• 果你认为幽默只是一种可有可无的娱乐形式,那你就忽略了幽默最大的好处:幽默能让长相平平的人看起来更可爱,也能让呆板无趣的人看起来更有趣。

    If you see humor as an optional form of entertainment, you're missing some of its biggest benefits: humor makes average-looking people look cute and uninteresting people seem entertaining.


  • 2006年电影穿普拉达的女王》中,梅利·斯特里普扮演米兰达·普里斯特利训斥那位相貌平平的助理因为这位助理认为高级时装自己影响不大。

    In the 2006 film version of The Devil Wears Prada, Miranda Priestly, played by Meryl Streep, scolds her unattractive assistant for imagining that high fashion doesn't affect her.


  • 但是通常业务量平平的业务可以通过审视自身来改善。

    But often, a business that's flatlined can be fixed by looking in your own back yard.


  • 男人注重外表错过很多长相平平的女生

    Man is too focused on appearance, but missed a lot of good-looking girls.


  • 眼睛低垂地看着磨损的鞋子趿拉着平平的地板

    I kept my eyes low, watching my scuffed dark loafers pad across the tiled floor.


  • 突然生病,所以一位相貌平平的朋友假装成前去相亲。

    So her unattractive friend pretends to be her and goes in her stead.


  • 研究表明她们总是相貌平平的同事容易获得升职机会。

    Studies have shown that they are more likely to be promoted than their plain-Jane colleagues.


  • 相比去年同期数字,现在即使表现平平的数字看起来也是不错

    Even mediocre performances now may look good against the backdrop of 2008.


  • 山沟填平了背一样成了一片片平平的雪铺的广场

    The snow Valley is filled, and the mountain high, large square became a piece of flat snow shop.


  • 广告商们为什么聘用丑女或者相貌平平的模特推广他们产品呢?

    Of course they don't; why would advertisers hire ugly or average-looking models to promote their products?


  • 你们主人的,要公公平平的仆人,因为知道你们一位天上

    Masters, give unto your servants that which is just and equal; knowing that ye also have a Master in heaven.


  • 一些学校甚至体育老师地理老师来那些年纪较小、能力平平的学生数学课

    Some schools are even putting PE and geography teachers in maths rooms to teach younger or less abled pupils.


  • 相反研究者们发现相貌出众的四十多岁的白人政客往往在投票中胜出那些相貌平平的

    Instead, researchers found that pretty forty-something white politicians out-polled ugly forty-something white politicians.


  • 小屋中央另有一平平的当做桌子石板,桌上放着那个男孩扛着的那个包。

    In the middle of the hut was another large flat stone which was used as a table, and on it was the bag the boy had been carrying.


  • 小说《水浒传》中,潘金莲美丽爱财的妻子丈夫,相貌平平的武大郎不忠。

    In the novel Water Margin, Pan Jinlian, a beautiful money-loving wife, cheats on her husband Wu Dalang, who is relatively more unattractive.


  • 而新建筑背面转化一个现代功能化的建筑形式,平平的屋顶为不是农舍似的坡屋顶。

    Towards the back of the building, it transforms into a modernistic, functional building, with a flat roof, instead of a farm.


  • 作为财政部抨击的回应,标准普尔随后发布措辞平平的声明反击批评,“评级决定没有影响”。

    Defending itself against attack by the Treasury, S&P later issued a statement flatly rebuting the criticism, saying it "had no impact on the rating decision".


  • 一项调查显示好的长相带来较高的薪水对于长相或容貌平平的女孩们来说的确是个打击

    It is a blow for the Ugly Bettys and Plain Janes - research shows that good looks lead to better pay.


  • 我们暂且叫这个相貌平平的男人为安托万吧,他将87位年龄1820岁之间的女人聊天,谈论几种食品

    Then that average Antoine talked about a couple of food products with 87 different women, aged 18 to 20.


  • 在经历场变现平平的比赛之后詹姆斯韦德和波什拿下了热火98中的83分,45个篮板中的35个

    One game after their worst performance as a threesome, James, Wade and Bosh had 83 of Miami's 98 points and 35 of its 45 rebounds.


  • 英国汽车厂商满足国内市场生产质量平平的汽车时,劳斯莱斯成功地一个英国公司转型全球化的公司。

    Whereas British car firms once contented themselves with making shoddy cars for the domestic market, Rolls-Royce has transformed itself from a British firm into a global one.


  • 这个赛季由于利物浦财政危机导致成为利物浦战绩平平的原因,而尼·斯特没有带来资金增强队伍

    Liverpool's financial situation has been cited as a reason for the team's lacklustre first half to this season, with Benitez not given the funds to strengthen his squad.


  • 深色布兰德”,浅紫的花朵,还有棒的“烟紫”,平平的花瓣凸显了色调的饱和的可爱

    For the dark tones, I chose 'Blenda Purple', a bright, mauve-purple colour and a Gompie Super, 'Smokey Purple' with a slatiness to the saturated colour and lovely for it.


  • 如今丈夫也葬同一个地点他们竖立简单石碑它们脚下也各有一块平平的石,作为坟墓标志

    Her husband lies in the same spot now; and they have each a simple headstone above, and a plain grey block at their feet, to mark the graves.


  • 小说《水浒传》中,潘金莲美丽爱财的妻子丈夫,相貌平平的武大郎不忠。最终甚至杀害了

    In the novel Water Margin, Pan Jinlian, a beautiful money-loving wife, cheats on her husband Wu Dalang, who is relatively more unattractive. She eventually kills him.


  • 而凯文史密斯本人第十五楼介入了讨论,电影首周平平的票房做出一个颇为公正的解释,也说了其票房潜力不菲。

    Kevin Smith himself stepped in at comment #15 with an even-handed explanation of the movie’s mediocre reception and profit potential.


  • 经历了70年代几部反响平平的电影后,罗伯茨1981年遭遇了一次可怕的车祸,使陷入昏迷3而且严重破相

    After a handful of mildly successful films in the '70s, Roberts was in a horrible crash in 1981 which put him in a coma for 3 days and significantly altered his appearance.


  • 一部纪录片显示餐厅会对顾客外表进行排序外表养眼安排的座位,把相貌平平的安排在靠后的座位。

    A documentary has exposed how restaurants rank customers according to looks - and place the people they deem to be pleasing to the eye at the front while hiding the less attractive ones at the back.


  • 一部纪录片显示餐厅会对顾客外表进行排序外表养眼安排的座位,把相貌平平的安排在靠后的座位。

    A documentary has exposed how restaurants rank customers according to looks - and place the people they deem to be pleasing to the eye at the front while hiding the less attractive ones at the back.


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