• 他们日夜网吧最后他们研究

    They standing in the Internet bar day and night, at the end they leaves uncultivated the studies.


  • 公会内目前只10人开荒团队,定期组织分身团活动

    There is an active 10-man raid for progression and the guild also organizes alt raids on weekly basis.


  • 举例来讲,天位于西九龙开荒地上建起来的一个豪华商场的上面。

    The Cullinan, for instance, sits atop a luxury mall on reclaimed land in western Kowloon.


  • 鲁滨逊星期五帮助他们夺回船只船长一道岛回到英国

    Crusoe and Friday help them recapture the ship, and they depart with the captain for England.


  • 李牧师2002年加入中信当地宣教士现在槟城开荒

    Pastor Lee joined CCM as a Local Missionary in 2002, and he is now planting a new church in Penang.


  • 或者孩子有了他们)的归宿后乡下栖居养花开荒

    Or children have such as he (she) home, to the countryside in living, flowers, to feed the pigs or cultivated.


  • 直到夜间十点钟那位温柔萨丽扶着那又可亲又可爱哥哥

    It was ten o'clock at night before the amiable Sally supported her beloved and loving brother from the Wilderness.


  • 毁林开荒也许会使毁林变富,从长远来看,这种做法会整体上使地球枯竭。

    Clearing forests may enrich those who are doing it, but over the long run it impoverishes the planet as a whole.


  • 由于当时美国开荒为了开发严重破坏水牛生态环境,水牛数量严重下降

    At that time the United States pioneered the development of serious damage to the ecological environment of the buffalo and the the number of it was serious decline.


  • 因为津贴废除,导致开荒毁林以及过度放牧的停止曾经水土流失主要原因

    Thee removal of subsidies stopped land-clearing and over-stocking, because they in the past had been the principal causes of soil erosion.


  • 洛河流域人类活动河流泥沙影响较为突出的项目有毁林开荒陡坡开荒、修路、开矿

    The main human activities significantly influencing the river sediment in the Beiluo river basin are opening up wasteland on steep slopes and forest areas, road construction, mining, and so on.


  • 网络课程开荒工具网络课程开发工具严重完毕网络课程内容制造,支持根基教学逻辑策画

    Online course development Tools Web course development tool is primarily to complete the network of academic content, supporting the teaching of basic logic design.


  • 欧洲来到这个区域以后,他们就开始开荒耕作,不大量的须芒草给清理掉,用以种植庄稼

    When the Europeans moved into the region and started farming and clearing huge tracts of acreage these grasses were replaced with other crops.


  • 为了巩固试验开荒模仿客户端操作测试程序治理网络应用程序以难以测试的题目

    In order to strengthen and develop the simulation test client operation test program to solve the network applications to problems.


  • 譬喻,大夫专业人士提供食宿中产阶层的家庭会为牛仔矿工开荒提供食宿

    For instance, a doctor or lawyer would offer accommodation for another professional, and a middle class private home owner would offer accommodations for cowboys, miners, pioneers, etc.


  • 有3000自然保护区内,他们为了土地不惜铤而走险,他们毁林开荒玉米其它农作物

    Desperate for land, 3, 000 people live in the reserve, torching forest to clear plots for corn and other crops.


  • 这种烧火开荒方式当地土地治理活动中延续了数百甚至数千不会立刻招致必然危害

    The fires in this region have been part of the land management practices for hundreds, possibly thousands of years, and they are not necessarily immediately hazardous.


  • 刚果雨林覆盖面积超过巴西以外的任何国家,毁林开荒行为主要人口将要翻倍的小自耕农上演。

    In Congo, which has more rainforest than any country except Brazil, the clearance is mostly driven by smallholders, whose number is about to double.


  • 另外东汉时期开荒致富起来本文观察到汉代兼并问题两个主要走向。

    There were more people who gained the wealth by opening up wasteland in East Han dynasty. The present paper emphasizes the two directions of the question about "annexation"in Han dynasty.


  • 泰尓迪克山口还有半路的时候,我们看见一个绒线帽子的年轻人,他蜷缩抵御严寒

    Halfway to the desolate Taldyk mountain pass we saw a young boy wearing a balaclava and crouching down against the cold.


  • 村里曾经居住着当地雇工这些雇工开荒种地,提供服务比如经营锻铁厂、养殖家畜、管理杂货店

    The village properties were home to the estate employees who worked the land and provided services, such as running the forge, maintaining livestock and managing the provisions stores.


  • 这些问题包括用于生产生物燃料粮食供应不足以及粮食需求量增加导致开荒种地粮食价格上涨

    These include inadequate supplies of biomass to meet even today's demand, and the related worries about how the push for more such crops may encourage land-clearance and lead to rising food prices.


  • 这些早期原始人可能是“古老开荒”,他们似乎第一离开非洲世界其他地方开拓殖民地的人。

    These early hominids were likely "ancient pioneers", as they appear to be among the first to leave Africa to colonize other parts of the world.


  • 这些早期原始人可能是“古老开荒”,他们似乎第一离开非洲世界其他地方开拓殖民地的人。

    These early hominids were likely "ancient pioneers", as they appear to be among the first to leave Africa to colonize other parts of the world.


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