• 政府将此归因于大量存在1910年开始猎杀猎人提供奖励

    Attributing this to the large number for wolves, in 1910 the government began offering rewards to hunters for killing wolves.


  • 越来越多证据表明人类存在使地球发生了巨大变化地质史上时代已经开始——人世时代,一个受人类影响的新时代。

    There is growing evidence that the presence of humans has altered the Earth so much that a new Epoch of geologic history has begunthe Anthropocene Epoch, a new human-influenced Epoch.


  • 无线电开始传输大量信息,都是关于卫星轨道路径探测到辐射量以及陨石存在

    Its radio begins to transmit an astonishing amount of information about the satellite's orbital path, the amount of radiation it detects, and the presence of meteorites.


  • 莱尔进化方法本质上受限制的,因为地球早在生命和进化开始之前存在

    Lyell's evolutionary approach is intrinsically limited because Earth existed long before life and evolution began.


  • 笛卡尔对于存在开始沉思

    Descartes began his musings by doubting his very existence.


  • REQUIRED属性不同,MANDATORY属性不会开始存在事务而是抛出一个异常指示需要事务。

    Unlike the required attribute, the MANDATORY attribute will not start a transaction if one does not exist, but rather will throw an exception indicating that a transaction is required.


  • 一旦设计优良开始使用不会存在使用上的障碍而且很少出现滥用浪费的现象。

    Once good libraries are available, there's not a great barrier for adoption and excessive misuse and waste are completely coincidental.


  • 许多专家认同大多数人来说这种风险几率非常的,他们开始相信这种效应存在

    Many experts agree that for most people the risk is quite low, but they are beginning to believe the effects are real.


  • 大多数开发项目并不从零开始的,而是尝试使用一个存在代码基础

    Most development projects do not start from scratch, but attempt to use an existing code base.


  • 瑞娜的大脑存在着的美妙物体甚至科瑞娜还要因为认知美丽拥有自我开始了解实体存在

    Corina's brain is the most beautiful object that exists, even more beautiful than Corina herself, for it allows her to perceive beauty, have a self, and know about existence in the first place.


  • 博士解释说,“人类诞生开始存在泥土未经处理粪便中的微生物伴随我们一起生存。”

    "The bottom line is organisms that were present in mud, untreated water and feces were with us right from the start of humanity," Rook explained.


  • 即使是很小的一点进步,它也是减少方法存在缺陷风险一个伟大开始

    But even having a few is a great start toward reducing the method's risk for having a defect.


  • 对于裂变问题是个更好答案请注意这个答案又引起了新的问题,这就是开始相信灵魂存在时的说法

    That's a nice answer to the problem of fission, but notice the problem it raises for the argument for believing in a soul in the first place.


  • 金字塔底层苦苦寻找曾被大肆吹嘘存在宝藏的公司,一开始不到消费者只有非消费者。

    Companies in search of the much-vaunted fortune at the bottom of the pyramid have to start not with consumers but with non-consumers.


  • 仅仅针对雇员退休金计划变动可以作为一个开始它对缩小已经存在的退休金大坑毫无用处。

    Changing scheme rules for new employees is a start but will do nothing to reduce the size of the hole that has already been dug.


  • 可能是因为这个,一些新的商业团体开始形成——对于公司倾向长期存在这个地区来说,一个罕见现象。

    Possibly as a result, several new business groups have emerged-a rarity in a region where companies tend to be of long standing.


  • 对于应该较开始治疗存在不同看法尽管大多数准则建议到HIV病毒感染高级阶段开始

    There are different views of the benefits of starting treatment earlier or later, though most guidelines recommend not starting until the advanced stages of HIV infection.


  • 陆地消失地平线上时,浪漫便不复存在了,一场艰苦体验开始

    The sea romance disappears once the land is down below the horizon. A hard school of experience begins.


  • 表示实例启用连接集中器开始以来的所有时间点上存在最大代理

    This indicates the highest number of agents that existed at any point during the entire time since your instance was started with concentrator enabled.


  • 因此,它们学着理解各种事物发生概率,学着弄清用户偏好结果代价也许重要,它们开始意识到自己的存在

    So they learn to understand the probabilities of various things happening, they learn the preferences [of users] and costs of outcomes and, perhaps most important, they are becoming self-aware.


  • 这种发现那一代人有生之年开始了,然后存在普遍认为是合理的。

    That the taking would begin in the lifetimes of people then alive was widely assumed to be true. No longer.


  • 如果任何移植工具具备,我们就只能求助开发自行生成的移植脚本,或者从零开始,或者是基于某种已经存在

    In the absence of any migration tool at all, a last resort is to develop home-grown migration scripts, either from scratch or based on any existing source available.


  • 开始目录这些目录仅仅存在主线目录的分支版本

    These directories are merely branched versions of the existing mainline directories.


  • 访问局限开始加载操作之前已经存在数据

    The access is restricted to data that existed prior to the start of the load operation.


  • 回答起来有点困难因为直到几十年前关于拖延症调查数据开始存在

    It's a bit hard to answer, since things like survey data on procrastination didn't really exist until the past few decades.


  • 无论如何要面对现实丹尼尔一贯信条尽管此时此刻仍然忠于她实际的信条,她开始相信魔力存在了。

    Reality, or rather, facing it, was Danielle's great credo; although if she were wholly honest, here and now, she believed a little in magic, too.


  • 模块存在依赖项因此可以开始模块内核清理过程

    No dependencies exist now for the module, and the process of cleaning up the kernel can begin for this module.


  • 模块存在依赖项因此可以开始模块内核清理过程

    No dependencies exist now for the module, and the process of cleaning up the kernel can begin for this module.


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