• 人生时刻,你的身体开始衰老

    At a certain point in your life your body systems will begin to weaken. Your strength may become weaker.


  • 一个一旦停止成长——不管年龄多大——开始衰老

    The minute a man ceases to grow-no matter what his years-that minute he begins to be old.


  • 女人25岁以后开始衰老常识早该开始保养皮肤了。

    It is common knowledge that women start to get old after 25. It is high time you started to take good care of your skin.


  • 也许是的东西不对或者是我太久出去晒太阳了,亦或是开始衰老

    Perhaps I'm not getting the right food or I've been out in the sun too long, or my heart is getting old and weak.


  • 老人学专家大多数18 -30岁之间开始逐步丧失器官功能,也就是说他们开始衰老

    Geriatricians say most people begin losing organ function — which means they start aging — somewhere between 18 and 30.


  • 一个一旦停止成长--不管年龄多大--开始衰老反之真正伟人从来不会衰老

    The minutea man ceases to grow-no matter what his years-that minute he begins to be old. On the other hand, the really great man never grows old.


  • 因为叶片功能上开始衰老时期出苗10根系功能衰老始期则为出苗后45天左右。

    The morphological senescence of leave began only more than 10 days after the seedling emergence, but the senescence of the roots began at about 45 days after seedling emergence.


  • 尽管《每日新闻》重新焕发青春,但从来没有想过要扩大传统读者群体,而这部分人已经开始衰老了。

    Despite its jazzing-up the TAZ has never moved beyond its traditional (now ageing)readership.


  • 这不是因为身体三十多岁不可避免地会开始衰老而是因为女性达到三十来岁后,她们一般除了训练还有其它责任

    This is not because bodies inevitably begin breaking down in their thirties, but because by the time women reach their thirties, they generally have responsibilities other than training for a sport.


  • 60左右,“肌肉真的开始分解,”一位研究衰老研究员凯瑟琳·斯塔尔,“因为如此老年人蛋白质需求实际上增加了。”

    At around age 60, "muscles really start to break down," say Kathryn Starr, an aging researcher, "and because of that, the protein needs of an older adult actually increase."


  • 伦敦本周开始一个会议上世界各地一些顶尖研究衰老的研究学者都聚集在一起共同探讨在布鲁克病例当中发现

    A conference beginning in London this week, which will bring together some of the world's leading age researchers, will discuss some of the findings from Brooke's case.


  • 认为我们有了解他们机制权利开始研制防止衰老药物

    I think it's within our power to understand their mechanisms and to start to develop drugs against aging.


  • 科学家开始基因工程小鼠衰老细胞一个特定分子

    The scientists started by genetically engineering mice to have a specific molecule in their senescent cells.


  • 因为那时30岁的女性开始担心衰老长白头发出现皱纹

    Because by the time they have turned 30 they start worrying about growing old and developing grey hair and wrinkles.


  • 直到最近才开始灵长类作为抗衰老研究对象原因之一,灵长类寿命相当长。

    One reason why primates have not been the subject of anti-ageing studies until now is that they live so long anyway.


  • 首先研究人员动物断奶开始3一次药物清除衰老细胞

    First, the researchers cleared senescent cells from the mice throughout their lives-giving the drug every 3 days beginning as soon as the animals were weaned.


  • 由于胶原蛋白30岁左右的时候就开始消退了,所以应该提早而且经常柑橘类水果防止衰老

    Since collagen breakdown really picks up in your mid-30s, eat citrus early and often to head off aging.


  • 网络设计师Mitsuyo NakataMixi第七年里开始感觉衰老”。

    With Mixi in its seventh year, it is starting “to feel old, ” said Mitsuyo Nakata, a Web designer.


  • 衰老产业逐渐延伸玻尿酸使用。 玻尿酸是从种致死杆菌中提炼而出,杆菌一开始用来治疗肌肉失调的。

    The industry spread to include the use of Botox, derived from the deadly botulinum toxin and originally intended to treat muscle disorders.


  • 如果很多宠物主人觉得存在可以大大延迟自家宠物衰老时间的方法,就可能开始决策产生影响

    If the average pet owner sees there's a way to significantly delay aging in their pet, maybe it will begin to impact policy decisions.


  • 故事还得从几年项实验开始讲起,他们观察衰老细胞通常会产生一种P 16ink4a的分子

    The story starts with an observation, made a few years ago, that senescent cells often produce a molecule called P16INK4A.


  • 无论何时,只要一个朋友开始恭维长得年轻就可以肯定他们认为正在衰老

    Whenever a man's friends begin to compliment him about looking young, he may be sure that they think he is growing old.


  • 然而我们成年后,我们身体开始经历渐渐衰老过程

    As we grow up, however, the body begins a process of gradually wearing out.


  • 掌握烹饪技巧那一时刻开始直到生命最后或者衰老无法继续时,人们都会相同频率继续烹饪。

    People continue to cook at about the same rate from the moment that they have mastered the art until the moment they die or are too decrepit to continue.


  • 结果表明冬小麦根系开花14开始加速衰老籽粒灌浆速率高峰期相对应

    The results showed that starting from 14 days after anthesis, root senescence of winter wheat was accelerated, corresponding with the peak stage of grain filling rate.


  • 故事还得从几年项实验开始讲起,他们观察衰老细胞通常会产生一种P16INK4A分子

    Thee story starts with an observation, made a few years ago, that senescent cells often produce a molecule called P16INK4A.


  • 新西兰先锋报》报道,一种新型衰老药物明年开始人体进行试验。

    According to the new Zealand Herald, a new anti-aging drug is going to be tested on human subjects starting next year.


  • 研究人员使用数据一个多学科研究70的老居民,哥德堡,瑞典开始1971年,以期深入了解衰老年龄有关疾病

    The researchers utilized data from a multi-disciplinary study of 70-year-old residents of Göteborg, Sweden, that began in 1971 to gain a greater understanding of aging and age-related disorders.


  • 研究人员使用数据一个多学科研究70的老居民,哥德堡,瑞典开始1971年,以期深入了解衰老年龄有关疾病

    The researchers utilized data from a multi-disciplinary study of 70-year-old residents of Göteborg, Sweden, that began in 1971 to gain a greater understanding of aging and age-related disorders.


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