• 每一开头引语

    Each chapter begins with a quotation.


  • 未听到讲座开头讲讲说话要点好吗?

    I missed the beginning of the lecture—can you give me the gist of what he said?


  • 开头一幕描述阿肯及其家人亲密无间一个时刻

    The opening of the scene depicts Akhnaten and his family in a moment of intimacy.


  • 北大西洋公约》以公开肯定成员“重申对《联合国宪章》目的以及原则信念开头

    The North Atlantic Treaty begins with the affirmation that its parties "reaffirm their faith in the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations."


  • 马尔科姆开头部分加入段奏鸣曲然后加上几个小节贝多芬作品,然后回到巴赫的作品。

    Malcolm wanted to mix the beginning of a sonata, then add Beethoven for a few measures, then go back to Bach.


  • 句子人名地名开头大写字母

    A capital letter is used to begin a sentence or the name of a person or place.


  • 开头要空格。

    Leave two blank Spaces at the beginning of each paragraph.


  • 开头赞不绝口;他甚至觉得主题新颖令人印象深刻

    The beginning of the poem he praised with great generosity; he even found the idea original and effective.


  • 海蒂,”,“上帝这样做’开头听。”

    "Heidi," she said, "please read me the song that begins with 'God will see to it.'"


  • 要尽最大努力,投入某件事之前秒钟浏览一下开头

    I've just got to do my best, and take a couple of seconds to look through the first few lines before I launch into something.


  • 如果认为违背隐私策略开头信息说明用户可以些什么

    It starts with information on what the user can do if he or she feels you have violated this privacy policy.


  • 记不住他们名字他们的姓氏是由R”、“SA开头的。

    I can't remember their names either, but their last names begin with "R" and "S" and "A".


  • 如果曾经“如果我你……”这样的句子开头,这背后是有科学依据的。

    If you've ever started a sentence with, "If I were you...", there's a scientific reason behind it.


  • 应该文章开头简要描述张图表评论中国扶贫方面取得的成就。

    You should start your essay with a brief description of the graph and comment on China's achievements in poverty alleviation.


  • 节吧,”头怪不耐烦重复着,“开头是‘路过花园。’”

    "Go on with the next verse," the Gryphon repeated impatiently, "it begins 'I passed by his garden.'"


  • 我们应该自己观点浓缩句话然后放在文章开头作为我们论点

    We should boil down our opinions to one or two sentences and put them at the beginning of the article as our statement.


  • 尽管新西兰孩子起名相当宽松规定,但以数字开头名字允许的。

    Even though New Zealand has quite liberal rules about naming children, names beginning with a number are not allowed.


  • 必须记住一份营销报告中,你必须开头就有他们所说执行摘要

    One thing you have to remember is that in a marketing report, you've got to have what they call an executive summary at the beginning.


  • 我们认为,与尔顿同时代人可能首诗开头使用撒旦同情描述震惊

    We would think that Milton's contemporaries might be aghast that such a sympathetic portrait of Satan could be used at the beginning of the poem.


  • 开头写道,“听见歇斯底里人们她们厌恶调色板提琴弓,厌恶那些永远快乐人们。”

    It's a poem that begins, "I have heard that hysterical women say they are sick of the palette and fiddle-bow, of poets that are always gay."


  • 在汽车站《泰晤士报》的男士评论一条新闻新闻以“从前啊”几个字开头这是英语童话故事典型开头

    The man reading the Times at the bus stop remarks on a story that begins with the words "Once upon a time", the classic opening for fairy tales in English.


  • 米尔双臂交叠在胸前,扭开头

    Meer folded his arms over his chest and turned his head away.


  • 写求职信务必开头说明申请职务因为

    Always say at the start of an application that you're applying for such-and-such a job because...


  • 每一份报道概要开头,讲述和预期相比我们表现如何

    Each report starts with a recap of how we did versus our projections.


  • 原以为Catherine其实Kathryn,以K开头

    I thought her name was Catherine, but it's Kathryn spelt with a 'K'.


  • 这部电影在开头一个小时毫无想象力即使有个人印象深刻的结局无法掩盖这个缺憾。

    Even the film's impressive finale can't hide the first hour's paucity of imagination.


  • 开头难。

    The hardest part about any task is getting started.


  • 就是电影《红色星球》的开头

    This is what the movie Red Planet begins with.


  • 们的数字总是以0开头

    Their numbers always start with 0.


  • 不想错过电影的开头

    I don't want to miss the start of the film.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定