• 分析动态降噪(DNR)模型提出改进方案

    Firstly, analyze the primary Dynamic noise reduction (DNR) model, and present an improvement project.


  • 协助饼房厨师长设计新的面包房计划提出改进方案

    To assist Pastry Chef with the planning and design of new Bakery Kitchens and improvement schemes.


  • 管理控制华尔街英语中心和办事处的IT资产提出改进方案

    Monitor, manage, control all WSI centers &MF IT assets, and provide optimization proposal.


  • 工作基本要求之一就是:“发现每一各项潜力提出改进方案

    A fundamental request in my work is "discovering" to discover the potentials of each location and increase them with the suggested solutions.


  • 因此本文针对渣浆耐磨涂层进行残余应力分析,提出改进方案

    Therefore, the residual thermal stress in the wear-resistant coatings on the slurry pumps' front guard plate is analyzed and the improved scheme is put forward.


  • 文章主要介绍了一起风机入口导流缺陷引起风机转子解体事故分析事故原因提出改进方案

    The article introduces an disintegration accident of the fan rotor which is caused by the defection of the guide ring, and analyzing the reasons and putting forward the improving measures as well.


  • 通过对比指出改进模型传统回购合同区别以及回购合同在执行存在的问题并提出改进方案

    It points out the difference between the traditional model and improved model and some problems during the execution of the Buy-back contract. It further makes Suggestions for improvement.


  • 本文目前国内外普遍采用加工工艺存在一些加工误差进行理论分析提出改进方案具体措施

    Some manufacturing error which exists in the present and universal making craft adopted everywhere has been analyzed. At the same time, some concrete measures have been taken in the paper.


  • 分析一个电子商务系统中认证中心商家客户三个实体关系,研究了电子商务的支付问题提出改进方案

    It analyzes the relation of authentication center, merchant and client, discusses the defrayment problem of E-commerce and puts forward a better scheme.


  • 通过分析液压工作过程找出机体受力最大部位然后运用UG软件对它进行有限元分析提出改进方案

    By analysing the process of hydraulic nail making machine, we find out which part under the biggest force and use UG do finite element analysis, then we promote improvement program.


  • 文章分析了导致设备出现故障几种液压设计缺陷提出改进方案

    This paper analyzed some hydraulic pressure design defects that cause the equipment breakdown, and proposed the improvement program.


  • 分析了济南市生活垃圾袋装化收运模式存在问题,提出相应的改进方案

    The problems of domestic waste bagging collection and transportation mode in Jinan city were analyzed, and the corresponding improving plan was put forward.


  • 本文台车气动蝶阀产生故障进行了分析提出改进方案

    This paper analyzes the failures of air operated double position butterfly valve used in car type furnace, and puts forward improving plan.


  • 目的BP学习算法中存在的大量局部极小以及收敛速度慢问题进行研究提出相应改进方案

    Aim To study the standard BP algorithms local minima and learning speed problems and propose the scheme for improvement.


  • 介绍大型焦炉边火道温度偏低原因针对其原因采取适当技术措施提出改进方案

    The reasons of lower temperature on end flue of high capacity coke oven are stated, the suitable technical measures are taken against these reasons and the improved proposal is given.


  • 分析电接点压力表控制电路弊端,提出改进方案

    The malady of control circuit of contact monometers is analysed and improvement plans are suggested.


  • 本文详细地说明该表结构制表原理使用方法提出该表改进方案

    This article gives a detailed description of the structure, principles and usage of the mentioned table. It also puts forward a scheme concerning the Improvement of this table.


  • 本文分析新型软横跨接触悬挂主要技术特点施工技术进行了研究提出可行改进方案

    The paper analyzes main technical characteristics of this new-type head span OCS, and the construction technique are studied, a viable improvement scheme is offered.


  • 基于三色模型保守垃圾回收算法进行了论述提出改进设计方案

    Moreover, this paper studies the tri-color model of the conservative garbage collection algorithm, and proposes the improvement of this module.


  • 分析了实验测量结果误差来源提出具体测量装置改进方案

    Finally, error sources of experimental results are analyzed and a specific program to improve the measurement device is put forward.


  • 本文分析部分高校实验考试方法存在问题提出改进方案

    In this paper we analysised the existent problem about the method of the experimental examine in some colleges, and an improved method was proposed.


  • 对于DJM10型六角温湿度检测箱)中存在的问题进行了分析,提出改进方案改进箱体标准装置

    The problems of DJM10 hexagonal cabinet (temperature and humidity testing cabinet) were analyzed and an improved scheme was put forward: improving cabinet body and standard device;


  • 本文绩效考评理论方法出发结合房地产公司具体状况,分析存在问题提出改进方案

    This thesis starts from performance examination theory and method, together with some idiographic case of Liji Real Estate Corporation, it analyzes existent problems and proposed modified plan.


  • 文章分析了直流接地引起主机停运原因提出改进方案实施防范措施

    This paper analyzes why dc system ground fault causes power unit outage and proposes improvement plans. The prevention measures are put into effect.


  • 文章分析了螺旋输送机出现故障的原因提出可行改进方案

    This article analyzes several reasons for these troubles, and give some feasible methods to improve its capabilities.


  • 本文利用大型有限元分析软件ALGORFEAS车架疲劳裂纹产生原因进行深入研究,提出改进方案

    In this paper, using the super FEM analysis software ALGOR FEAS, the reason for engendering fatigue crack of frame is studied deeply and the improved scheme is put forward.


  • 详细开展存储器ADDA供电电源、系统外围接口模块设计提出硬件改进方案

    In detail has developed module the and so on memory, AD, DA, electric power supply, system periphery connection design, and proposed on the hardware improvement program.


  • 讨论影响方法测量反射率精度因素提出相应改进方案

    Some factors that influence the accuracy of measuring reflectivity are discussed, and relevant steps for improving the experiment are given.


  • 本文中引入几个概念解释上述问题提出改进显示驱动方案提高显示屏显示质量

    This paper cites some concept to explain this problem, and give some solution to improve the displaying quality of image display.


  • 关键备件国产化从材质选择工艺的制订修理进行了分析,提出改进方案

    The material selection, working out the process and repairing method in reform of the precision forging machine to substitute with China-making spares are analyzed and improving plan proposed.


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