• 4名工人今年最初27个星期12个星期无事可

    4,000 workers have been idle for 12 of the first 27 weeks of this year.


  • 没有非常了解为什么冰架这么迅速融化没人知道格林兰冰架上的一个覆盖6平方融水24小时内——在2006确实发生了

    No one quite knows why glaciers and ice shelves are melting so fast, or how a meltwater lake on the Greenland ice sheet covering six square kilometres could drain away in 24 hours, as it did in 2006.


  • 媒体巨头中的一家我们感到温暖舒适名牌节目。这些节目使我们感情上忘得二净过去保持联系

    Each of our Great Big Media Companies has thousands of brands that make us feel all warm and toasty and provide an emotional connection to a past that nobody can actually remember.


  • 人人都巴望这么,那只能这么了;我感觉得到多人的意愿在顶着我,让我无法抗拒,只能向前。

    The people expected it of me and I had got to do it; I could feel their two thousand wills pressing me forward, irresistibly.


  • 2007年,印度商人维诺德·普恩米亚孟买之间(两地距离超过140)骑车与名为皇后”的火车较高下而扬名立万。

    In 2007 Vinod Punmiya, an Indian businessman, made his name by racing against a train known as the "Deccan Queen" over the 140km between Pune and Mumbai.


  • 令人惊讶的是竟挺立了许久,由于大量修补沙,竟抵挡攻击。

    The walls last a surprisingly long time, resisting the lapping tide with the help of energetic patching and fresh buckets of dry sand.


  • 因此,查特基博士认为一个直径40物体印度海岸撞击地球,造成德地盾喷发大量熔岩

    Dr Chatterjee therefore suggests that an object 40km in diameter hit the Earth off the coast of India and forced vast quantities of lava out of the Deccan Traps.


  • 他们已经年了

    They've been doing it for thousands of years.


  • 所以看到屋主建筑商们向法院和联邦法院提出成百的份诉讼案不足为怪了。目前最新的问题是什么呢?那就是美国制造也可能受到了污染。

    It's no wonder homeowners and builders have filed hundreds of lawsuits in state and federal courts. The latest wrinkle? American-made drywall may be contaminated too.


  • 证据表明人类早在一万一五百年前就已经穿越了阿拉斯加-这个人类DNA样品取自一个可追溯到一万四三百年前俄勒冈山洞里粪便

    There is evidence people passed through Alaska much earlier than 11, 500 years agoas human DNA was taken from dried excrement in Oregon caves that dated back 14, 300 years.


  • 每年泼水节(又称“宋节”),上万生活大城市泰国人都会骑摩托返乡,家人团聚他们通常不戴安全头盔

    During the annual Songkran holiday, thousands of Thais take to the road on motorbikes - often without helmets - to return to their home villages from the big cities to reunite with families.


  • 蒙语”,意即灯节

    Mongolian says "Ming dry zhuo pull", meaning thousand lamp that Lantern Festival.


  • 洛汗的盔甲的时候22湿的时候重24克。

    Rohan armor weighed 22 kilograms dry and 24 wet.


  • 重庆古镇之一具有200多年豆腐制作历史享有中国豆腐”的美称!

    Chongqing are one of the Millennium town with more than 200 years of history, tofu production, enjoy "township of Chinese tofu," the name!


  • 笙歌散尽,相顾无言年年肠断处,不寻常

    Song of the Flute cleared, thousands of miles urging, the same care for silent tears have dried material was heartbroken Department every year, unusual.


  • 常年累月“期船上篇一律地美国于是我们去美国港口很多

    Long-term tired moonses in" one rent" ship do, runs in U. S. A. stereotypedly, then we have been to port of U. S.


  • 深层地热地球深层数米、温度更高深层地热能资源

    Deep geothermal energy refers to the higher-temperature heat or hot dry rock resources contained in the several-thousand-meter deeper earth stratum.


  • 几个公里之外吉林湖,职业捕捞者等到了工作季节开始

    Several months later, thousands of miles away, on Chagan Lake of Jilin province, a group of professional fishermen are starting their work season.


  • 分析师认为恒天然难以兑现2008至2009年度物质7新元承诺。这个数字已经低于2007至2008年度7.90新元的水平。

    Analysts say Fonterra will struggle to meet its promised 2008-2009 payout of NZ$7 per kilogram of milk solids, down from NZ$7.90 in 2007-2008.


  • 分析师认为恒天然难以兑现2008至2009年度物质7新元承诺。这个数字已经低于2007至2008年度7.90新元的水平。

    Analysts say Fonterra will struggle to meet its promised 2008-2009 payout of NZ$7 per kilogram of milk solids, down from NZ$7.90 in 2007-2008.


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