• 面对经济衰退,日本公司应对迅速是否还有不足之处?

    Japanese firms are responding quickly to the recession, but are they doing enough?


  • 然而资产出售作用微乎其微,无法应对迅速增长的公共债务

    The impact of the asset sales will be small, however, set against soaring public indebtedness.


  • 为更好地应对迅速更新的市场需求数控系统具有良好的可重构性。

    The system studied can not only offer non-real time NC services for many NC machines, but also has great reconfigurable ability.


  • 但是我们担心如果医疗卫生设施无法应对迅速增长需求的话,局势可能不久恶化

    But, we fear that the situation could soon deteriorate if medical, water and sanitation facilities are unable to cope with rapidly increasing needs.


  • 2008年5月以来世行全球食品危机应对方案》帮助40个国家应对迅速上涨的食品价格

    Since May 2008, the Bank’s Global Food Crisis Response Program has helped 40 countries cope with rapidly rising food prices.


  • 充分意识需要使组织成为一个符合目的的组织,具有应对迅速改变挑战所需灵活性效率

    I fully appreciate the need to make WHO a fit-for-purpose organization, with the flexibility and efficiency demanded by rapidly changing challenges.


  • 豆蔻年华满头白发东欧中亚地区老龄人口》:地区准备应对迅速老龄化相对较贫困人口问题。

    From Red to Gray: Ageing populations in East Europe and Central Asia: The region needs to get ready to grapple with a unique situation of rapidly aging yet relatively poor populations.


  • 大量固定雇员使得企业很难通过降低工资成本迅速应对需求下降

    Large numbers of permanent employees make it difficult for organizations to respond quickly to downturns in demand by decreasing payroll costs.


  • 迅速应对突发事件。

    He deals with emergencies promptly.


  • 二十一世纪中,协调良好的行动迅速应对卫生威胁能力对于公共卫生必不可少的。

    The capacity to respond to health threats quickly with well-coordinated action is indispensable for public health in the twenty-first century.


  • 研究报告谷歌需要加大直接广告销售的投入扩大广告代理商合作,以此迅速应对

    'Google needs to make a quick response by redoubling its efforts in direct AD sales and cooperating with AD agents,' she said in the research note.


  • 早期发现迅速应对机制对于跟踪h5n 1病毒演变至关重要。

    Early detection and rapid response mechanisms are essential to tracking the evolution of the H5N1 virus.


  • 世卫组织利用一储存迅速应对正在出现流感流行

    WHO would use this stockpile to respond quickly to an emerging influenza pandemic.


  • 中非非洲各国必须加强急性弛缓性麻痹病例监测以便迅速发现脊髓灰质炎病毒输入事件,便利采取快速应对措施。

    It is important that countries across central Africa and the Horn of Africa strengthen AFP surveillance, in order to rapidly detect any poliovirus importations and facilitate a rapid response.


  • 重要是,邻国必须加强急性弛缓性麻痹病例监测以便迅速发现任何输入的脊髓灰质炎病毒,促进迅速采取应对行动。

    It is important that neighboring countries strengthen surveillance for cases of acute flaccid paralysis, in order to rapidly detect any new poliovirus importations and facilitate a rapid response.


  • 方案帮助下,取得多项成果,以上仅仅是其中制定该方案的目的是为了帮助有关国家应对2008年迅速上涨全球食品价格

    These are just two examples of results achieved through the GFRP set up to help countries cope with the rapid rise in global food prices in 2008.


  • 个人公司应对危机最佳方法迅速查明问题控制社会舆论。

    The best response a person or a company in crisis can take is to quickly pinpoint the problem and then control the conversation about it.


  • 引人注目暴发占据显著地位的之后根除脊髓灰质炎咨询委员会发表了新的准则要求这些地区进行迅速更大规模免疫应对

    Following a year dominated by high-profile outbreaks, the ACPE issued new guidelines requiring more rapid and large-scale immunization responses in such areas.


  • 了解自己的情况,容易避免犯错可以迅速应对潜在问题

    Knowing where you stand makes it much easier to avoid serious issues, as you can react to potential problems quickly.


  • 说明:“扫荡”系确认正在传播脊髓灰质炎病毒后4迅速大规模挨家挨户免疫应对

    Note: A 'mop-up' refers to a rapid and massive, house-to-house immunization response within four weeks of confirmation of a circulating poliovirus.


  • 好莱坞迅速应对变化能力使电影业继续保持稳定目前制片厂数量二十世纪持平

    Hollywood's ability to respond quickly to change has helped the film business to remain stable, with the same number of big studios now as in the early 20th century.


  • 目前机构正在拟定可以用来迅速应对诸如当前危机新兴工具方案,”Bond

    "The agency is currently developing a range of new instruments and initiatives that can be deployed to respond rapidly during times of crisis like this," said Bond.


  • 许多方面只是白宫另一奥巴马与其团队正在迅速采取行动,应对称作一连串我们这代人亟待解决的问题”。

    In many respects, it's just another day at the White House, where Obama and his team are trying to move quickly on what he calls a series of "challenge [s] for our generation."


  • 如果每个国家遵循建议,那么,一旦出现青蒿素耐药性我们可以迅速采取应对措施调动应急所需一切必要资源

    If every country follows this recommendation, we can respond quickly and mobilize all the resources needed to face the emergency should resistance to artemisinins emerge.


  • 如果每个国家遵循建议,那么,一旦出现青蒿素耐药性我们可以迅速采取应对措施调动应急所需一切必要资源

    If every country follows this recommendation, we can respond quickly and mobilize all the resources needed to face the emergency should resistance to artemisinins emerge.


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