• 我们在审议一个可行性方案如果供应商那些缺乏燃料家庭直接建议成本更高的措施他们拥有的优先权群体份额将缩小

    We are also considering a flexibility option to allow suppliers to have a reduced Priority Group share if they direct some more expensive measures at those households most likely to be fuel poor.


  • ECC施工成本标准混凝土所以经济上讲你们建议可能合理

    Construction costs for ECC are much higher than for standard concrete, so your proposal is probably not justifiable on economic grounds.


  • 所以建议他们升级他们软件程序,这反过来降低了运营成本一切快速运转。

    So he recommended they upgrade their software programs and that, in turn, cut operational costs and just speeded everything up.


  • 最后评估需要包括根据优先进行排列的需要修改部分的描述还有如何进行整改建议所列出每个整改项目的成本估计

    The final assessment needs to include a description of what needs to change, ranked by priority, plus recommendations on how to make the changes, and cost estimates for each change listed.


  • 如果一切看起来良好 —— 更CPU成本、更的共计时间更少的 I/O ——我就重新组织数据,然后利用周末生产环境中执行这些建议

    If everything looks goodlower CPU costs, lower elapsed times, and less I/Owe implement those recommendations in our production environment over the weekend after a reorg of the data.


  • 因此除了保护内部应用程序免受攻击外本文建议大多数安全性加强步骤成本相当

    That said, with the exception of protection against internal application attacks, most of the security hardening steps suggested in this article are fairly low cost.


  • 他们建议长期合同代替新人定期合同这种合同的解雇成本会随被解雇者的资历上升仍比现在要低。

    They also propose replacing fixed-term contracts for new hires with a permanent contract in which firing costs rise with seniority but not as high as at present.


  • 这份报告详细罗列着利润成本效率以及一个季度建议

    This report details profits, costs, productivity, and recommendations for the next quarter.


  • 他们建议仔细斟酌组织IT成熟度ROI成本节约以及采用s + S解决方案难易程度

    They also suggest considering the it maturity of the organization, the ROI or cost savings resulting, and the easiness of adoption of an s + s solution.


  • 现在初步建议一个替代方案:拒绝强制复性邮件使沟通成本回归发件人身上。

    Let me now suggest, rather indelicately, an alternative: Declare a vendetta on mandatory email. Put the cost of communication back on the sender.


  • 最后新的查询产品可以提供调优建议有助于开发人员dba有效地协作从而开发快速成本企业级数据库应用程序

    Finally, the new query tuning offerings provide tuning advice designed to help developers and DBAs collaborate effectively to produce fast, less costly enterprise-ready database applications.


  • TDA根据提案确定时间成本资源确保建议解决方案中的范围实现的可能

    The TDA ensures that the scope of the proposed solution has realistic chances of being met according to the time, cost, and resource identified in the proposal.


  • 我想这个建议应该实施成本最低的了。因为可以很多网站免费开办博客

    This is the least expensive suggestion on how to grow your business - there are many places where you can start a blog for free.


  • 由于内含一个存储量很大的记忆(建议起码要256兆字节的),能够连续不断地拍照不必担心洗印成本直到获得一张值得保存的照片。

    With a goodsize memory card inside (I advise at least 256 megabytes), you can snap, snap, snap and never worry about cost of printing until you’ve got one worth keeping.


  • 建议至少时间了解预算编制,勾画预计每件事情成本预算

    She recommends taking at least a few days to learn about budgeting, and mapping out a projected budget of what everything is going to cost.


  • 根据巴尔提克索普建议第一税收抵免相当于雇佣一个职员成本15.3%,第二年大约是10.2%。

    Under the proposal from Mr. Bartik and Mr. Bishop, the credit in the first year would equal 15.3 percent of the cost of adding an employee. In the second year, it would fall to about 10.2 percent.


  • 对于赤字鹰派(译者注:指支持缩减赤字的人),奥巴马先生的医保方案中保留项控制成本重要措施建议雇主出资购买的高价保单征税

    For deficit hawks, Mr. Obama would retain an important cost-control measure: a proposed tax on high-cost, employer-sponsored insurance policies.


  • 给捐献者赠款建议中,管理者预计这项成本会在2010年2012年分别到达910万和1330万,届时项目预计将在20个学校中使用

    In a grant proposal aimed at donors, administrators predict that the cost will grow to $9.1 million in 2010 and $13.3 million in 2012, when the program is expected to be used in 20 schools.


  • 今年三月,Gartner建议首席信息官们必须做好削减IT成本准备以便应对日益紧缩的经济环境

    This March, Gartner advised that CIOs must prepare to cut it costs in order to cope with the tightening economic environment.


  • Todd建议度量soa影响更好方式看看开发成本

    Todd suggest that a better way to measure SOA impact is to look at development costs.


  • DB 2Optimization Expert识别执行情况较差SQL提供全面专家建议程序,帮助改善性能并降低总体所有权成本

    DB2 Optimization expert identifies poorly performing SQL and offers a comprehensive set of expert advisors that can help improve system performance and lower total cost of ownership.


  • 对于注重成本控制的银行来说,更廉价的小型分行替代传统分行网点为是不是一种选择。 这种小型分行配有23名雇员经过培训之后可以提供建议贷款服务以及负责银行柜台方面的业务。

    One option for the cost-conscious bank is to replace traditional branches with cheaper mini-branches, staffed by two or three employees trained to give advice and loans as well as man the counters.


  • 克服消费偏执米勒博士建议做一些类似练习:比较一下相关成本之物带给乐趣.(你可以nytimes.com/tierneylab做这些练习)有必要做这些练习 听起来很可笑-为什么一个自然的选择会给我们带来这些没用的迷恋呢?

    To get over your consuming obsessions, Dr. Miller suggests exercises like comparing the relative costs and pleasures of the stuff you’ve bought. (You can try the exercise at nytimes.com/tierneylab.)


  • 如果追求的是财富重新分配那么建议美国承担气候变化协议大部分成本似乎就有点怪异

    If redistribution is what is sought, it seems odd to suggest that the US should bear the bulk of the cost of a climate change agreement.


  • 建议要把变成项多人参与的活动朋友们一起分担成本,分享成果。

    He recommends turning it into a social event in which you and your friends split the costs-and the bounty.


  • 我们建议如果需要突出的可用性特征那么以此首要目标来确定环境成本规模

    Our advice, if you need outstanding availability characteristics, then price and size the environment with that as the premier goal.


  • 这样就提供了分析建议流程更改成本影响方法

    This provides ways to examine the cost implications of a proposed change to the process.


  • 最后对于早期预警系统保护措施建议我们需要非常明智具有成本意识

    Finally, we need to be very smart and cost conscious in the early warning systems and protective measures we recommend.


  • 其中一项重要建议取消弹性工作时间这个措施帮助公司节省大量电力运输成本

    One significant idea was to abolish flextime hours, which led to a massive savings on electricity and transportation costs.


  • 其中一项重要建议取消弹性工作时间这个措施帮助公司节省大量电力运输成本

    One significant idea was to abolish flextime hours, which led to a massive savings on electricity and transportation costs.


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