• 超声检查胎儿染色体异常诊断中具有重要价值。

    Ultrasound plays an important role in the diagnosis of abnormal chromosome in fetuses.


  • 文章最后给出了实际测试结果几种发动机异常诊断方法

    Some test results and the anomaly diagnosis methods are also presented.


  • 目的分析胎儿几种腹部异常MRI表现,说明MRI胎儿异常诊断中的重要补充作用

    Objective To discuss the important complementary role of MRI in the diagnosis of the fetal abnormalities by analyzing MR features of several abdominal abnormalities.


  • 本文基于辨识 ARMA新模型生成估计序列 ,再残差序列平均值和无偏方差进行假设检验 ,可实现工序质量异常诊断

    In this paper, a method of process quality diagnosis using hypothesis testing for residual sequence of ARMA innovation model estimation error by recursive maximum likelihood method was studied.


  • 母亲曾祖母诊断抑郁症她们身上见得更多的是行为异常知道她们用药并且症状控制似乎不错。

    Both my mother and grandmother were diagnosed with depression. I saw more behavioral symptoms in them, but I knew they were taking medication and they seemed to have it under control.


  • 因为空指针异常更难诊断这种修正实际上降低代码质量

    Because null-pointer exceptions are more difficult to diagnose, this "fix" would actually decrease the quality of the code.


  • 这些检查出异常需要进一步诊断评估包括一定风险的开刀检查

    "These abnormal findings usually require some form of additional diagnostic evaluation, including invasive procedures that carry their own risks," Aberle said.


  • 除此之外,使用一个方面实现FFDC可以确保没有错误或者异常被发现,如果手动诊断的话这个问题常常发生

    In addition, using an aspect to implement FFDC ensures that no errors or exceptions go undetected, which can easily happen when it is implemented by hand.


  • 技术对于识别大脑异常极为重要,它可以用于诊断脑肿瘤识别一些大脑疾病报警征兆反映出中风造成的创伤程度

    The technique is critical for identifying abnormalities such as tumors, spotting the warning signs of some brain diseases, and revealing the extent of trauma from strokes.


  • 以下消息报告FFDC提供异常堆栈有助于诊断问题

    The FFDC reported in the message below provides the exception stack which could help diagnose the problem.


  • 架构解析器生成异常它们应该有助于诊断问题

    The schema parser will generate exceptions which should help you troubleshoot the problem.


  • 本文目的帮助找到合适的调试诊断工具这样程序出现执行异常缓慢根本不能执行时,手头随时有可用的工具。

    The main objective is to enable you to extend your diagnostic toolbox, something that will most definitely come in handy when you application starts to perform strange, slow or not at all.


  • 比如很多方法常量首先作为JUnit断言写入如果自动触发异常这些常量,则可以产品诊断中重复使用它们

    For example, many class or method invariants are first written as JUnit assertions; these invariant checks could be reused for production diagnostics if it did not automatically trigger exceptions.


  • 尽管电极输出一系列原始的脑电波,但是我们这些电波表现出的健康状况已经熟悉了,所以通过这些电波变化可以诊断那些不健康异常情况。

    Though the output of the electrodes is a set of crude brain waves, enough is now known about the healthy patterns of these waves for changes in them to be used to diagnose unhealthy abnormalities.


  • 尽管电极输出一系列原始脑电波,但是我们这些电波表现出的健康状况已经很熟悉了,所以通过这些电波变化可以诊断那些不健康异常情况。

    Though theoutput of the electrodes is a set of crude brain waves, enough is nowknown about the healthy patterns of these waves for changes in them tobe used to diagnose unhealthy abnormalities.


  • 英国,每10小孩1个诊断出有心理健康异常,青少年的心理健康越来越成为迫切关心的问题。

    One in 10 children in the UK suffers from a diagnosable mental health disorder, and mental health issues for young people are an increasingly urgent concern.


  • 红细胞形态学检查一些红细胞大小形状颜色方面的异常会帮助医生确定诊断

    Some of your red blood cells may also be examined for unusual size, shape and color.


  • 他们写到,“这些基因表现度的变化貌似诊断肺部疾病呼吸道上皮细胞早期生理异常改变”。

    These changes in gene expression are likely the earliest biologic abnormalities in the small airway epithelium that lead to clinically detectable lung disease,” they wrote.


  • 他们写到,“这些基因表现度的变化貌似诊断肺部疾病呼吸道上皮细胞早期生理异常改变”。

    "These changes in gene expression are likely the earliest biologic abnormalities in the small airway epithelium that lead to clinically detectable lung disease," they wrote.


  • FFDC捕获信息可以帮助诊断多种问题理论上可以诊断一特定异常密切相关的任何问题)。

    The information captured by FFDC can be used to help diagnose a very broad range of problems (in theory, any problem that is closely linked to a particular exception).


  • 异常编译器诊断信息传递log方法直接写入应用程序可滚动errors组件

    Exceptions or compiler diagnostics are passed to the log method or written directly into the scrollable errors component in the application.


  • 管理员可以使用RFHUtil,在诊断网络异常行为验证消息报头内容负荷

    Administrators can use RFHUtil to verify the contents of message headers and payloads while diagnosing strange behavior in the network.


  • 超声心动图通常被用来诊断心室瓣膜异常任何呼吸困难病因明确病人采用。

    Echocardiography is usually diagnostic of abnormal ventricular or valvular function and should be performed in any patient in whom the cause of dyspnea is not readily apparent.


  • 本文采用自功率、逆频谱方法对拖拉机变速箱异常噪声源进行了诊断找出了产生异常噪声根源

    With auto-power spectrum and cepstrum, this paper diagnoses the unusual noise source of the gear box, and finds an impaired gear of the box.


  • 为了做出最终诊断医生各种线索综合在一起如果诊断异常复杂,医生可能征求其它专家意见

    To make a final diagnosis, the doctor fits together all the clues. If diagnosis is unusually complicated, the doctor may ask the opinion of other medical experts.


  • 现场实测结果表明利用柴油机表面振动信号诊断柴油机主轴异常磨损故障可行的。

    The real detecting result shows that it is feasible to use the engine surface vibration signal to diagnose main bearing shell abnormal wear trouble.


  • 前臂异常密度如何诊断

    What is the diagnosis for the finding(s) involving the proximal forearm?


  • 前臂异常密度如何诊断

    What is the diagnosis for the finding(s) involving the proximal forearm?


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