• 还要着被妒忌风险,把留在一直

    Still need to emit steer I the hazard of Niang jealousy, quit you in the mansion, have been reserving greatly?


  • ,“没有什么周全毕竟我从小府中长大的。”

    "I access," also has no in the Yan mansion what not thoughtful of, once and for all I grew up in the Yan mansion since the childhood.


  • 澳大利亚广播公司今天报导称洪水已经昆士兰州变为了一鬼城

    The Australian Broadcasting Corporation reported today that floodwaters have turned the center of the Queensland capital into a ghost town.


  • 最高美术美术学院优异成绩毕业选拔而留校任教

    He graduated with distinction at China's highest seat of fine arts learning, the Central Academy of fine arts, and was appointed to the faculty upon graduation.


  • 志主青年时期相王李旦府中任低职官员,相王登帝位(睿宗),擢为武卫将军

    Xu Lin was an officer at Li Dan's official residence for a long time when he was young. After Li Dan became emperor Xu Lin was promoted to right defending general.


  • 今天剑桥大学作为诺贝尔获得者最多的大学,世界高等依然居于显要的地位

    Today, Cambridge university, which has produced more Nobel Prize winners than any other university, still takes a significant place among all the institutions of higher learning in the world.


  • 纸工上海有限公司位于上海市松江区,日本府中纸工株式会社第五分公司

    Fuchu Shiko Machinery(Shanghai)Co. , Ltd, founded in 2005, is a branch of Fuchu Shiko Co. , Ltd.


  • 皇朝餐厅,您可以尽情享受品质式菜肴以及精致的点心、具有本土风呋的海南菜。

    At Dynasty Chinese restaurant, diners can enjoy high quality Cantonese and local delicacies; plus Dim-Sum selections.


  • 放在过去布朗严厉抨击过金融税他本人知道,这种点子就像根冰柱根本靠不住的。

    In the past, Brown himself has been a stern critic of taxing financial transactions in this way, and knows perfectly well that the idea doesn't stand an icicle's chance in Hades.


  • 崔宁正和几个朋友酒店喝酒忽然看见郡王失火了,赶回走光了,恰好碰见秀秀出来

    One day when Cui Ning was drinking with some friends in a wine shop he suddenly saw the mansion was on fire. Hurrying back he found all the people had run Xiuxiu was coming out.


  • 锦绣府中餐厅装修豪华精致大厅容纳300同时就餐,另特设22间风格迥异,大小不一的贵宾包房

    The decoration of Jinxiu Dinning Hall is elaborate and luxurious. The lobby could hold 300 people to dine together. Besides, there are 22 VIP rooms with various types.


  • 过去位于美国北达科他州的学府中,有400名留学生未能完成必修课程的条件,却仍然拿到了大学文凭

    Over the last four years, the college in North Dakota had issued diplomas to 400 foreign students despite their failure to complete the required coursework.


  • 现在你们这个伟大学习,生活这个伟大的国家,你家庭体验这个伟大时代,这些就是你们以及做好准备最大证明

    The fact that you are here now at this great institution, in this great state, at this great moment for both you and your families is a testament to the fact that your preparation has begun.


  • 母亲死后霍雨浩公爵又留了一冒然离开公爵根本没有任何生活来源所以只能一切恨意委屈

    After her mother died, Huo Yuhao stayed in the Ducal Palace in a year, he still small, ventured to leave the Duke house no source of income, so he can only hate and put all the pressure in the hearts.


  • 希拉里相当数量有着超过对手20%的领先优势,包括加利福尼亚纽约新泽西马萨诸塞亚利桑那密苏里以及阿拉巴马

    Mrs Clinton has wide leads, often close to 20%, in a swathe of states such as California, New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Arizona, Missouri and Alabama.


  • 希拉里相当数量有着超过对手20%的领先优势,包括加利福尼亚纽约新泽西马萨诸塞亚利桑那密苏里以及阿拉巴马

    Mrs Clinton has wide leads, often close to 20%, in a swathe of states such as California, New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Arizona, Missouri and Alabama.


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