• 渐渐认识一岁的哥哥后,他们成了不可分开伴侣

    When Fermi did get to know his brother, a year older than he, they became inseparable companions. They spent a good deal of time making model electric motors and model planes.


  • 拉基·罗诺夫已经从事肉类养殖这项工作10年了。

    Vladimir Mironov has been working for a decade to grow meat.


  • 今年正值玛丽·雪莱的《兰肯斯坦——现代普罗修斯出版两百周年。

    This year marks exactly two centuries since the publication of "Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus," by Mary Shelley.


  • 起来有股爽身粉碳油的味道,阿姨一样。

    She smelled of talcum powder and Coal Tar Soap, Jimmy thought, just like his Aunty Freda.


  • 使用平滑肌松弛剂薄荷盐酸林可获得症状缓解

    Symptomatic relief can be obtained with smooth muscle relaxants such as peppermint oil or mebeverine hydrochloride.


  • ·迪斯虽然如果一家公司继续生产,就需要推进某些关键计划项目,但员工应该留心是否有项目支出开始减少。

    While there are certain critical initiatives or projects that need to go forward if a company wants to keep up production, workers should watch out when project spending slows, Avramidis said.


  • 山地的一切居民利巴直到斯利玛音,就是所有西顿人,以色列人面前他们去。

    As for all the inhabitants of the mountain regions from Lebanon to Misrephoth Maim, that is, all the Sidonians, I myself will drive them out before the Israelites.


  • 曾经躲藏·洛雷斯决心使国家成为那些资源丰富发达的世界的代言人。

    Once ensconced in the Miraflores palace, he determined to make his country speak for the commodity-rich but less developed world.


  • 尼基·索尔·勒里用纸创造美丽时髦假发

    Beautiful and stylish wigs created out of paper by Nikki Salk and Amy Flurry.


  • 自己一切陈明耶和华面前。

    And he repeated all his words before the LORD in Mizpah.


  • 他们倒是不像维克多·兰肯斯坦那样还要普罗修斯赋予这个生物生命实质

    Unlike Victor Frankenstein, though, they needed no extra spark of Promethean lightning to give the creature its living essence.


  • ·康研究生大卫以及大卫·巴斯教授合作完成该项研究,“是否怀孕这样的许多线索只能女人身体上看出来。”

    "There are some cues that can only be conveyed by a woman's body, like her pregnancy status," says Jaime Confer, who coauthored the study with graduate student Carin Perilloux and Prof. David Buss.


  • 大坝870英尺(265)——大坝高——竣工以后大坝形成了一个长达47英里(75)蓄水池,完全的特城镇完全陷入水中

    The dam wall is 870 ft. (265 m) high - taller than the Hoover dam - and when completed, the dam formed a reservoir 47 miles (75 km) long that completely submerged the old town of Tehri.


  • 瑞典国王奥斯卡二世塔格·莱本人强烈要求下,已经设立了数学

    Sweden's monarch Oscar II, at the urging of Mittag-Leffler himself, had already endowed a prize for mathematics.


  • 到了自己,不料,女儿拿着跳舞出来迎接他,他独生的,此外无儿无女。

    When Jephthah returned to his home in Mizpah, who should come out to meet him but his daughter, dancing to the sound of tambourines! She was an only child.


  • 主持检查工作奥列格·特·尔,曾经负责调查荷兰皇家壳牌公司萨哈林二号项目2006年污染环境事件。

    Leading the inspection will be Oleg Mitvol, who also investigated Royal Dutch Shell for its environmental violations in 2006 on the site of its Sakhalin-2 project.


  • 但是枪手主帅温格可不再次上演去年夏天赫莱布离开酋长球场一幕。

    But Gunners boss Wenger wants to avoid a repeat of last summer when Alexander Hleb and Mathieu Flamini quit the Emirates.


  • 很难确定一个可信原因说明诺贝尔确实怨恨塔格·莱甚至无法证明那位数学家有过任何接触

    It is difficult to establish a plausible reason why Nobel would have borne resentment towards Mittag-Leffler, or even to demonstrate that Nobel had much of any contact with the mathematician at all.


  • 加速器在建著名院士.尔韦氏谈到时说:“没什么想法”。

    When the synchrophasotron was built Vladimir Wechsler, a famous academician, told about it: “Few thoughts - much iron”.


  • 首场比赛1 - 2不敌匈牙利后,英格兰成功反弹,凭借罗恩·拉·沃斯、查尔顿-格里维斯的进球,英格兰3 - 1击败了阿根廷

    England recovered well from a 2-1 defeat against Hungary in the opening game as goals from Ron Flowers, Charlton and Jimmy Greaves sealed a 3-1 victory against Argentina.


  • 中场右路扮演了很重要的防守角色,在换下场,贝克·汉姆有名右脚极有威胁性。

    Playing in a largely defensive role in midfield, Beckham displayed a few good touches with his famous right foot before being replaced by Mathieu Flamini.


  • 参议员劳埃德·本特森·坎特农·乔丹代表前往

    Senator Lloyd Bentsen, Mickey Kantor, and Vernon Jordan went on my behalf.


  • 卡罗莱娜医科大学生物学家组织工程师拉基尔··诺夫,已经研究人工培养十年从未这样接近目标

    Vladimir Mironov, a biologist and tissue engineer at the Medical University of South Carolina, has been working to grow "cultured" meat for a decade, and is closer than ever to achieving his goal.


  • 汤姆·汉克斯、摩根·里曼·路易斯、赛缪尔·杰克逊、汤姆·克鲁斯里维斯还有汤姆贝伦杰名单的前头。

    Tom Hanks, Morgan Freeman, Damien Lewis, Tommy Lee Jones, Samuel L. Jackson, Tom Cruise, Ron Livingston, and Tom Berenger are at the top of my list.


  • 拉·洛雷斯船闸已经成为了旅游景点,游客们坐在体育场式的座位上观看一艘艘船抬升下降。

    The Miraflores locks already have a visitor centre with stadium-style seating to watch boats being raised and lowered.


  • 年后,《兰肯斯坦》(又名《现代普罗修斯》)匿名出版了。

    Two years later Frankenstein; or, the Modern Prometheus was published anonymously.


  • 西尔非常感谢现代实验室指纹多光谐影像证实了这一点。

    Silverman said thanks to the fingerprint image at the Luminere Technology laboratory it was confirmed.


  • 认为鉴于21名受试者中的20人此前接受FDA批准的治疗方法后均无效果,所以这一研究结果尤其值得重视

    Mithoefer considers the findings especially notable given that 20 of the 21 participants had previously failed to obtain relief from FDA-approved treatments.


  • 膝盖受伤为了解决中场人员紧缺问题转而求购这位文中场。

    Milan saw options in the centre of the park limited after receiving news ofMathieu Flamini's knee injury and have turned to the former Juventus midfielderto solve their problems.


  • 膝盖受伤为了解决中场人员紧缺问题转而求购这位文中场。

    Milan saw options in the centre of the park limited after receiving news ofMathieu Flamini's knee injury and have turned to the former Juventus midfielderto solve their problems.


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