• 一些年纪稍轻开始相互雪球

    Some of the younger men began to pelt one another with snowballs.


  • 这些测验使年纪较大受到歧视

    The tests discriminate unfairly against older people.


  • 一个年纪大些的女孩友善

    An older girl befriended me.


  • 好起来的。年纪很快痊愈

    He's going to be just fine. At his age he'll heal in no time.


  • 我们年纪越大,学习就变得越来越困难

    Learning becomes more and more difficult as we get older.


  • 年纪越大疼痛就越多

    You get more aches and pains as you get older.


  • 其中一个年纪最大参赛者赢得个人银牌

    One of the oldest competitors won the individual silver medal.


  • 年纪更小一些时曾闹着玩似地过当演员。

    She flirted with the idea of becoming an actress when she was younger.


  • 人们年轻常常开放年纪越大保守

    People tend to be more liberal when they're young and more conservative as they get older.


  • 年纪较大司机骨骼易碎而可能会受重伤

    Older drivers are more likely to be seriously injured because of the fragility of their bones.


  • 特洛伊以年纪来说非常聪明的而且已经明白了智取的方法。

    Troy was very wise for his age and had already figured out ways to outsmart her.


  • 眼球晶状体柔韧性随着年龄增长而降低因此普遍情况随着我们年纪变老,我们视力就变差。

    The flexibility of the lens decreases with age; it is therefore common for our sight to worsen as we get older.


  • 看起来年纪更大

    It makes yourself look older.


  • 如果餐桌年纪更大应该

    You're not supposed to start eating first if there are older people at the table.


  • 极有音乐天赋小小年纪就成为了小提琴家。

    She has a great gift for music, which makes her a great violinist at a young age.


  • 但是一旦失业年纪工人很难找到工作。

    But once out of a job, older workers have a much harder time finding another one.


  • 你们这个年纪时候没有电脑,也没有电子游戏

    When I was your age, there weren't any computers or video games.


  • 年轻人离开家去了城镇留下我们这些年纪种田

    The young go away to towns and cities, leaving us old people to work on the land.


  • 他们来说转变思维过程并不年纪更大学生那样困难

    It's not as hard for them to transform their thought processes as it is for older students.


  • 姐妹俩英俊害羞男孩劳里做了自我介绍,劳里和年纪相仿

    The sisters introduce themselves to the handsome shy boy, Laurie, who is the age of Jo.


  • 这位年长些的宇智波很容易屈从弟弟请求实际上年纪不大

    The older Uchiha could easily submit to his brother's request, in fact, he was not old.


  • 狄奥多西儿子孙子,在缺乏年长顾问帮助下,掌权年纪太小

    The sons and grandsons of Theodosius were too young when they came to power to rule without the assistance of older advisors.


  • 兄弟姐妹最小的妹妹适合年纪最大的哥哥,男方开心地纵容女方这些特质

    The youngest sister of brothers is best matched with an oldest brother of sisters, who will happily indulge these traits.


  • 上了年纪很容易变得与社会隔绝

    Elderly people easily become socially isolated.


  • 曾祖母年纪大了,看上去像个巫婆。

    My great-grandmother was old and witchy looking.


  • 估计年纪50左右。

    I judged him to be about 50.


  • 小小年纪涉世未深实在还不该处理这样问题

    She shouldn't be having to deal with problems like this at such a tender age.


  • 上了年纪白天小睡一会儿然后晚上5个小时

    An elderly person may nap during the day and then sleep only five hours a night.


  • 参加活动人们仪式上点起了许多堆篝火,庆祝一周年纪念日

    Campaigners lit scores of bonfires in ceremonies to mark the anniversary.


  • 参加活动人们仪式上点起了许多堆篝火,庆祝一周年纪念日

    Campaigners lit scores of bonfires in ceremonies to mark the anniversary.


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