• 还告诉我要小心对待它,并且记住我们的友谊。

    She also told me to be careful with it and remember our friendship.


  • 并且记住——允许解释证明。

    And remember-no explanations or justifications are allowed.


  • 收到名片时候,应该马上并且记住

    When you receive someone else's business card you should look at the card and acknowledge it.


  • 体会到数据库操作乐趣并且记住TMTOWTDI

    Have fun with your database operations and remember, TMTOWTDI!


  • 更加聪明工作包括学习新的信息并且记住它,保持脑部健康

    Getting smarter involves a combination of learning new information, retaining that information, and maintaing the health of your brain.


  • 并且记住的是商业指导,而不是生活指导,两者有很大区别

    And remember that you're looking for a business coach, not a life coach. There's a big difference.


  • 总是相信美好事物可能的并且记住错误可以通向发现课程

    Alwayss believe that good things are possible, and remember that mistakes can be lessons that lead to discoveries.


  • 你输两分(并且记住一点尝试,这一个很好的教训意味着以后无畏)。

    Lose two points (and remember that you got a point for trying-it's a good lesson meant to inspire fearlessness later.)


  • 有时候我们需要留心生活给予的警告并且记住事情未必有好的结局。

    Sometimes, we need to heed life's warnings and remember that things don't always work out well.


  • 并且记住如果一个女人那里感受到强烈的吸引力那么其他都重要

    And also remember: If a woman feels a strong ATTRACTION for you, then the rest of the equation isn't as important.


  • 例如描述了你如何快速学会几种语言并且记住很久以前影片场景般的生活细节

    You describe, for example, how you are able to quickly learn new languages, and remember scenes from years earlier in cinematic detail.


  • 那么,请大家来告诉并且记住它,认为哪个原子,应该氰化氢中间呢?

    So, why don't you go ahead and tell me, keeping that in mind, which atom in terms of h c or n would you expect to be in the center of hydrogen cyanide?


  • 200公顷保护区中的大多数筑巢用围栏隔开的:尊重限制并且记住企鹅造成严重咬伤

    Most nesting areas in the 200-hectare reserve are fenced off: respect the limits and remember that penguins can inflict serious bites.


  • 珍惜友谊,珍惜努力建立信任并且记住打动而朋友分享你隐私一刻。

    Value your friendship and the trust you've worked hard to build and remember that when you are tempted to share something that is private.


  • 伴侣讨论你的感受你的担忧并且记住,在哪里有需要,就有解决的办法

    Discuss all of your feelings and concerns with your partner, and remember that where there's a will, there's a way!


  • 不断赋予你自己新的生命与活力,并且记住生活总是不断检验处理能力勇气

    Continue to renew yourself and remember that life has a way of constantly testing your ability and courage to deal with it.


  • 只有死亡重试若干后,并且记住关卡布局后,你才有可能顺利过关

    After you've died and retried a dozen times and have the layout of the level memorized, you might be able to survive.


  • 为了帮助他们学会并且记住汉字总是想方设法寻找汉字与他们的文化相关的某种联系。

    In order to help them learn and memorize those characters, I always try to find someway to help them relate to something in their culture.


  • 只是希望封信时会我们安排看好并且记住我们的希望,在国外努力学习

    I just hope that when you read the letter, you will feel good about our arrangement and remember our wish and study hard abroad.


  • 暂时姿态程序使用,所以需要一些协助帮助用户理解程序功能并且记住如何控制程序。

    Transient posture applications aren't used frequently, so their users need more assistance understanding what the application does and remembering how to control it.


  • 那个摔跤教训-我们今天表现了真理追随者-能够有益学习并且记住心理。

    This is the lesson which the wrestler - and we present-day followers of the Buddha's Truth - can valuably learn and take to heart.


  • 就这样其它东西,日子了,最终似乎变成一种癖好。他知道了价格并且记住了。

    So he asked about other things, until finally, with the passing days, it seemed to become a mania with him. He learned the prices and remembered them.


  • 再次提醒保持眼睛打开并且记住看见MM因为你以后也许大厦其他部分遇见他们多次

    Again, keep your eyes open, and remember the women you see, since probably you will meet them several times later in the other parts of the building.


  • 所有指定文件命令允许用绝对路径或相对路径作为参数GDB总是他们转换为相对文件名并且记住他们。

    All file-specifying commands allow both absolute and relative file names as arguments. GDB always converts the file name to an absolute file name and remembers it that way.


  • 剑桥大学项研究发现一名领导人充满激情地演讲时,听众不会注意其传达信息并且记住内容很少

    A study by the University of Cambridge found that when a leader gave an inspiring speech filled with emotion, the audience was less likely to scrutinize the message and remembered less of the content.


  • 常常说话方式使听众发笑,因此慢一些并且记住扬扬眉毛或者做出一种相信的表情都会人们显示正在说笑话

    Often it's the delivery which causes the audience to smile, so speak slowly and remember that a raised eyebrow or an unbelieving look may help to show that you are making a light-hearted remark.


  • 常常说话方式使听众发笑,因此慢一些并且记住扬扬眉毛或者做出一种相信的表情都会人们显示正在说笑话

    Often it's the delivery which causes the audience to smile, so speak slowly and remember that a raised eyebrow or an unbelieving look may help to show that you are making a light-hearted remark.


- 来自原声例句

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