• 这次在患者家里一对一密集型治疗行为治疗师rickSchroeder来实施的。采用方法一种行为矫正技术应用行为分析ABA

    The intensive, one-on-one, in-home therapy was meted out by behavioral therapist Rick Schroeder, who used a technique of behavior modification known as "applied behavior analysis" or ABA.


  • 一种平衡运行分析的方式未来应用进行运行时行为文档操作。

    Yet another way to leverage runtime analysis is by documenting the application's runtime behavior for future use.


  • 动态分析工具用户另一个常见担忧了解它们是否调用应用程序中的大多数行为

    Another common concern for users of dynamic analysis tools is knowing if they invoked the majority of actions in the applications.


  • 开发人员创建或者分析一个应用他们通常希望通过一些辅助理解代码结构或者行为图形化符号可视化代码。

    As developers create or analyze an application, they often want to visualize the code through some graphical notation that AIDS their understanding of the code's structure or behavior.


  • 通过分析跟踪文件可以检测异常应用程序行为比如数据库资源漏泄

    By analyzing the trace files, you can detect abnormal application behavior, such as database resource leaks.


  • 能够快速确定某个给定资源属于某个特定应用程序还是另一个应用程序,便能够注意力集中于资源关联错误消息分析行为

    The ability to identify quickly that a given resource belongs to one particular application or another can quickly focus the error message analysis and behaviors associated with that resource.


  • 静态分析工具审核一个应用程序源代码二进位清楚这个应用程序是如何运行以及构建这个行为数学模型

    Static analysis tools look at the source code and binaries of an application, figure out how the application works, and build mathematical models of that behavior.


  • 分析可以使用呈现出应用程序行为对象系统进行描述

    The analysts would begin the process of describing the system with objects that exhibit the desired behavior of the application.


  • 我们这里跳过这些知名应用[参考:免费访客行为分析研究工具],探讨一些不太知名的网络分析选项

    We go off the trodden path and explore a few lesser-known Web analytics options.


  • 通过因子分析消费者认知应用,从而把握消费者对产品真实认知行为趋势

    The application of factor analysis in consumers awareness of calcium can hold consumers actual awareness of Calcium-based products and their behavior trends.


  • 课程将提出个体经济学理论消费者生产者行为应用及中福利制度分析

    This class presents microeconomic theory and applications of consumer and producer behavior and welfare analysis at an intermediate level.


  • 分析水道船舶碰撞事故发生行为基础上应用模糊集理论提出了船舶狭水道航行的碰撞危险性评价模型

    On the basis of analysis of Ship's collision accident and anti collision actions, an evaluation model is presented for ship's collision risk in narrow channel by applying fuzzy mathematics theory.


  • 针对数据挖掘技术期货交易数据中的应用通过关联规则分析期货价格客户行为

    Aiming at the application of data mining technology on forward business data, the forward prices and customers' behaviors are analyzed based on association rules.


  • 本文应用多项罗机模式分析视机消费者选择行为

    This paper applied multinomial logit models to analyze the choice behavior of colored TV consumers.


  • 孟德尔遗传学遗传定位技术统计分析及其行为遗传学中特定研究应用

    Mendelian genetics, genetic mapping techniques, and statistical analysis of large populations and their application to particular studies in behavioral genetics.


  • 摘要研究应用产业组织分析检视台湾地区工业产业特性市场行为与绩效。

    The purpose of this study is to apply the theory of industrial organization to examine the industry characteristics and business conduct of taiwan manmade fiber industry.


  • 捕食和附加食物交互作用条件,测定田鼠种群攻击水平种群参数之间关系,应用对策分析攻击行为模式

    The demographic implications and strategy of aggressive behavior of root voles under different food, predation treatments were analyzed by using statistical methods and game theory models.


  • 进行功能需求分析基础上,将面向对象分析设计思想应用系统软件静态功能和动态行为分析

    Based on the function requirement analysis, object-oriented analysis and design concept were applied on system software static function and dynamic action analysis.


  • 着重介绍了目前国外应用较多较成熟评价艾滋病行为干预效果成本效用分析方法

    The paper introduced current cost effect analysis methods abroad which are widely used and mature in evaluation of the AIDS behavior intervention.


  • 针对住宅市场完善性厂商理论首次应用我国住宅开发企业行为分析中。

    As housing market is not perfect, this chapter apply manufacturer theory into analyzing of enterprise behavior for the first time.


  • 目的分析认知行为疗法精神分裂症、抑郁症等精神病康复治疗中的应用及其治疗效果

    OBJECTIVE: To analyze the application of cognitive behavioral therapy in the rehabilitation of schizophrenia and depression, and investigate the therapeutic effects.


  • 应用方法分析阵列行为给出了互耦系数计算方法及其天线设计中的应用方法。

    The action of mutual coupling arrays is analyzed, the computing and application method of mutual coupling coefficient in the design of antenna arrays are presented.


  • 首先本文定义了报价差异应用报价差异度分析浙江电力市场发电商的报价行为

    Firstly, this paper defines bidding difference degree, and applies it to analyze the generator bidding of Zhejiang electricity market.


  • 小时后Oracleoutlined战略第三方数据企业数据行为分析结合覆盖大多数业务功能及其应用

    Hours later Oracleoutlined a strategy to combine third-party data, corporate data, and behavioral analytics with its applications covering most business functions.


  • 接着通过应用组织行为关于机械型组织结构有机型组织结构理论分析公司组织结构重组方向

    This thesis utilizes the organization behavior theory of mechanistic and organic organization structure to propose the reorganization direction for this company.


  • 讲座运用典型案例分析以及互动式体验练习,体现行为分析对于人力资源管理巨大贡献应用价值

    We will have typical case study and interactive experience and exercise to have a taste of the enormous contribution and applied value of behavior analysis to human resource management.


  • 前言:目的:通过分析我院门诊应用抗菌药物情况,以规范应用抗菌药物行为提高临床应用抗菌药物水平

    Objective: To restrain the behavior of antibiotic drug use and improve the level of using antibiotic drug through analyzing the use of antibacterial information in our hospital.


  • 分析46儿童,同时应用4~ 6艾氏儿童行为量表测量行为问题。

    The content of Pb in hair of children aged from 4~6 years old was determined and their behavior was studied.


  • 文章通过实际调研,阐述庭审法官言语行为分布应用及其特点,并简要分析了特点产生原因

    This paper tries to describe the use of the different classifications of the judges' speech act, summarize the characteristics and analyze the reasons for characteristics simply.


  • 文章通过实际调研,阐述庭审法官言语行为分布应用及其特点,并简要分析了特点产生原因

    This paper tries to describe the use of the different classifications of the judges' speech act, summarize the characteristics and analyze the reasons for characteristics simply.


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