• 那时我们家门口广叶茂橡树。

    There were two very large oak trees in front of our house with wide spreading branches and luxuriant foliage.


  • 朱克曼先生结交广

    Mrs. Zuckerman does not fraternize widely.


  • 作为一位睿智、具备政治家才干的州长广受尊崇

    He was widely respected as a wise and statesmanlike governor.


  • 研究成果世界广受赞誉。

    Her research findings are widely acclaimed in the world.


  • 《见字如面》125日播出第一以来,一直广受好评

    Since its first episode on Dec 5, Letters Alive has been widely praised.


  • 舒伯特说,国际合作越来越广圈子里传播思想一种方式

    Schubert says international collaboration is a way to spread ideas in wider and wider circles.


  • 投入努力越多整个学校参与范围越广结果可能有实效性

    The more effort put in and the wider the whole school involvement, the more substantial the results are likely to be.


  • 2016年125第一开播以来,《生动的字母》就广受好评

    Since its first episode on December 5, 2016, Letters Alive has been widely praised.


  • 任何作家都需要尽可能广阅读不可或缺支撑物——它不成。

    Any writer needs to read as much and as widely as they can; it's the one indispensable supporter—something you can't do without.


  • 大部分石灰岩砂岩蓄水层广可能含有不可再生的地下水。

    Most limestone and sandstone aquifers are deep and extensive but may contain groundwaters that are not being recharged.


  • 然而一生中也是英国重要的古典音乐评论家之一广受赞誉文体家,他的自传成了畅销书

    During his lifetime, though, he was also one of England's foremost classical-music critics, a stylist so widely admired that his Autobiography became a best-seller.


  • Fay 建议:“一切方法接触社交网络但是广撒网工作机会的时候,也要注意发出封邮件。”

    "By all means, reach out to your social network, but as you cast a wide net looking for job prospects, be conscious of every email you send," Fay suggests.


  • 我们的独特之处在我们一些雕塑其实所在地而作,而且我们展示雕塑的艺术家范围全国其他任何地方的都要广

    But we're unique in that some of our sculptures were actually created for the sites they occupy here, and we also show sculptures by a wider range of artists than anywhere else in the country.


  • 名叫广志,人们都广

    His name's Hiroshi but everyone calls him Hiro.


  • 克劳德是个有魅力见多识广伙伴

    Claude was a charming, sophisticated companion.


  • 有些作品翻译流传广

    Some writing travels badly in translation.


  • 玩意儿广口瓶挺好

    This gadget's great for opening jars.


  • 广播公司的纪录片《杜甫:中国最伟大的诗人》中,解释了几百年来杜甫的作品广受欢迎的原因。

    The BBC's documentary Du Fu: China's Greatest Poet explains why Du's works have been popular for centuries.


  • 是中国长距离运行的最快 EMU 列车,其最高速度可达350公里/小时。目前,G 型列车可以在3小时内跑完1068公里的武广高铁。

    This is the fastest EMU train running for long distances in China, the top speed of which could reach 350km/h. Currently, the G train could finish the 1068 kilometer Wuhan Guangzhou High-Speed Railway in 3 hours.


  • 款新产品很快广赞誉超好的质量迅速占领市场

    The new product is beyond all praise and has quickly taken over the market by virtue of its superior quality


  • 纵情享受甜食后,不要扔掉包装纸,而是保存一个广口瓶里。

    Instead of throwing away a wrapper after you indulge in something sweet, keep it in a jar.


  • 哈利波特系列小说出版广受欢迎,使J·K·罗琳获得极高的声誉。

    The publication of Harry Potter series has enjoyed great popularity, earning J. K. Rowling high reputation.


  • 月球一样,大型撞击陨石坑范围广可以显示出火星表面年龄

    As on the Moon, the extent of large impact cratering serves as an age indicator for the Martian surface.


  • 春天开始下蛋,冬天结束时带来广受欢迎蛋白质来源——鸡蛋。

    In spring, chickens start laying again, bringing a welcome source of protein at winter's end.


  • 今天在一起的海蒂·布朗写了广好评的军事史著作的历史学家

    With me today is Heidi Brown, a historian who has written five critically acclaimed books about military history.


  • 一些食品公司减少加工食品中的卡路里含量方面投入的努力并非认真,广被宣传

    There have been half hearted but well publicized efforts by some food companies to reduce calories in their processed foods.


  • 广受欢迎博客吝啬美食家》记录了托尼是如何平衡美食热爱救济金生活的。

    The hugely popular blog the Skint Foodie chronicles how Tony balances his love of good food with living on benefits.


  • 客厅里的大象就是家里的联网安全摄像头这一设备使用越来越广,有了它,人们在家就能安心了。

    The elephant in your living room is your Internet-connected security camera, a device people are increasingly using for peace of mind in their homes.


  • 亚马逊表示致力于广受欢迎的电子书阅读器Kindle 打造多种手机上阅读的电子书。

    Amazon said that it was working on making the titles for its popular e-book reader, the Kindle, available on a variety of mobile phones.


  • 游乐园中有许多广受欢迎游乐项目森林河流之旅及根据《玩具总动员》太空战警命名巴斯光年星际历险。

    The park will feature popular rides like Jungle River Cruise and a Buzz Lightyear Ride, named after the spaceman warrior in the movie "Toy Story".


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