• 开始喜欢所以跟着,它还让背上

    It got to like him so it follows him about an' it lets him get on its back.


  • 一会儿开始喜欢了。

    Having talked to him for a while I started to like him.


  • 真的开始喜欢了,看起来我们相处真的很好,我们共同的爱好,我们一起欢笑,我们一起畅聊

    I am starting to really like him, and we seem to get along really well - we laugh a lot, have good conversations, and have similar interests.


  • 喜欢一天压力真正开始独处时刻

    He enjoyed his moments of solitude before the pressures of the day began in earnest.


  • 比起我们巡演结束后开始演奏大号喜欢的重金属电吉

    He favored his heavy-metal electric guitar over the tuba, which he'd started playing after our tours ended.


  • 莱尔说:“我最喜欢这个项目的一点是,一个人可以从小事开始,然后的项目可以不断发展,逐渐对社区产生很大的影响。”

    "My favorite part about this project was that one person could start something small and then the project could grow and have a big influence on the community," Claire said.


  • 想到这些指出黑板书中引用句话,今天我们从这里开始:,“我喜欢眼睛。”

    With that in mind, I want to point up to the two quotations that I put on the board to start us off today: "I like his eyes."


  • 孩子父亲,儿子刚生下来不久就带一起去训练,2岁时就开始举重练习。 还表示,自己的儿子非常喜欢摆那些“非常男子汉”的姿势而且腹部就像衣板一样结实,肩部肌肉也很发达。

    His father said that his son enjoys striking macho poses and has a washboard stomach and bulging shoulder muscles.


  • 下属发现相处开始很困难因为态度非正式而且直接喜欢争论。

    Subordinates find him hard going at first, because of his informal but direct manner and his love of argument.


  • 虽然大部分话题围绕展开,但约会进行得很顺利喜欢。我们开始定期见面

    Although most of the conversation centred on him, the date went well and I liked him. We began seeing each other regularly.


  • 但是渐渐开始喜欢绘画颠覆平静创造性后来喜欢上了雕塑

    But he slowly began to love the subversive peace and creativity of painting, and then sculpture.


  • 开始,杰克的态度不明朗,后来经过思考,杰克经常帮助打扫医院而且确实喜欢这个工作。

    Initially, he was noncommittal. After giving it some thought, he stated that he often helped clean around the hospital ward and really enjoyed it.


  • 认为那些通俗电影真实历史之间存在着与生俱来的冲突:“美国人喜欢电影分为开始中期结局三大段。”

    And popular films, he pointed out, have an inherent problem with the past: "Americans like their movies with a beginning, a middle and end."


  • 托尼承认并不喜欢杰克或是管理风格但是全心全意赞同杰克午夜开始默事件上的所有行为。

    Tony admits to not being a fan of Jack or his managerial style, but he wholeheartedly approves of everything Jack has done since midnight on the Palmer case.


  • 喜欢所说的“两面夹攻方法”,首先开始谈话然后离开,再然后回来之前那个人继续交谈。

    He also likes what he calls a "two-hit technique," where he starts a conversation, excuses himself, and then returns later to the same person.


  • 在明确喜欢之前,不要投入过多的精力,小事开始积累彼此信任。

    Develop a relationship, do small things first instead of investing too much into the relationship and work with people you like.


  • 上堂你们介绍了一下这部小说基本内容,这次的讲座,将萨巴斯·莉莉·霍克斯的引语开始现在将这段话朗读一遍,我喜欢眼睛

    I started last time, and actually my whole lecture existed under the rubric of, this quotation from Sabbath Lily Hawks, and I'm just going to read it to you again. "I like his eyes."


  • 晚年,范斯沃斯先生开始强烈批评电视喜欢电视所播出大多数节目

    In his last years, Mister Farnsworth became a strong critic of television. He did not like most of the programs shown on television.


  • 毕业舞会开始开始喝酒喜欢喝酒,酒精能宽慰自我感觉良好

    He began drinking right before PROM; he liked that it made him feel comfortable and desirable.


  • 纽约每日新闻》的专栏作家皮特·哈米尔(喜欢):“我已经开始看重克林顿了。”

    Pete Hamill, the New York Daily News columnist whose books I'd read and enjoyed, said, I've come to respect Bill Clinton.


  • 开始并不喜欢这种书法因为不是正规书法”。

    I did not agree with this kind of writing, because it's not the normal writing system.


  • 认为这次起初挺喜欢做个孩子很快意识到自己哈利那样善心开始崩溃

    I think he revels in this opportunity at first and loves the idea of being the bad boy, but he quickly crumbles and realises he quite doesn't have a heart the size of his young friend Harry.


  • ,这个规定没有人们已经习惯这个规定,也接受了,并且现在人们开始喜欢上这个规定了。

    He said: "there's nothing wrong with the false-start rule, people have got used to it and accept it and actually it's there to help people like him."


  • 知道怎么打开iPad找到自己喜欢应用程序开始玩。

    He knows how to turn on the iPad, find his favorite apps and get started.


  • 除此之外,Jeff发现角色发生了变化:“由于开始敏捷团队工作变得喜欢协同设计。”

    In addition, Jeff finds his role has changed: "as I've begun to work within Agile teams, my approach has changed to favor collaborative design."


  • 随着电影开始字幕描述的是阿拉伯“,会切耳朵/如果喜欢你的”,字幕结束,“野蛮,,这是家。”

    As the movie begins, a character describes his Arabian home as a place "where they cut off your ear/ If they don't like your face," and concludes, "It's barbaric, but hey, it's home."


  • 这里还有一个来自Epstein的好主意:合适距离坐在对方身边,开始喜欢方式移动胳膊腿,但多多少少完美地模仿的动作。

    Here's another good one from Epstein: Standing or sitting fairly close to your partner, start moving your hands, arms, and legs any way you like-but in a fashion that perfectly mimics his.


  • 开始掌控道琼斯Bancroft家族拒绝了默多克,理由是不喜欢他管理方式

    Initially, the Bancroft family, which held controlling interest in Dow Jones, declined, saying it opposed Murdoch's management methods.


  • 开始掌控道琼斯Bancroft家族拒绝了默多克,理由是不喜欢他管理方式

    Initially, the Bancroft family, which held controlling interest in Dow Jones, declined, saying it opposed Murdoch's management methods.


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