• 消化性溃疡发病见于<2龄、北方入伍、全训单位

    The attack of peptic ulcer is more common among the young soldiers who are from the north area of China and have been in the army for less than 2 years.


  • 为此国际社会做出承诺,致力于《2005- 2015行动框架建立国家社区抗灾能力》规定优先事项。

    Toward that end, the international community has committed itself to the priorities set out in the Hyogo Framework for Action 2005-2015: Building the resilience of the nations and communities.


  • 为了一名军官进入美国西点军校当了,1831,在入学被西点军校开除,那时,他已经出版了三部诗集。

    Poe served in the Army for two years, before entering the United States Military Academy at West Point to become an officer. He was dismissed from the academy in eighteen thirty-one after six months.


  • 但是上一次这里时候在2005,当时害怕的是罗林斯这些美国给杀了。

    But the last time I was in this area, in early 2005, my main fear was being killed by someone like Rawlings!


  • 代表,“火力侦察2009作战评估之后具备初步的作战能力

    The Fire Scout will reach initial Operating Capability soon after OpEval in 2009, says a representative.


  • 2002世行帮助这些机构进一步扩大了它们儿童提供援助和国际捐助机构一道为儿童特别项目提供了资助

    In 2002, the Bank helped the groups further develop their assistance for child soldiers and, along with international donors, provided funding for special child soldier projects.


  • 大约之后的今天,形式却看不出太多改善例如按计划伦敦地下铺设的数字无线电广播仍只是纸上谈

    Almost a year later, the situation has barely improved: a new digital radio network for London's underground, for example, is running behind schedule.


  • 2005他们举办库行动框架——世界上第一个关于建立抗灾社会会议

    And in 2005, they held the Hyogo Framework for Action, the world's first-ever conference on building disaster-resilient societies.


  • 替代能源研究企业排头——能源财经公司的最新研究表明,截止2009太阳能发电成本2008同期下降50%。

    New research by leading alternative energy research firm New Energy Finance finds that solar power will cost less by about 50% at the end of 2009 compared to the end of 2008.


  • ·马与美海军航空司令部2006签署的合同,正升级P - 3c的飞行器任务系统提供维护

    Lockheed Martin is upgrading the P-3Cs' aircraft and mission systems and providing maintenance under a 2006 contract from the U.S. Navy's Naval air systems Command.


  • 19646月27日,大象驮着一群美国巡逻,卖着沉重的脚步穿过越南丛林

    An American advised patrol plods through the Vietnamese jungle on June 27, 1964.


  • 1996加入海军,2000作为一等退伍

    He joined the Marines in 1996, and retired in 2000 as a lance corporal.


  • 是的,”波维里先生答道,“一八一六1817时候曾亲眼见过这个我们地牢里去时,总得同去行。”

    "Yes," replied M. DE Boville; "I myself had occasion to see this man in 1816 or 1817, and we could only go into his dungeon with a file of soldiers."


  • 20005月22以色列单方面黎巴嫩南部撤出队。

    On 22 May 2000, Israel unilaterally completed its withdrawal from the south of Lebanon.


  • 事实上儿童已经存在了上千比如古希腊巴达人,7岁男孩就要承担此重任。

    In fact, child soldiers have been around for millennia. The Spartans of ancient Greece, for example, relied heavily on boys as young as seven.


  • 200412月4刚果(金)瓦利卡莱地区来自迈迈14岁娃娃贝尼(Baeni)学校外面

    Baeni, 14, a child soldier from the Mai Mai, stands outside a school on Dec. 4, 2004, in Walikale district in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.


  • 火力侦察无人机于20038月美国陆军未来作战系统4级无人机系统。

    In August 2003, the Fire Scout was selected as the Class IV UAS for the Army's Future Combat Systems.


  • 199611月28日靠近刚果(金)戈马扎伊尔图西族叛军娃娃叶子中埋伏。

    A Zairian Tutsi rebel child soldier takes up a hidden position in foliage on Nov. 28, 1996, near Goma, Democratic Republic of the Congo.


  • 1943,驻扎英国美国陆军航空(USAAF)第8航空队下属的轰炸机大队面临着场危机

    By the autumn of 1943 the bomber groups of the Eighth US Army Air Force (USAAF) based in England faced a crisis.


  • 位于加利福尼亚州中国基地的海军航空作战中心武器分部授予Symetrics工业公司5合同

    The Naval Air Warfare Center, Weapons Division in China Lake, Calif., awarded the contract, which has a five-year period of performance.


  • 尽管美国失业率徘徊在9.2%居高不下,但83%美国初创公司已计划2011买马

    Despite U.S. unemployment hovering around 9.2%, 83% of U.S. start-ups plan to hire in 2011. (Mashable)


  • Williams和平时期曾最后20世纪60后期加州大学洛杉矶分校获得博士学位迅速成为抢手研究员公共知识分子

    Drafted into the peacetime Army, Williams eventually earned a PhD from UCLA in the late 1960s and quickly became a sought-after researcher and public intellectual.


  • 1863美国内战中期国会通过了项要求所有2045美国男人必须服义务法律

    In 1863, in the midst of the Civil War, Congress passed a conscription law making all men between twenty and forty-five years of age liable for military service.


  • 根据份美国海军航空武器系统部训练系统分部授予的为期,总价值6800万美元的合同Fidelity技术公司海军飞行员飞行官员提供教室仿真训练。

    Fidelity Technologies Corp. will provide classroom and simulation training for naval aviators and flight officers under a new five-year, $68 million contract with the NAVAIR Training Systems Division.


  • 咨询公司咸永道会计师事务所(PricewaterhouseCoopers)预计2013北美洲有6%消费者直接购买书籍量为电子书籍所取代 ,比比例提高了1.5%(如图所示)。

    PricewaterhouseCoopers, a consultancy, reckons e-books will represent about 6% of consumer book sales in North America by 2013, up from 1.5% last year (see chart).


  • 咨询公司咸永道会计师事务所(PricewaterhouseCoopers)预计2013北美洲有6%消费者直接购买书籍量为电子书籍所取代 ,比比例提高了1.5%(如图所示)。

    PricewaterhouseCoopers, a consultancy, reckons e-books will represent about 6% of consumer book sales in North America by 2013, up from 1.5% last year (see chart).


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