• 本文最后章中通过成本广义问题的简述尝试性分析了成本广义化对成本管理影响引出所谓的“成本”观念

    In the last chapter, via the brief introduction of cost generalization, attempted analyzed the effect of cost generalization to cost management, and draw out the concept of so-called "big cost".


  • 而今天工厂工人机器人软件所替代广义地来讲,许多承担的工作正在被自动

    Today, workers in factories are being replaced by robots and software, more broadly, is automating many jobs that people used to do.


  • 为了解决产品设计自动问题分析用于夹具设计的六点定位原理基础提出广义定位原理。

    To solve the problem in the product design automation, the generalized locating principle is put forward based on the six-point locating principle in fixture design.


  • 基于广义定位原理分解重构等理论,构造产品自动设计理论模型进行了软件系统实现

    Based the generalized locating principle and the decomposition and reconstruction principle, the theoretical model of product design automation is developed and the software system also achieved.


  • 天线归一广义阻抗矩阵表示单元分析了考虑单元互耦效应自适应天线协方差矩阵的特点

    By using the arrays normalized general impedance matrix to express the mutual coupling between the elements, the characteristics of the covariance matrix of the adaptive arrays are analyzed.


  • 因此我们针对非线性特性,采用非线性函数全局I/O线性方法提出了具有非线性补偿广义预测控制算法

    So with the wide I/O linearization method of nonlinear reverse function, the generalized prediction control algorithm with dead area nonlinear compensation is suggested.


  • 是否采用形式方法是存在于广义语言逻辑狭义语言逻辑之间激烈论争。

    There is a heated dispute between the logic of language in broad sense and the one in narrow sense on the application of the method of formalization.


  • 俄国所有派别即最广义粹主义共同特征信仰崇尚“人民”,“平民崇拜反对崇拜;

    The common characteristic of Populism in broad sense was to believe and advocate "people", fight against worship of culture with "worship of common people".


  • 文章通过对汉语量词英语单位名词语法现象的描述证实广义隐喻语法的驱使力量。

    This paper describes the grammaticalization of Chinese classifiers and English unit nouns to prove that metaphors in general sense are the main cause of grammaticalization.


  • 杂交有效地提高了杂交应力广义杂交元精度计算效率

    The present method can be adopted for improving computational efficiency and accuracy of the stress hybrid element and the generalized hybrid element.


  • 广义模糊粒本体理论必然知识工程人机通信人类思维领域发挥重要作用

    The generalized fuzzy-granulation-ontology theory certainly can play a important role in the domain of knowledge engineering? Man-machine communication, mankind thought and so on.


  • 孔隙压力广义应变之间关系可以用双曲线表示

    The results also showed that the relationship between the normalized pore water pressure and the generalized strain fit the bilinear model.


  • 然后利用输入输出线性方法给出广义非线性系统自适应控制方法;

    The boundary of the tracking error is guaranteed. Then, by using the technique of input-output linearization, the stable adaptive control method for general nonlinear systems is proposed.


  • 然后每一个采样系统进行局部动态线性,根据得到的系统线性模型对系统采取广义预测控制GPC)方法得到当前的控制动作

    Local dynamic linearization is applied to the system at each sampling point. Then control action is gained using generalized predictive control (GPC) based on the linearized model.


  • 广义模块产品设计通过柔性模块选择派生组合完成

    Generalized modular design is based on the choice, derivation and assemblage of the flexible module.


  • 广义方法模糊权值和模糊评判值归一处理,使评判结果能够落给定的区间内。

    With a general method normalizing fuzzy weight fuzzy evaluation index realizes the result in a limited interval.


  • 通过广义条件对称方法得到了对称精确

    Its symmetry reduction and exact solutions are obtained through the generalized conditional symmetry approach.


  • 采用输出信号广义高斯分布近似基于信息最小目标函数适应调整均衡器系数

    Based on method of minimizing of mutual information and approximated generalized Gaussian distribution of equalized output signal, the equalizer changes its coefficients adaptively.


  • 因此广义的横断山地区粉条儿菜属东亚分布中心多样中心。

    Therefore, generalized Hengduan Mountains Region is the distribution and diversity centers in East Asia.


  • 首先分析总结目前产品参数设计技术研究现状探讨设计重用技术应用产品广义参数设计中的可行性

    Firstly, this paper analyses and summarizes presently research status of product parametric design. Next discuss the feasibility about to use design reuse in generalized parametric design.


  • 本文广义最小方差策略极点配置策略相结合并采用正则相对死区技术提出了一种自校正显式算法给出了鲁棒性分析,物理实验结果仿真结果。

    A self-tuning robust explicit algorithm with normalization and dead-zone is presented combining generalized minimum variance with pole-placement strategy , with the robustness discussed.


  • 非线性系统等价时变线性方法推广连续非线性系统,设计了连续非线性系统广义预测控制律

    The idea of the equivalent linearization is extended to a class of nonlinear continuous system. The continuous nonlinear generalized predictive controllers for the nonlinear system are designed.


  • 但是﹐就广义来说我们不能奉献﹐我们不能献祭﹐我们不能这块土地

    But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate — we can not consecrate — we can not hallow — this ground.


  • 本文主要研究了广义分散控制系统正则性,给出了可以正则一个充要条件

    In this short poper, the regularizability of descriptor decentralized systems is studied and a necessary and sufficient condition is given.


  • 提出一种正则广义ert图像重建算法利用ERT仿真软件得到数据进行图像重建

    A new ERT reconstruction algorithm based on regularized general inverse method is presented. Images are reconstructed using data got from ERT simulation software.


  • 基于分散滤波算法信息分配原理建立广义联邦滤波器设计理论

    Based on the decentralized filtering algorithm and information-sharing principle, the paper constructs a design theory for generalized federated filters.


  • 阐述了X列表内涵,并结合网络制造特点扩展广义工作中心概念

    The connotation of BOX was discussed and the concept of generalized work center was extended based on the characteristics of networked manufacturing.


  • 歧义性狭义广义,有层次之分,又有形式形式之分,确定它们界线重要的。

    Ambiguity is divided into broad sense and narrow sense or formalization and non-formalization or different hierarchy, as a result to determine their dividing is very important.


  • 歧义性狭义广义,有层次之分,又有形式形式之分,确定它们界线重要的。

    Ambiguity is divided into broad sense and narrow sense or formalization and non-formalization or different hierarchy, as a result to determine their dividing is very important.


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