• 旨在培养医学领域的“精英人才”长学制教育模式而出。

    On such a situation, the long-term medical education model is emerged to produce elites in medical field.


  • 中医夏翔教授,治疑难杂症善用黄芪,不仅辨证遣药,而且用药对来增效,达如鼓桴应之效。

    Xia Xiang, a famous TCM doctor, is skilled in treating miscellaneous diseases with Astragalus root and achieves good results.


  • 因为操作者线绳来控制只是这个中心附着枝节只是它们是……没有生命纯粹的摆动,重力法则所统御。

    Because the operator controls with his wire or thread only this centre, the attached limbs are just what they should be... lifeless, pure pendulums, governed only by the law of gravity.


  • 一趋势改变公司态度使仿制药只是看作需要容忍冒风险的有害物,看作是能触发完全不同商业模式的灵感。

    This trend too should change attitudes at big firms, so that generics are not seen merely as pests to be tolerated or paid off, but rather as inspiration for a radically different business model.


  • 既然所有有情品都获益,”农夫,“那么妻子可能力气小争不过他们,获得利益岂不是给抢跑了?”

    "If you say all sentient beings will benefit," said the farmer, "my wife may be very weak and others will take advantage of her, getting the benefit she should have."


  • 《展望2010》特刊要求,经济学人智库(《经济学人》姊妹公司)旗下分析师确定未来一年全球糟糕的国家

    The world in 2010 asked the analysts at the Economist Intelligence Unit, a sister company of the Economist, to identify the world's worst country in the year ahead.


  • 此后不久,滚石乐队出了专辑名叫撒旦陛下命》。他们一时期参与巫术撒旦教的活动记录

    Not long afterward, the Rolling Stones produced an album entitled "at their Satanic Majesties Request;" their involvement with black magic and Satanism during this period has been documented.


  • 建议合法化贿赂骚扰贿赂”,即某人为了获得依法获得行贿。

    The category of payments he would like to legalise areharassment bribes”, made by a person to get things to which he is legally entitled.


  • 这份草案里,小组要求将来天线置于距离居住地学校日托中心医院混合用途地区至少1000英尺远。

    In it, the group asks that future antennas be placed on sites at least 1, 000 feet from "residential USES, schools, daycare centers, hospitals, and mixed-use areas."


  • 接下来一周网景飞抵他们高管以及技术人员共同参与了一个为期一天(1998年24日)的战略会议

    The following week I flew out to Silicon Valley at Netscape's invitation for a day-long strategy conference (on 4 Feb 1998) with some of their top executives and technical people.


  • 人类因基所包含信息如此,以致于就具体规定人类1011的神经细胞中任意一个细胞占据大脑哪个半脑无法做到,更不用提每个神经细胞所会形成的数百连接

    Human genes contain too little information even to specify which hemisphere of the brain each of a human's 10 "neurons should occupy, let alone the hundreds of connections that each neuron makes."


  • 这位医生五月杰克逊,以十五万美元每月薪酬在他伦敦系列表演期间负责他健康事宜。

    The doctor was appointed by Jackson appointed the doctor in May on a promise of $150, 000 a month to help the singer through a series of comeback shows in London.


  • 球队伊布·罗克斯球场对阵流浪者以及在主场迎战凯尔特人,巴萨,在赛季第一个没有比赛周三访问坎普。

    The club still have to play Rangers at Ibrox, as well as hosting Celtic, and they have also been invited to play Barcelona at Camp Nou on their first blank Wednesday of the new season. Daniel Taylor.


  • 此句方式状语相当冗长,但为了体现特征---条约约文严密性庄重性,我们还是方式状语放在动词前:“条约其用语按其上下文参照条 约目的宗旨所具有通常意义善意解释。”

    A treaty shall be interpreted in good faith in accordance with the ordinary meaning to be given to the terms of the treaty in their context and in the light of its object and purpose


  • Wilders先生英国独立党党首pearson赴英国上议院放映影片《Fitna》。

    Mr Wilders was invited to the House of Lords for a screening of Fitna by the UK Independence Party's Lord Pearson.


  • 通讯所有条款通过航空邮件其他适宜途径送达合同列出地址

    COMMUNICATIONS: all notices shall be sent by airmail or other suitable means to the address listed in the Agreement.


  • 良好保养定期绝缘检测成为制度不是偶尔为

    Good maintenance practices and periodic testing of the insulation should be the rule rather than the exception.


  • 投资者定期调整组合资产比例,使恢复原定状态

    Investors should adjust the combination periodically and restore the portfolio to the original state.


  • 第25证券商办理有价证券借贷业务主管机关规定担保比率向借券客户收取担保品。

    Article 25 a securities firm conducting securities lending business shall collect collateral from borrowers at the collateral ratio required by the competent authority.


  • 企业遵从商业竞争道德,是内在社会属性然”、客观竞争环境“使然”德得相通“欣然”。

    Enterprises should comply with commercial competition morality, because of its social characters and outside environment, and its internal relation with morality.


  • 本文目的,在于重新探讨学术真实面貌,麟的学术一个准确定位

    The purpose of this article is to inquire into the true essence of the Wang scholarship, and to give the Wang scholarship a correct location.


  • 但是圣诞节始终还是一个代表的是洋文化,我们中国人到底报以如此热情

    But, Christmas is still a foreign day, it represents the foreign culture, shall we Chinese be so enthusiastic about it?


  • 第10中央直辖市()主管机关及学校每年参考所设性别平等教育委员会各项实施方案编列经费预算。

    Article 10 the competent authority at central, municipal, county or city shall designate budgeting in accordance with all the projects planned by its gender equity education committee.


  • 请勿产品置于高湿度环境使用置于坚固平坦表面使用。

    Do not use the product in humid environment. Put the machine on firm and flat surface.


  • 有关业务人员直接间接接受客户第三馈赠订定规范标准管理措施

    Standards or supervisory measures shall be adopted to govern the direct or indirect acceptance by wealth managers of gifts from customers or third parties.


  • 有关业务人员直接间接接受客户第三馈赠订定规范标准管理措施

    Standards or supervisory measures shall be adopted to govern the direct or indirect acceptance by wealth managers of gifts from customers or third parties.


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