• 一定程度上,比如根据购买力平价汇率美元欧元依然贬值。

    On some measures, such as purchasing-power parity, the greenback still looks cheap against the euro.


  • 仅就如何选取测算购买力平价汇率产品这一问题,我们就收到了各种各样的建议——可口可乐灌装再到手机费车费可谓五花八门

    We received many Suggestions for different products with which to calculate exchange rates at purchasing-power parity, ranging from Coca-Cola and bottled water to mobile-phone charges and taxi fares.


  • 由于汇率不必由黄金平价决定,前者可以通过降低利率刺激消费

    Freed from the need to uphold a gold-price parity, these countries could lower interest rates and so stimulate spending.


  • 这些收入数据不是按照市场汇率计算出而是根据购买力平价(PPPs)系数计算得出,考虑日本较高生活成本因素。

    These incomes are converted not at market exchange rates, but at purchasing-power parities (PPPs), which take account of the higher cost of living in Japan.


  • 暗含其中购买力平价理论我们汉堡标准汉堡美元价格每个国家都保持一致汇率

    The implied PPP, our hamburger standard, is the exchange rate that makes the dollar price of a burger the same in each country.


  • 使世界各地巨无霸售价都统一折算成相同美元数的汇率我们尺度

    The exchange rate that leaves a Big Mac costing the same in dollars everywhere is our fair-value yardstick.


  • 巨无霸指数建立购买力平价理论基础上。 购买力平价理论认为,汇率应该使得一揽子商品价格各个国家都相同

    The Big Mac Index is based on the theory of purchasing-power parity (PPP), which says that exchange rates should move to make the price of a basket of goods the same in each country.


  • 指数购买力平价PPP这一概念基础产生,购买力平价货币使商品价格各个国家保持一致汇率兑换。

    The index is based on the idea of purchasing-power parity (PPP), which says currencies should trade at the rate that makes the price of goods the same in each country.


  • 然而购买力平价确定不同收入水平汇率没有作用

    But PPP is not useful for determining the optimal exchange rate between two countries of such different levels of income.


  • 基于购买力平价理论也就是说汇率应该使不同国家篮子商品价格达到均衡。

    It is based on the theory of purchasing-power parity (PPP), which says that exchange rates should equalise the price of a basket of goods in each country.


  • 基础购买力平价理论理论认为汇率保持篮子消费品任何两个国家价格相同。

    It is based on the theory of purchasing-power parity (PPP), which says that exchange rates should equalise the price of a basket of goods in any two countries.


  • 巨无霸指数基于购买力平价理论,该理论认为汇率应该使不同国家一揽子商品价格相等

    THE Big Mac index is based on the theory of purchasing-power parity (PPP)—exchange rates should equalise the price of a basket of goods in different countries.


  • 指数基于购买力评价理论确立,根据购买力平价理论长期汇率应当调整使同样篮子商品价格相同

    It is based on the theory of purchasing-power parity (PPP), which argues that in the long run exchange rates should move to equalise the price of an identical basket of goods between two countries.


  • 巨无霸指数购买力平价理论基础。根据理论,汇率调整均衡全球范围内篮子食物服务价格

    The Big Mac index is based on the theory of purchasing-power parity (PPP), according to which exchange rates should adjust to equalise the price of a basket of goods and services around the world.


  • 本文依据购买力平价理论分析人民币升值汇率走势指出人民币升值我国出口企业造成的短期长期影响

    The paper firstly analyses the appreciation and trend of RMB on the basis of purchase power parity, and points out short-term & long-term influences upon export enterprises.


  • 经济学人巨无霸指数提供了一个粗略估测方法,计算汇率和购买力平价相差多少

    The Economist's Big Mac index offers a crude estimate of how far exchange rates are from PPP.


  • 最后运用动态购买力平价理论分析得出升值人民币汇率长期趋势

    Finally, this paper points out that the appreciation will be the lasting trend of the exchange rate of RMB by dynamic purchasing power parity theory.


  • 利率平价理论阐述国内外利率水平差异一国货币汇率起决定作用基本学说

    Interest rate parity theory is the basic theory describing the decisive role of divergence in domestic and foreign interest rates to currency exchange rate of a country.


  • 理论上讲,每次放宽流动性一种货币产生某种负面作用因为可能造成通货膨胀上升期望因而会改变今后汇率购买力平价

    In theory, an easing of liquidity should have a negative impact on a currency, as it may cause inflation expectations to rise and thus alter the future purchasing power parity of the exchange rate.


  • 面临欧洲美国再次陷入衰退可能性与日俱增澳大利亚央行几乎肯定结束紧缩政策周期澳元兑美元汇率长期平价上方波动的趋势将结束。

    But faced with the growing likelihood of recession in Europe and the U. S., the RBA's cycle of tightening policy is almost certainly over, and with it the Aussie dollar's long run above parity.


  • 指数理论基础购买力平价权力,表示汇率迁出使价格与一篮子的商品一个国家都相同。

    The index is based on the theory of purchasing-power parity, which says that exchange rates should move to make the price of a basket of goods the same in each country.


  • 在1923年凯恩斯提出解释远期汇率的“利率平价说”中首次引入了无套利原理

    It is Keynes who in 1923 first introduced no arbitrage principle to explain interest parity.


  • 购买力平价(PPP)――非市场汇率――视为衡量相对生活成本更好尺度,因为的衡量基础各个家庭本国货币所能购买商品服务

    PPP, rather than market exchange rates, is regarded as a better measure of the relative cost of living, since it is based on goods and services households can buy with their domestic currency.


  • 再利用修正过购买力平价理论,测算人民币真实汇率并且具体分析名义汇率补贴工资政策真实汇率的变化趋势。

    Then work out the real exchange rate of Renminbi by adjusted purchasing power parity and analyze the nominal exchange rate, subsidy and wage policy's effects on real exchange rate respectively.


  • 检验结果普遍支持购买力平价可以认为人民币汇率长期基础合理

    The results of the tests generally support PPP, which make us believe that the exchange rates of RMB are reasonable in the long run.


  • 比较价格水平用来衡量汇率购买力平价法测算各国GDP水平偏差程度指标

    Comparative Price Level is the index for measuring the warp of GDP between the rate and the Purchasing Power Parity (PPP).


  • 实际汇率反映具有均衡性质的购买力平价偏离,成为判定一国汇率水平高低标准。

    The real rate of exchange reflects the deviation the purchasing power par with a balanced nature.


  • 实际汇率反映具有均衡性质的购买力平价偏离,成为判定一国汇率水平高低标准。

    The real rate of exchange reflects the deviation the purchasing power par with a balanced nature.


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