• 支持启发组织他生产的软件创建更好诊断校准工具

    He also champions and inspires organizations to create better diagnostic and calibration tools for the software he produces.


  • 众生相系列独特角度真实地记录了那段特殊历史启发人们思考。

    From a distinctive Angle, the figurative paintings solidly record this special period in history and are thought-provoking.


  • 出炉后曾科学界轰动一时,启发迈克尔·克莱顿写出了自己最畅销怪物克隆小说——《侏罗纪公园》,这本书发表1990年。

    The paper caused a stir in the scientific community and inspired Michael Crichton to write his best-selling dinosaur-cloning novel, Jurassic Park, which came out in 1990.


  • 据推测,荷约夫松的解释启发埃里克森鼓舞15之后格陵兰岛向西航行研究这些新大陆

    Herjólfsson supposedly inspired Erikson with his account, provoking him to sail west from Greenland in search of these new lands about 15 years later.


  • 但是如果一个漂亮整洁有组织工作区,你会得到启发完成工作。

    Whereas if you have a nice, tidy and organized workspace, you’ll be inspired to get work done.


  • 是因为灵魂独特歌曲带到了这个世界上,你启发他人也同样相信自己展现自己最好

    It is because you are bringing your soul's unique song to the world that you will inspire other people to also believe in themselves and bring out the best in them.


  • 对于那些这部电影受到启发首次切换植物饮食的人们,最佳建议什么

    Q: What is your best advice for those who see the film and are inspired to make the switch to a plant-based diet for the first time?


  • 一方面这项研究受到了1964年广为流传KittyGenovese谋杀案启发,几乎出现所有教科书上被认为是十分重要有学术影响力的。

    On one hand this study, inspired by the highly publicised murder of Kitty Genovese in 1964, is mentioned in every textbook and often dubbed 'seminal'.


  • 纤维化治疗给予我们新的启发我们提供检验新的治疗方法平台

    This will give us new insights for the treatment for liver fibrosis, and it will give us the platform to test new treatments.


  • 我们选择了这个指标以及后面即将介绍的指标,展示我们收集分析具体信息示例这些例子非常启发性。

    We chose to include this metric and the ones that follow to show examples of specific information that we gathered and analyzed, which was enlightening.


  • 只为图形设计者一个商业化的以图形设计为主广播业内专家面对面,获得启发听取建议

    For graphic Designers Only is a business minded graphic design focused broadcast which talks with industry experts to gain insight and give advice to the community.


  • 引导技巧,它能启发思考某些围绕着某些暗示创造改变后续表现

    Priming is a technique where you think about something or create some environmental cue that will alter your subsequent performance.


  • 通过检查借助一些启发技巧可以知道,明文实际上移动两个字符

    By examining the ciphertext, you can use a few heuristic tricks to figure out the plaintext has been shifted two characters.


  • 几十年以来重要印度绘画展览时代奇迹”足以使各专家们沉醉痴迷、乐在其中受益匪浅,同时也能够成为初学者所寻求一个启发灵感的入门导向。

    The most important Indian painting exhibition for decades, “Wonder of the Age” has much to engage, delight and educate specialists and is as inspiring an introduction as a neophyte could hope to find.


  • 苏格兰肯塔基旅行之后,受到个将蒸馏介绍给一个拥有上百个本地酒厂创造了坚固酒之旅的理念启发

    After trips to Scotland and Kentucky, he was bitten by the concept of introducing distilling to a region where hundreds of local wineries have created a solid base of alco-tourism.


  • 杰克逊英勇成功启发战士为国献身的精神指挥官来说,却是十分神秘很难取悦的人。

    Jackson's bravery and success inspired devotion from his soldiers, but to his officers, he was known as overly secretive and difficult to please.


  • 包括新的启发式应用帮助索引发现项目中的文件增加隐式引用重载操作符索引支持

    It includes new heuristics to help indexer find header files in projects, and has added index support for implicit references and overloaded operators.


  • 可见如何更好地解释实体行为需要提出物理术语的,使其具有启发性,清晰性,适用我们

    We can see that the explanation of how an object behaves might need to be put in non physical terms in order to be illuminating and the same clearly applies to us.


  • 索绪尔传统基本结构主义概念,启发塑造了赛义德,二元对立观点。

    This basic concept of structuralism in the Saussurian tradition is what creates, is what shapes binary arguments of the kind that one finds in Said.


  • 没有回避一点,承认写的所有角色都是受他自己性格中的某些特点启发来的。

    He doesn't shy away from this, admitting all his characters are inspired by traits of his own personality.


  • 上面清单19包括solve方法采用一种启发方法方法以下步骤组成。

    Listing 19 above includes a solve method and takes a simple heuristic approach that consists of the following steps.


  • 无声游戏提供一个塑造体验这些现象目击他们互动机会进而启发创作辨识技巧

    The Silent Game provides an opportunity to model some of these phenomena, play them out, and witness their interactions, thereby enlightening the mechanics of creation and recognition.


  • 作为接口设计研究成果Ben Shneiderman提出收集了一些经验启发而来,适用大多数交互系统的原则。

    As a result of Interface Design Studies, Ben Shneiderman proposed a collection of principles that are derived heuristically from experience and applicable in most interactive systems.


  • 那些有幸认识工作人们失去了个让人尊敬朋友一个启发人心良师益友

    Those of us who have been fortunate enough to know and work with Steve have lost an dear friend and an inspiring mentor.


  • 主题性角落众多黑板各类运动器材促进孩子积极性的可设备启发促进孩子们的热情

    Thematic nooks, numerous blackboards, sports equipment of all kinds, and the accessibility of equipment encourage children to be active, discovering and pursuing their passions.


  • 启发永远使我充满生活乐趣理想

    The ideals that inspired me and always filled me with the joy of living are goodness, beauty and truth.


  • 我们希望这个故事能够赋予启发激励我们更认真修行

    It is our wish that the story would serve as an inspiration to all readers and motivates everyone to practice hard.


  • 推理机构中,采用策略启发正向反向推理方法利用黑板结构作为公共动态数据

    In reasoning mechanism, two kinds of strategy: heuristic forward and backward reasoning method are adopted, and blackboard structure which is a common dynamic data area being applied.


  • 年轻人才包围很有启发的,我们踏足思考许多话题,而这些往往我们平常所忽视的。

    Being around young talent is creatively stimulating as we get introduced to, and made to think about, a range of topics that might have otherwise escaped our attention.


  • 年轻人才包围很有启发的,我们踏足思考许多话题,而这些往往我们平常所忽视的。

    Being around young talent is creatively stimulating as we get introduced to, and made to think about, a range of topics that might have otherwise escaped our attention.


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