• 阜高速、张石高速境内交汇,保定西部重要交通枢纽

    Paul Fu-speed, Chang Shih-high-speed intersection in the territory, for an important transportation hub in the west of Baoding.


  • 著名的“蓝色大理照片地球全景照片

    This famous \"Blue Marble\" shot represents the first photograph in which Earth is in full view.


  • 乐队1972年的双面专辑《颓废大街》则制作了副折叠插页封面以及12摄影师诺曼•瑟福提供影像穿孔明信片

    The Stones’ 1972 double album Exile on Main St. employed a gatefold cover and a series of 12 perforated postcards with inserted images from photographer Norman Seeff.


  • 一个老头公园大理桌上伸出胳膊头枕手上睡着了。

    An old man stretched his arms out on the marble table in the park, laid his head on his hands and fell asleep.


  • 杂志报道称,美国当红艺人Lady Gaga继专辑The Fame》横扫全球各大唱片排行榜完成了专辑的制作,并将于明年初推出。

    US pop star Lady Gaga has finished her new album and plans to release it early next year, after her debut effort "The Fame" topped charts around the world, according to Rolling Stone magazine.


  • 虽然很可惜soho城项目未能付诸实施感谢夫妇出席了2004年圣彼得堡普利兹克建筑奖得奖仪式

    Unfortunately, Soho Citycould not proceed. But I very much appreciated that Zhang Xin and Pan Shiyijoined my 2004 Pritzker Prize celebration in St. Petersburg.


  • 人对坐于林间侍立于

    The 2 men sat on some rocks in the woods; Lord Guan and Zhang Fei stood to Xuande’s side.


  • 椅子中间一个过道前面放着一大理桌子所有的椅子都朝向

    An aisle ran down the center of them: There was a marble table standing at the front, all chairs facing it.


  • 苏东坡灵璧时,灵璧奇大都只有一面有但是氏园中,高峻陡峭,正反两面景观一样就像麋鹿

    Su Dongpo in Lingbi, see Lingbi stone mostly there is only one king, but to have a piece of stone, steep and high, on both sides of the landscape, like a head bent neck elk.


  • 穿过餐厅房屋右侧,大厨房里设有一中央岛台一个水槽室内第二座壁炉

    Past the dining room, on the right side of the house, the large kitchen has a central island, a stone sink and the home's second fireplace.


  • 名中年卓尔男性平民外表平常,被锁链绑在一沉重椅上。

    A drow male, a commoner of middle years and unremarkable appearance, sat bound with chains to a heavy stone chair.


  • 房间中央放着一圆形在如此高耸空间中也显得微不足道。

    A large circular stone table sat in the center of the room, but it was dwarfed by the soaring space.


  • 浴室设有一个铸铁浴缸大理面梳妆台。

    The master bathroom has a claw-foot cast-iron tub and a marble-top vanity.


  • 双明手,这个庄须兑现HADA过手,将吃一草花,然后方块。这个牙医妙招可以避免升级

    Double-dummy, declarer had to cash HA, cross to DA, ruff a club and then run the diamonds. This Dentist's Coup avoids the trump promotion.


  • 年间乐队出了百万唱片登上了》杂志封面并且还是电视台的重头戏,提名多项葛莱美。

    Within a year, the band sold millions of LPs, made the cover of Rolling Stone, got heavy play on video stations, and were nominated a few Grammy Awards.


  • 使得多最有兴趣放在屋子中央巨大绿色大理宝座

    But what interested Dorothy most was the big throne of green marble that stood in the middle of the room.


  • 细长金色铁架光滑闪亮白色大理完美结合,线条流畅,简单明亮。一整套包括咖啡控制台仿古圆桌,简单实用,是个不错选择。

    The Spike Collection juxtaposes brass-plated iron spikes with smooth, honed white marble. The collection of tables includes a Coffee Table, Console and Accent Table.


  • 房地产大亨丈夫2014年哈佛大学(Harvard)签订1500万美元的“SOHO中国助学金”协议

    Zhang Xin, the real estate mogul, and Pan Shiyi, her husband, signed a $15m gift agreement with Harvard in 2014.


  • 山顶寺院遗迹尚存桌一刻字明代

    Peak is the temple ruins of this surviving a Fruit, Lettering for the Ming Dynasty.


  • 欣相信,丈夫1995年建立的SOHO中国能够哈迪德尽情施展才华提供大的空间。

    She was hooked on Hadid's style and felt SOHO China, which Zhang started with her husband Pan Shiyi in 1995, would provide a larger canvas for Hadid's talents.


  • 吴建国春海、海珍樊龙江,应用红外反射光谱法整粒测定小样品油菜籽含油量研究

    Wu J. g, C. H. Shi, H. Z. Zhang and L. J. Fan, Study on analysis of oil content in intact rapeseed with few sample size by near infrared reflectance spectroscopy.


  • 小明春海吴建国、鲍根良、叶胜田桂,杂交稻米必需氨基酸含量亲本关系

    Zhang X. M. , C. H. Shi, J. G. Wu, G. L. Bao, S. H. Ye, T. Katsura, The relationship between essential amino acid contents of hybridized combinations and their parents.


  • 吴建国春海海珍构建整粒油菜籽脂肪酸成分红外反射光谱分析模型研究

    Wu J. G, Shi C. H and Zhang H. Z, Study on Developing Calibration Model of Fat Acid Composition in Intact Rapeseed by Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy.


  • 吴建国春海海珍构建整粒油菜籽脂肪酸成分红外反射光谱分析模型研究

    Wu J. G, Shi C. H and Zhang H. Z, Study on Developing Calibration Model of Fat Acid Composition in Intact Rapeseed by Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy.


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