• 如果见过张波多维柳照片,你肯定震惊

    If you saw a picture of Porto Velho then, you would be shocked.


  • 苏珊波:“以前最大的愿望就是发一张专辑。”现在终于做到了。

    She said: "it was my greatest ambition to release an album and I have finally achieved it."


  • 上海国际体操中心嘉年华里周立波表演门票几天前就售罄了,最终一张票后,我明白这是为什么

    Zhou Libo's show at the cavernous Shanghai International Gymnastics Center has been sold out for days, and after I finally get a ticket, I understand why.


  • 校服只口袋里,摸出一张小小的日历卡片在地上捡到的。

    Out of one of her school uniform pockets, Ayanami withdrew a small pocket calendar card she had found on the street one day.


  • 国土安全部张纳波利塔诺航空公司有权对来自墨西哥航班乘客进行检查。

    Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano says, instead, airlines have the option of screening passengers on flights from Mexico.


  • 年前导演朋友蒂姆·波顿带着一张音乐剧《理发师陶德原声专辑出现在他门前。

    Six years ago, his director Pal Tim Burton turned up with an original cast recording of Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street.


  • 登陆意大利北部波森·布里克森主教辖区网站,一张敏感而令人不安的图片便映入眼帘——黑暗、幽深、下陷的过道尽头是一段台阶,台阶之上,曙光初现。

    A SUBTLY disquieting photograph greets visitors to the website of the northern Italian diocese of Bozen-Brixen. The dark recesses of a sunken passageway end in a flight of steps leading to daylight.


  • 吉普赛”,画家皮埃尔·波纳尔1901年拍摄一张模糊黑色照片-只是由于其拍摄者才显得不同寻常-张照片表现的是舞者手臂放松的弧线

    "Gypsy Dancing," a dim sepia 1901 photograph by the painter Pierre Bonnard - remarkable just because of who took the picture - catches the easy arc of a dancer's arm.


  • 比如说参加这次会议“阳光兄弟”(张琨波)承诺客户提供心理学+易经”的咨询服务

    For example, "Sunbrother" (real name Zhang Kunbo), who attended the meeting, offers counseling that promises to take clients on a journey "from psychology to the I Ching," an ancient divinatory text.


  • 1970年的天晚上科克兰一张刚发行的《伍德斯托克原声专辑来到了波比的家里。

    One night in 1970, Corcoran brought the just-released Woodstock soundtrack album to Bobbi's apartment.


  • 从“英国达人”选秀节目炮而红的苏珊·波伊尔的首张专辑《曾有梦》有望成为年度畅销专辑,与此同时,苏珊的一期个人特别节目将亮相美国电视台

    Susan Boyle has landed her own us television special as her debut album I Dreamed a Dream shapes up to become the year's fastest seller.


  • 波儿着身子靠一张椅子上。

    Pearl was curled up in a large leather arm-chair .


  • 张金光闪闪羊皮纸篝火里出现时,萨姆波莉乔三到了希腊神话魔幻世界里

    Sam, Polly, and Joe are pulled back into the magical world of Greek myth when a blazing parchment rises from their campfire.


  • 是的印第安纳波利斯来到这里,准备待星期左右,”年轻艾姆斯坐在一张椅子的边缘上,等着万斯太太梳洗打扮完毕

    "Yes; I am just on here from Indianapolis for a week or so," said young Ames, seating himself on the edge of a chair to wait while Mrs. Vance completed the last touches of her toilet.


  • 目的探讨电张调整性T波改变患者被误诊急性心肌梗塞原因

    Objective:To discuss the reason of misdiagnosis of acute myocardial infarction in electrotonic modulation T-wave change.


  • 发现里面不是西亚美丽画像而是一张愚人脑袋的画像一张纸条。

    He didn't find a beautiful picture of Portia, but a picture of a fool's head and a piece of paper.


  • 结论:提示显性旁道射频消融术T改变为电张调整性T波改变,心肌损伤所致

    Conclusion: t wave changes after ablation are most likely caused by electrotonic modulation, and are not a sign of myocardial injury.


  • 达力最好朋友皮尔波奇斯。 他是个一张老鼠一般的脸,瘦骨嶙峋男孩,。

    Dudley's best friend is Piers Polkiss, a scawny boy with a face like a rat.


  • ra裂纹形成产生,低值是剪切裂纹形成的波。

    High ra value is wave generated by tensile cracks and low ra value is wave generated by shear cracks propagation.


  • 波西米亚人第二张专辑标志着第一布雷列为制片人

    Boheme's second album marks the first time for Buble to be listed as producer.


  • 虽然身处繁华洛杉矶饭来张口衣来伸手还有一张无限额信用卡波比依然所有青春期女孩一样,淘气叛逆

    While living in downtown Los Angeles, the rice to mouth a hand out clothes, as well as an unlimited credit card, can still like Bobby, like all of the adolescent girls, naughty rebel.


  • 中国大陆称为“可爱小胖”的歌手张建波演唱的《我们爱情》,欢迎世界各地一下这首歌

    This is the Chinese Mainland known as the "Cute Chubby" singer Zhang Jianbo singing "Our Love". Welcome to people from all over the world listen to this song!


  • 他们进入慢波睡眠(脑中震荡为特征深睡眠阶段)时,研究者们播放一些与受试者们所学其中25张图片匹配的声音

    While they were in slow-wave sleep (a deep-sleep phase marked by slow electrical oscillations in the brain), the re-searchers played the noises that matched 25 of the images they had been studying.


  • 一张计算全息图产生锥面,锥面波衍射图样中心空间连续的,可作为直线基准

    A cone wave can be generated by a CGH. The centre of the diffraction pattern of the cone wave is continuous in space and can be used as an alignment straight lint.


  • 比如这一张图片搭配上了三女孩米的话,她好像理解皇后乐队《波西米亚狂想曲》,“驼鹿拉屎

    One picture features a quote from a three-year-old called Millie, who couldn't quite get the words of Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody right. It reads: 'S*** a moose!


  • 一位中年妇女着一张写着“搭车波(Watanoha)”牌子,一再地鞠躬。因为可能陌生人带来不便,她愁眉不展的脸上带着羞涩的神情,是日本人所特有的气质。

    A middle-age woman, bowing and grimacing with the particularly Japanese shame at the thought of inconveniencing a stranger, held up a sign: 'Please give me a ride to Watanoha.


  • 一位中年妇女着一张写着“搭车波(Watanoha)”牌子,一再地鞠躬。因为可能陌生人带来不便,她愁眉不展的脸上带着羞涩的神情,是日本人所特有的气质。

    A middle-age woman, bowing and grimacing with the particularly Japanese shame at the thought of inconveniencing a stranger, held up a sign: 'Please give me a ride to Watanoha.


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