    In this manner, the stones are moved around the island from 10 beak to beak, from the victim's nest, to the thief's nest, and back again.


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